
Alex no demon volume 4(War arc)

Bossuzumaki0 · Võ hiệp
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60 Chs

Alex no demon volume 4 chapter 23

In an island with serena and sukuna having a devastating battle with Kirihai in which they were flying like beams of light while blasting powerful attacks at each other, causing the island to shake. Serena was blasting electric bullets at rapid fire while sukuna was throwing plasma beams non stop. Kirihai was running at an incredible speed as she was dodging their attacks. While she was doing this, she seemed to be having fun with a grin on her face as she says "Nice, really nice! You girls have definitely gotten stronger since the last time we fought! Now i can go all out!". Kirihai draws out her sword with the impact of the sword so powerful, it created a slash that made the water current around the Island to have a powerful tide. She zooms of at a very powerful speed as she appears behind serena and gives her a devastating kick that sent her flying around the island, sukuna powers up a powerful plasma beam as she launches it at Kirihai. Kirihai turns around with a smile on her face and uses her sword to deflect it back at her, serena and sukuna both get up as they began to move at the speed of light towards Kirihai. Kirihai then charges towards them at the same speed as they were moving like beams of light, with serena moving incredibly fast with her electricity, sukuna using her plasma to increase her speed and Kirihai being able to keep up with them as they start to create giant explosions all over the island that was destroying the entire island. As serena and sukuna were moving at such great speed with power, serena uses her electricity to form a giant fist around her hand and launches herself at Kirihai. Kirihai uses her sword to block the punch in which had a very strong force that shocked the entire Island, serena began to throw barrage of punches at Kirihai with her electricity while Kirihai was just blocking them with her sword. As Kirihai was blocking serena's attacks which were creating powerful electric currents causing explosions around the island, Kirihai grins as she says "Alright then, it's my turn!", as she kicks serena into the air, jumps in the air and starts to kick her around the sky continuously. She ends up delivering a final blow that sent serena to the ground. Kirihai then powers up a huge amount of energy on her sword as she releases a powerful slash at serena which caused a bigger explosion that wiped out a few mountains on the island. Sukuna flies out of nowhere as she uses a move called "Death beam" in which she blast a huge amount of plasma at Kirihai which sends her flying to the ground. Kirihai takes a backflip as she land on her two feet with a grin on her face and tells sukuna that she is very interesting. Sukuna blast another death beam at Kirihai but then Kirihai draws out her sword and says "Since we are both using special moves,I guess I'll have to use mine as well." Kirihai's sword then charges up a powerful amount of dark energy covered with purple destructive energy as she says to herself "Sorata, thanks for teaching me this! Destructive energy infusion: Devastating calamity". Kirihai releases a powerful beam that counters sukuna's attack, but as the attack was heading towards sukuna, sukuna quickly stretches out her hand in order to block it. Kirihai gets a flashback in which herself, shinki, sorata and kenji were in the grass lands together. Kenji says "Hey I have an idea, lets see who among us can create the biggest explosion!", shinki, sorata and Kirihai were confused as sorata asks him what he's talking about. Kenji then says "We dont really have much fun together, so I'm thinking that we should trying to doing something fun.". Sorata then asks how that has too do with creating the biggest explosion, shinki then smiles abit as he says "Oh I see! You want all of us to show what we are capable off at full power, so when we see each other's capabilities we can then try to make each other stronger." Kenji then responds "Yeah, you got it. You see, we might never know when we are going to die, seeing that we are now the world's strongest and deadliest criminal group so let's try to make each other stronger", sorata who didn't seem interested then says "Is this really necessary? I mean I get your point but this came so out of pocket, its wierd." Kirihai then tells sorata not to be a downer and that he should try to have fun abit. Shinki then says he will go firsts as he yells out "Overkill" with a huge amount of red energy bursting out of his body. Shinki then releases a huge and powerful beam that wiped out 12 mountains at once, Kirihai was abit surprised as she yells "Huh?! Wait!! That was crazy! I didn't think you were that strong, shinki!", Kenji then says "Well it's as expected from our supposed number one strongest." Sorata does a few stretches abit, saying that it's his turn, he powers up a huge amount of his purple destructive energy on his hands as he says "You know my condition. I cant really go all out very much, except I have to take the risk of burning myself" Sorata then blasts a huge wave of destructive energy causing a very huge explosion which ended up wiping out 2 mountains. Sorata's hands are releasing a large amount of smoke as his hands are burned. Kenji then says "Wow, you know you didn't need to go full power like that, are your arms okay?". Sorata responds "Nah it's fine I can manage it." Kenji then says it's his turn, as he gathers an powerful amount of lightning and fire, combined them together and then releases a blast so powerful that it destroyed half of a mountain and created a hole in another mountain, Kenji then says that he can do more but he really doesn't want to. Shinki and sorata with an annoyed expression then says "If you're not going all out then why bother!" Kirihai laughs abit as she says "Well it's my turn, get ready!" She draws out her sword as she powers up a huge amount of energy and creates a giant slash that caused a huge explosion. After the smoke clears, a giant crater is seen on the floor due to Kirihai's attack along with the nearby forest being destoyed. Shinki looking at it says that the damage she caused wasn't as big and powerful as theirs but atleast she tried. Kirihai sighs and says "Are you Kidding me! It's not as good as yours.", kenji then tells her "Its a pretty neat one but it's not as powerful as mine nor sorata and shinki, but you're pretty strong for a swords lady." Kirihai gets abit annoyed as she wants to use the same attack again, sorata then tells her too hold on. He uses his purple destructive energy to power up her sword and tells her to use the same move again. Kirihai with sorata's destructive energy flowing on her sword release a huge slash as it creates an even bigger explosion.