
Alex Salvatore(Teen wolf / The vampres diaries)

A boy reincarnates in a world he thought was fantasy like the middle brother of salvatore the cover not mine

Alexmorgan · Ti vi
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12 Chs


Hey, guys. it's kind of hard to be able to create the plot for the story and for my fragile ego to work better, I hope that if you can, you will vote with power Stone

enjoy the chapter



New Orleans was a city that was once a French colony. Today This city was dominated by three great factions of the supernatural world, Witches, Werewolves and Vampires

This city obtained its freedom in an attack of a powerful millennial vampire. Having survived the attack, the city began to rebuild itself and today there are many vampires, werewolves and witches fighting for power

of course, without the three factions knowing, they also had other supernatural species in the city, these kept their heads down, as they knew apart from dragons and some other select beings, no species could conflict with any powerful member of the three factions and win

This was something that the supernatural world learned 800 years ago when vampires spread out and werewolves began to migrate to Europe.

The supernatural world realized that day that they had enemies more difficult to defeat. before, it's most powerful were dragons and then witches

But, in a short time, two new species came into play. the supernatural beings of the West who were not dragons and other select beings felt cornered.

Even the most powerful supernatural beings that were mostly Lycans were alphas in their strongest forms only equivalent to a 100-year-old vampire or a weak Werewolf on the full moon

This shock caused the creatures of the supernatural world to hide not only from humans but also from the three factions.

Over time, the three factions forgot about the other supernatural beings and the other supernatural beings forgot about the three factions.


I have to admit that this city was bigger than I imagined.

"It's not a big deal," Lilian said nonchalantly "Why do we have to come here?"

"Business, my dear" I shoot back with a smile "we are going to take over the business I invested in the city"

"You could do this from Mystic Falls" Lilian says the obvious, looking annoyed

I shrug my shoulders and move on towards the city and wait for it to follow me. Seriously, after she gave birth. She got a lot more aggressive.

We kept walking until we found a building "Here we are"

We entered the building and arrived at my office, where, I sit in my cute chair that I made some woodworkers create

Lilian snorts and narrows his eyes at the building. I can hear a faint growl coming out of her throat.

"Is this serious? Salvatore Bordel" Lilian starts "A brothel? Alex?"

I looked at her keeping my best smile and said "yes, I thought about creating an alternative source of income in case the family businesses go bankrupt"

"Alex, everything is wrong," Lilian says with clear disappointment in her voice "Cade the girls? I only see old women here"

"She is called a milf and they are not that old" I said defending the workers who worked hard for me to have safe capital

* Sigh * Lilian relaxed her shoulders and put her hands on her chin as she looked curiously at my office. She then approaches me and sits at my table in front of me

If she hasn't been holding up one of our two kids I would think she was offering to have sex at the table

"Alex, they are not young, but, let's be realistic, in 3 to 10 years, they will no longer attract customers" Lilian says and stokes her chest leaving her well-endowed bust in evidence

"if you want to be a successful pimp, recruit the young women with a body that has everything on top, like this" Lilian speaks while using one of her hands to point at her own body and face "otherwise there will only be a few young people broken behind them "

"So, I'll leave the logistics part to you" I replied cheerfully, that was already my intention, I needed someone with experience in the business to deal with logic and Lilian has a lot of experience.

"just don't fire the milfs, they'll attract some innocent young boys," I asked her in all sincerity.

"Okay" Lilian replied with a dissatisfied snort "I will pretend that this is the reason and not why you felt sorry for them and welcomed them"

* Sigh * So she found out, Huh? as expected of her. I smile to myself and decide to go and recruit the potential employees of my enterprise

As I walked down the street, I felt the presence of some individuals following me. They were all werewolves, I didn't feel threatened since it wasn't a full moon and they didn't have their aura awake and they didn't even know how to make magecraft

Just in case, I left my magic circuits active and fed them enough aura to use C rank spells continuously up to 15 times.

As I walked around the city pretending I didn't notice my Stalkers, I saw a very beautiful girl with a bloated stomach. She wore rag clothes and seemed to be begging

{Her magic circles then half open} I thought surprised by the fact that there was someone other than me with the magic circuits open or almost. {Did Hades change this world for my arrival? or are magic circuits a multi-universe system?}

I honestly don't know the answer, but, I want this girl, she's interesting.

