
Alex Salvatore(Teen wolf / The vampres diaries)

A boy reincarnates in a world he thought was fantasy like the middle brother of salvatore the cover not mine

Alexmorgan · Ti vi
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12 Chs

Alex returns home and gets angry

We arrived at Mystic Falls in the middle of Wednesday night. The exact day might not seem important, but it was very important, this was the day of the celebration of the tribute to those who died at the end of the war.

I sent Leonardo home a month early into the care of one of the brothel keepers. She is my son's fine nanny while I'm gone

A perfect day to come home when there will be strangers in town. At the same time, the people will be more liberal in foreign affairs. That is, they will accept us.

Even though I'm a native of the city. there are still people who will see me with bad eyes due to my absence for so long.

Many may think I died and came back as a demon from hell. a few who know about vampires might think I'm a vampire, not that they're wrong


After 2 hours that is in Mystic Falls. It was a party with people having fun everywhere. A real festival, of course with polite people and old clothes

Well, that was an old-time. So the clothes made a lot of sense.

I talked to some people and played with others, quietly showing my presence in the city to some who knew me by sight.

I insisted on taking Lilian with me. She was my flag of arrival because everyone knew that the middle son of the Salvatore had married a beautiful whore with red hair.

After seeing the people and making my presence clear to everyone, I headed towards my house.

It was a fun place that had a lot of movement and people meeting inside. Most dark-skinned—all the ex-slaves I freed

I can still recognize some that are there. Some were fair-skinned. All appeared to be soldiers. probably from the north.

Who didn't stay at the city party since they were the ones who invaded the city? Changing the government and changing some rules. That is, they were not well-liked in the city and stayed in a more remote place.

I entered through the back of the mansion and went straight to my children's room. Lilian followed me straight ahead of me.

She showed a joy far greater than any she's had since we left town.


I licked my lips when Lilian opened the door to the children's room. I took a deep breath and entered

As my eyes drifted to the door, I saw a scene I won't forget for a long time.

"Miss Lilian, you're back!" A woman in maid clothes hugged Lilian crying with joy

I recognized the woman and laughed crossing my arms as I leaned against the wall happily, after looking over her shoulder to see my three children sleeping together.

"Karen-orulga, won't you hug me too" I laughed making a fake sad tone

"Young master, I missed you" Karen ran to me and hugged me too

Her grip was strong and full of life. I could feel the happiness in her bodily expressions. Her aura showed it too.

Yes, Karen was one of the former slaves I showed the aura to, she was also the only survivor who was able to use the ancient curse mark without dying. she was a genius.

She was also the person I trusted the most after Lilian, Emily, and...

forget it... I won't ruin my day. Today is a happy day. I will not be sad.

"How are they?" I looked at my sleeping children carefully

Karen looked back at the kids and put a smile on her face and got angry at me "Wonderful, Elina had some trouble with the people in town, but since she's her daughter ---"

"Who?" I asked squeezing my wrists "who dared to do something against my daughter"

My words came out colder than they normally would to the point that Lilian looked at me and sighed twice and Karen took a few steps back with a startled expression and a heavy breath.

*To break*

the next moment the window broke and a beautiful young woman. She was a young girl who had clothes a little too short to flaunt her beauty making her less beautiful.

she rolled on the floor with a knife in her hands. this was a trick some whores in the brothel used to get fewer customers when they weren't having a good day.

Wearing too few clothes extravagantly sometimes had the opposite effect. Yeah, she ended the mystery of what goes under the clothes.

that made men more passionate about sex and not idiots who just wanted heirs to want to take women's clothes off.

to finally earn the reward of having discovered the treasure.

"Young master Leo!" The woman screamed pointing the knife at me

"Master Alex?" The young woman said shocked "I'm sorry Master Alex, I didn't mean to show you the knife"

She knelt and stuck her head on the floor giving me a shock as to why she jumped out the window and when I looked at my hands I saw that my aura was active

"No! it's my fault! you did well" I threw up my hands angrily

with myself"Evangelina, you did very well and I see the dedication you have with my son! therefore, I will make you one of his possible brides, from now on, you are not allowed to be touched by any other man until him being able to have sexual reactions"

"what" Lilian screamed in shock and the shock turned to anger "why did you say that? my son doesn't have to get married!"

