
Alex no demon volume 4(War arc)

Bossuzumaki0 · Action
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60 Chs

Alex no demon volume 4 chapter 22

Runo and the angel were flying in the air in which they were blasting powerful beams at each other while flying at an insane speed. Runo kept summoning giant missiles and laser cannons as she was blasting them at rapid fire at the angel, the angel was just using her sword to slice and shoot beams at runo's attacks to avoid them. Runo then summoned a blaster as she shoots out a powerful beam, the angel managed to dodge the attack but then before it knew what happened, it see's a barrage of beams flying at it. The angel began to fly and dodge them as she was able to use her sword and cut through them, she was able to keep up with the speed while dodging them. Runo appeared above her and uses the blaster to shoot out a very devastating beam which caused an explosion which laid waste to the mountains around them. While runo was standing above the smoke caused by her explosion, she says "This fight was abit harder than I thought but I guess I pulled through.". As runo turns back, a giant purple slash zooms in nearly hitting her, as it was able to slice two mountains at once along with the entire wastelands around them. Runo turns back In a state of shock as she see's the angel perfectly fine with the smoke screens clearing off. The angel then says "Threat targeted, initiating kill on sight!", as its swords charges up an even bigger amount of energy and its wings taking another form while the angel was realising a huge amount of energy. Runo was in shock as she says to herself "What was I thinking?! Obviously this fight wasn't going to be over so quickly. I guess I'll just have turn it up abit ". Runo summons two giant machine guns with magic circles rotating around it, she then blasts a huge and powerful bullets at the angel which were making huge explosions while being shot at rapid fire. The angel stretches out its sword to avoid the attack as it slices through them, the bullets then starts to fly to another direction as it wiped out a couple of mountains and forest. Kazui on the other hand was fighting with the huge shadow puppet in which he was blasting huge green flaming arrows at it, the shadows puppet was flying and dodging his attacks by punching them as it grabs one of the flaming arrows and then fire it back at kazui. Kazui kept shooting giant flame attacks as he was using his green flames to creat giant weapons like sword, razors and arrows. His attacks ended up blasting the monster through a few mountains, causing them to explode but the shadow puppet launches itself into the air with a giant piece of rock and launches it at him. Kazui with his green flames dashes into the giant rock, creats a sword with his flames and slices through it causing it to explode. As the giant shadow puppet was flying his way at full speed, kazui calls out "Burning oblivion" as he uses his green flames to form giant circles of green flames, in which they power up and join their attacks together and blast an intense and massive fire attack that completely burns the giant shadow puppet into ashes as well as the surrounding areas like the forest, mountains and part of the wasteland. Kazui just sighs as he says "Well that was fun, haven't had this much fun in ages. Although son could build up more heat than me despite how superior my fire control is too his. I better start training harder."Kazui floats down to the ground with his flaming coat and his hair turning back to normal. Luck while sitting on the top of a destroyed building then says "You're done already? Wasn't expecting it to be so fast.", kazui responds by saying "Yeah, I'm just glad I haven't grown weaker or else I would have had to push my limits. By the way were's tobi?" Luck then says "He's up there.", kazui looks up and see's giant explosions in the sky. He looks closer and see's tobi fighting with one of the other shadow puppets as they were flying like beams of light, kazui just sighs and says "Looks like we just have to stay here and wait for em! By the way luck, you wanna bang behind one of these buildings to pass out time? I'm really bored. This war has gotten me tired already." Luck responds "Nah. Imagine a new enemy catches us off guard! It'll be wierd. I'd say we wait for this whole thing to end and then bang out guts out afterwards."