While I was looking at her, I made a point of just doing it out of the corner of my eye so as not to get the attention of my Stalkers. I didn't want such a raw talent to die or be recruited by an enemy because of a foolish mistake

I continued walking to a deserted part of the city and stopped. "Get out before I get you out"

"don't act like you've been in vampire control" I heard a woman's deep, provocative voice

"Who says I'm not?" I spoke in an equally provocative voice as I looked around me for the owner of the voice.

"* Snitch * you vampires don't let arrogance go" I heard the voice again only a little closer.

As I looked for her, I felt an impact on my back and was thrown forward. I fell rolling on the floor and got up on full alert

Cool, she's moving at super speed. which means that she is either a hybrid or an evolved werewolf.

* Smile * That would be a problem if it were someone else, but unfortunately for her, I am not a vampire any. I closed my eyes and used my aura to form a domain around me

* Steps * * steps *

"I found you," I said to myself and accelerated towards her.


Angelica Guerrera was following a new vampire in the city. She was ordered by her family to kill him. Angelica was not a fool and knew exactly the reason for this order.

Currently there is a silent war in the city, the protagonists of that war were vampires, witches and werewolves

All night long they fight for control of the city and the deaths have reached too many numbers. Of course, the one who was winning this war was the vampires.

Although most of them are young and because of that they are weaker than the stronger evolved werewolves, also because of their young age do not have a powerful magic resistance to fight the witches, they could increase their numbers by transforming humans.

This feature is something that witches and werewolves do not have as soon as they have been winning the war by number. Angelica knew it was only a matter of time before the vampires won the war and she also suspected that her alphas knew it too.

Since the alphas were sending their children out of town. Now the arrival of this new vampire ended up making things more unstable

Since they didn't know if this vampire was old or not, it was best to try to eliminate him soon. So they sent angelica to the mission.

She was a wolf who had the power equivalent to that of a 300-year-old vampire and was one of the strongest soldiers in the city's werewolf arsenal.

When she spotted the vampire and followed him, she realized she was taken to a deserted location.

{Did he discover me?} Angelica thought irritably {He also dared to take me to a deserted place, or he is old or stupid}

Angelica clicked her tongue and sped towards the vampire. She punched him in the back and threw him away.

{Damn, he's tough} Angelica thought as she looked at her wrist.

She sped up and up again before the vampire got up. she would not be able to defeat him. she planned to rip the vampire's heart out with that blow. But, her punch didn't go through his back

She knows that the older a vampire is the more durable and harder his body is and Angelica hits him with all her strength and the more the thrust of her speed.

She is now sure that her alphas were right to be concerned. This vampire is old, at least 400 years old. Oh my god, she had to inform her alphas about the strength of this vampire

Angelica ran at full speed to reach the wolves' HQ. Her family and bandage was in danger

"hey let's talk" Angelica heard the vampire's voice behind her and stopped running immediately. She turned at super speed and kicked the air after her.

Her kick hit the vampire in the head. however, she didn't even have time to smile because the vampire exploded in water and wet her whole

"What the fuck" Angelica screamed confused without understanding what had happened

* impact * She didn't have time to talk anymore because she was thrown to the side and flew a few meters before falling badly to the ground

"* Cough *" Angelica vomited blood and felt her vision go cloudy. She struggled to look at the vampire who was slowly approaching her.

All she could do was pray that the vampire would kill her quickly and not torture her or do worse things to her

The vampire came very close to her and knelt in front of her. He looked her right in the eye and said "I'm opening a brothel and I need girls to start, if you know any girl interested in having sex for money here is my card"

The vampire put a card inside the back of her shirt and disappeared. Angelica realizing that the vampire was gone relaxed her will and lost consciousness

luckily, Angelica did not pass out in a place of risk. She passed out on a very deserted street that was the "territory" of werewolves and vampires and witches, they didn't dare (had an interest) to go

so she won't be attacked tonight and if she gets lucky her healing factor will heal her before she dies from her injuries

to be continued

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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