"Master, I can't, I'm black, I don't think--" Evangelina started to speak.

but, I interrupted her with a hard look "I don't remember permitting you to deny my order, I don't care about your skin color. I've decided that you will be one of his possible brides, you have no right to deny"

"Alex…" Lilian yelled at me and I looked at her sternly.

"Lilian, I love you, but don't meddle in my family's business! You're not allowed to give your opinion on that" I spoke firmly and coldly, making Lilian cringe" Lilian one thing is for you to give an opinion on an organization that you helped me to create. another thing is for you to give your opinion on the future of my family, we are understood"

Lilian stopped for a second and then waved. lowering his head "Sorry, I've crossed my limit"

It's good that she understands her place. I love Lilian and I've proven it many times, but, she has to remember why I married her.

I married her to annoy my father and not get stuck in a relationship where the partner would meddle in my family's business or the business that I do privately.

Unfortunately, or fortunately, I fell in love with her. Someone once said that love is born with time, in political or forced marriages.

That person was right. So in my private life, I allow her to have her say to a certain extent. in my actions and the actions of the organization she helped create

But in my family, neither she nor anyone else will ever be able to give an opinion.

"Fine, just don't do it anymore!" I spoke with a smile and turned my attention to Evangelina "I need Heirs for the Salvatore family and as you can see, I no longer have the ability to have children. But, I cannot allow strangers to marry my children, I have to have someone I trust"

"but, master and the will of master Leo" Evangelina lowered her head in fear and asked

"his will doesn't matter, his family is more important than his will," I said getting in front of her and putting my hand on her shoulder "Now, start wearing some clothes, more moderate since you are one of the brides. of a Salvatore"

"one of the brides?" Lilian asked with a frown "Alex our son is not a baby-making machine"

"Lilian…" I warned

"Lilian shit, I'm not talking about your family, I'm talking about our son" Lilian yelled back releasing her aura.

I thought about fighting back and using my aura to crush her for a few seconds so she could see who's boss, but my kids are here. I don't want to give them the same image my father gave me.

Lucky for you Lillian!

"Alright" I raised my hand "but, I need Heirs to run some branches of the brothel in other cities, unfortunately, Angelica will not be Salvatore's heir, she is a banshee and having many children is very exhausting for a woman and I wouldn't do that to a child of mine"

Lillian bit her lip

"Find a way to have children and I can handle it," Lilian said, hitting her chest "I'll give birth to thousands of children if I have to, just don't make our son a machine for getting pregnant women"

"no, if you have a lot of kids you'll get elastic, what's the point of sticking my dick in a golf hole" I commented with a grimace "Besides, you'll get sick and die"

"I don't care, I'll do the work, I take a potion. I'll do anything to keep the vagina tight! just don't do that to our son" Lilian screamed with tears in her eyes "My son is not an object that you can make him make decisions for him and decide his fate"

"Evangelina and Karen please leave the room and take the kids, I need to have a talk with Lilian" I looked at the two of them calmly and ordered them to leave. Karen looked at me warily"I guarantee I won't hurt her. Caren, please obey and Evangelina, what I said is valid, if you let yourself be touched by another man..."

"yes, young master, Madam, Evangelina, let's go" Karen looked at Evangelina and went to the two girls picking them up

Evangelina waved and took Leo on her lap. at two they left the room quickly

I sighed and went to Lilian placing my hand on the back of her head. She shivered and closed her eyes, expecting a blow. but all she got was me leaning my head on hers

"Lilian… I'm a vampire, if I find a way to have a child, other vampires will want it too and will put our children in danger!" I licked my lips speaking calmly and very gently, "I know you would do anything to protect our children. Me too, just make sure I'm not turning him into a baby-making machine, and I'll let you choose his brides, okay?"

"Ummm" She hunted moaning at the caress I gave her on the back of her neck.

Phew, another controlled crisis!