
AKIRA: Her Royal Majesty

In the realm of 12 grand nations, each ruled by 12 different rulers, begins the journey of an illegitimate princess who has no idea of her true origin. Her name is Akira, a princess and a warrior, the illegitimate daughter of King Edward of Astrra. Ambitious all her life, she does everything to gain recognition from her father and the people. While other princesses attend balls and parties, she leads the entire Astra army in war and longs to sit on the throne of Astraa. She will do anything to gain her father's approval as the heir, but the queen holds the king's ear. With war looming, King Edward attempts to form an alliance with the Wraitmoor Nation, known as the most powerful and strongest nation, but they never reply to his letters. This leads him to seek an alliance with the Spook Nation, known for their barbaric traditions and wild behavior. The queen suggests offering Akira as a bride to their king. After returning from war, instead of being proclaimed as the heir, she is informed that her marriage has been arranged. But what happened when the Wraitmoor Nation finally replied to their letter? Will Akira be able to defy the destiny that is being forced on her and rise to her rightful position? Is it really true that the realm has no strange things happening around it and are all legends and myths really just folklore, or are they really true? Join me in uncovering the secret of the realm, which is being passed on as just myth and folklore. The realm is full of supernatural beings, somehow invisible to normal human eyes, but as the journey begins, history unfolds.

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13 Chs


The cheers and hurrays echoed through the air as the gates of Astrra flung open, revealing me and my triumphant army. I rode in with my head held high, my shoulders squared, as I had just won another battle. As I raised my left hand and waved to our people, the crowd's roars of happiness as they were all eager to touch me but were pulled back by the guards which clear paths for us.

Behind me was a procession of defeated enemies and war spoils. I looked back and saw the defeated king's head hing low in embarrassment and a smile crept through my lips; he should not blame me as this happened as a result of his defiant against warning.

As I rode to the palace, I breathe out a huge sigh of relief because I knew that I had accomplished something that no one else could, proving my capabilities to the nation and securing myself the position I had been dying to have.

I am Akira, the seventh Princess of Astrra and the illegitimate daughter of King Edward. Born to a slave, I was the king's unrecognized child, yet I carved my destiny with my own hand. At the tender age of seven, I first wielded a sword, and by twelve, I led my first battle, crushing our enemies beneath my command. As the commander of Astrra's armies, I became the pride of the nation, beloved and revered by all. I had never for once lost any battle.

Upon arriving at the palace gates, I dismounted my horse, the metallic clink of armor resonating in the air. With my two deputies behind me, wemade my way through the imposing palace door into the grand throne room where the king awaited.

"Princess Akira has arrived," the announcer proclaimed my presence.

The massive door swung open, revealing an opulence throne room with marbled floor, glided columns and filled with all officials and princesses. It was quite a pity that the kingdom had no princes.

With my head held high and a confident smile in my face, I marched towards the throne where the king sat with his queen beside him

"Father," I greeted, bowing my head and placing my right hand over my chest.

The king extended his hand to me, to which I quickly accepted and placed a respective kiss on, before turning to the queen with a slight bow.

"Mother." I said with a steady voice and she responded with a wide, creepy smile.

In public, we needed to pretend to be at least one happy family as I need to show them that I was a filial daughter and she also needed to prove that she was a devoted mother but the truth was far from the facade; we never actually got along.

I had made a promise to myself, that on the day I was proclaimed as the heir, I would slit her throat and feed her to the birds and it seemed that day would be today as I would be named today because father had promised me.

Father stretched forth his hand again, to which I gladly placed my hand upon and we both faced the assembled court.

"Today is a joyous occasion for this nation for we have accomplished another fleet." He began, his voice filled with pride, "While I may not have been blessed with a son, I have been blessed with a child worth more than any son; a warrior with the strength of a thousand armies. With her by our side, we can sleep peacefully without worrying about our enemies."

Officials nodded in agreement, though a few wore a a grumpy expression as they could be recognized as the supporters of the queen but that was their own problem, there was nothing they could do to stop this announcement.

The King raised his cup, proposing a toast to everyone.

"Hear me, all! Today, I proudly announce my daughter, Princess Akira of Astrra, as the..."

"Your Majesty!" The queen suddenly exclaimed, interrupting his announcement.

The room fell silent as all eyes turned to her. I clenched my fist, struggling so hard to control my anger but was finally able to forced a smile as I slowly turned towards her.

"Mother, is there a problem?" I asked, trying to keep my voice steady as her lips curled into a small chuckle.

"No, my dear, just clearing my throat. Please continue, my king, but do not forget our discussion," she replied, exchanging a glance with Father.

I looked at him, noting the change in his expression. He let out a small, awkward smile, shifting his gaze away from the queen and turning back to the crowd, though I sensed his unease. Something had definitely gone wrong…..

"I hereby announce her as the commander of…"

"Father!!!" I called out, surprise and fear gripping me.

Tears threatened to fall as I raised my gaze to him and my hand tighten in his. He avoided my eyes, quickly regaining his composure.

"Oh, my apologies, you already hold the title of commander. It must be my old age," he said with a light chuckle, causing the crowd to laugh.

"Then I hereby bestow upon you the title of supreme commander of Astrra," he announced, and my world collapsed.

My lips trembled as my body shakes. My hand formed into a fist, my nails digging into my palm. I slowly raised my head and glanced at Father, who slowly let go of my hand and turned away, retaking his seat on the throne.

" Father.." I whispered.

The queen stood from her seat and walked closer, pulling me into a tight hug. She whispered in my ear, "What exactly were you expecting, you lowlife?"

She slowly disengaged from the hug and gently caressed my silver-blond hair, styled in a messy bun.

"Congratulations, sister," I heard Beverly say, and then the throne room filled with sounds of congratulations.

Consumed by anger, I burned with rage. It took all my strength to keep the tears from falling, but I was a fighter, a warrior. I would never succumb in front of my enemies.

I moved away from the queen, shooting her a glare before storming out of the throne room. My father's voice called after me, but at that moment, all I could think of was tearing off the queen's head.

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