
Akame ga KILL: Killer

In 1937 before scientists of Reich the task to deduce "true Aryan", superhuman has been put. The results surpassed any expectations - among thousands of "true Aryans" several unique ones were bred, which were given the code name "crowned". In 1940, an unknown spatial anomaly was found in the occupied territory of Poland. After its discovery, research into the nature of the portals began, and as a result, the most prominent among the "crowned ones" went missing. patreon.com/FanFictionPremium

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54 Chs

Chapter 1

Advanced chapters:


100 Stones extra chapter.

Enjoy reading.


Leon stood in the middle of the forest, there was nothing unusual around except snow and trees that looked nothing like the ones that grew in Germany and Poland. The guy lifted his head up, looking at the snowflakes falling from the sky, and picked up some snow from the ground and squeezed it in his hand.

"Snow... in the summer?" - Leon thought in surprise.

It was all too strange for the 'crowned one' - the teleportation device had clearly worked, but not in the right way, and not to the right place. And now it was unclear where he was and what he should do.

Leon had only two options: to wait on the spot in the hope that he would miraculously get back, or to look for a settlement.

The guy decided to go for the first option first. After standing in place for about 3 hours, Leon came to the conclusion that it was unlikely that anything would happen, so he decided to go to the nearest settlement.

Walking through the creaking snow, Leon looked at the local flora. "The Crowned Ones" were trained in many things, including determining their location by flora and fauna, but Leon, no matter how hard he tried, couldn't remember the kind of trees growing around him, but the young man cited that he just hadn't seen them before.

- Aaawwwwww! - A loud wolf howl was heard.

Leon took his katana out of its sheath and turned towards the howl. A wolf jumped out of the thick trees, and the sight of it gave Leon a shock. It was three metres tall, with white fur, blue eyes, and a pointed horn visible on its forehead.

The beast lunged at the lad, but he quickly recovered from the shock and with a light swing of his blade chopped off the wolf's head. The head fell to the ground and stained the snow with scarlet blood.

- What the hell!!!

- AAAAAWWWWWW!!! - Another howl was heard, only this time it was several at once.

Beasts jumped out from all sides and began to surround the guy.

- Six on one?

Leon decided to get out of the encirclement, rushing towards one of the wolves. He cut off the animal's paws and was able to get out of the ring, the beast fell to the ground and began to whimper loudly in pain. Its brethren simultaneously lunged at Leon with the purpose of tearing its flesh, but they were too slow for him. The boy killed two wolves with accurate Luger shots to the head and chopped up three more with the Massacre.

After a little breathing, Leon looked at the carnage he had caused. The dead beasts were lying on the ground chopped to pieces, blood was everywhere, and the snow was coloured red.

Leon walked over to the largest beast he had chopped up. Grasping the wolf's horn, Leon broke it off and began to examine it.

"What's the meaning of this?" - Leon thought, examining the beast's horn.

Leon followed on, keeping his katana at the ready and listening to his surroundings so he couldn't be caught off guard.

[Three hours later...]

The further journey passed without attacks, but Leon did not relax. During the journey, some very dark thoughts began to enter his head. Leon could still explain the unknown flora, but not the horned three metre tall wolves. There was only hope for humans who could explain things to him.

- Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

When Leon heard the shout, he sprinted towards the source of the sound, dodging trees as he went. As he got closer, Leon began to hear other voices. When he got to the right place and jumped into a tree, he looked down and saw a wagon surrounded by ten men with weapons.

"Bandits with swords?" - Leon thought perplexed.

It wasn't hard to guess from the look of the men that they were robbing the wagon. Except that they were mostly armed with cold weapons (swords, axes, knives), and only two carried oddly shaped firearms.

They stood around the two men, who huddled against the wagon in fear. The bandits, meanwhile, were grinning and making faces to scare the two men more for fun. As soon as one of the bandits came at them with a knife, Leon decided to intervene.

Jumping to the ground, the guy attracted the attention of the whole gang. They pointed their guns at Leon, but did not rush to attack.

- Chto vstali, on vsego odin! - shouted one of the bandits in a language Leon did not understand.

Four of the bandits attacked him at once, but as soon as they came close to him, he swung his blade in an arc and cut all four of them into two even halves. The rest of the bandits stepped back in fear, looking at the cut bodies and the guy who looked at them with an emotionless face. The next second Leon appeared behind the bandits and grabbed one of them by the neck, cutting off the head of the gunman who was standing next to him. The rest of the bandits did wake up from their shock, but it was too late. Leon threw the dead body of the bandit at the second gunman, knocking him to the ground. The guy disappeared again, reappeared behind the biggest bandit and cut off his head. The remaining two attempted to escape, but two pistol shots to the head prevented them from doing so.

Leon shifted his gaze to the last bandit, who was frantically trying to throw off the body of his dead comrade. The boy walked over to him and looked into the eyes of the bandit, who was looking at Leon with fear.

- I-ia sdayus'! - said the bandit, putting his hands up in the air.

Leon put his foot on the bandit's head and started to put pressure on it.

- Gaaaaaaaah! - The bandit let out a scream full of pain.

He grabbed the guy's leg and tried to pull it off his face, but he couldn't even move it. In the meantime, Leon was increasing his pressure, and the crunching of the skull was already heard, and the bandit started screaming even louder. Leon decided to stop torturing the bandit and crushed his head, ending the torture.

The young man looked at the two men, who were clinging tighter to the wagon and watching him with genuine fear in their eyes. Leon put his katana away in its scabbard and approached the frightened men.

- Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you. - Leon said, smiling politely.

- Chto prostite?

- Oh...

Leon didn't understand what the man said to him, and even more he didn't know what language he spoke. Only by the intonation of his voice he more or less managed to guess that he was asked something.

Leon decided to use sign language, trying to convey that he wouldn't hurt them and that there was nothing to be afraid of. And, fortunately, he succeeded. The overjoyed men got to their feet and started shaking hands and saying something to him (thanking him for the rescue).

While the coachmen were fixing the wagon, Leon started looking around the bandits for something useful. In the end he found coins: copper, silver and gold, but in them he was interested in the coinage, which he had not seen before. He also looked at the gunmen's weapons - unlike the rifle, they were single-shot and huge in size.

When he had finished looking at the bandits' belongings, Leon went to the wagon. Fortunately, he was able to convey that he needed to go to a settlement, and two men agreed to drive him. Once everyone was comfortably seated, the wagon started up and travelled down the slightly rough road.

[A couple of hours later...]

The sun was setting and the time was getting towards evening. It wasn't far to the nearest settlement. On the way Leon thought about what had happened: horned wolves, bandits dressed as in the Middle Ages, an unknown language, unknown firearms and unknown coinage. All of this indicated that not only was this not his country (or other countries he knew too), but it was not his world. Agreeing to this was much harder for Leon to accept than to assume.

He had listened to the cabmen's dialogue along the way, and in general their language resembled a mixture of European and Eastern languages. In any case, Leon needed to learn the local language as well as the written language. He would think about the fact that he had been transported to another world later.

The wagon stopped near the wooden gate to the village. Leon jumped out of the cart, looking at the entrance to the village, and after bowing to the two cabmen, he strode inside.

After Leon passed through the entrance gate, interested looks centred on him. The guy nodded, smiling politely, and the interest in him more or less disappeared. There were about 150-200 people living in the village. Leon started looking for an inn. While he was looking for an inn, he looked around the village: the houses were mostly stone and wooden, and the people were wearing warm clothes, which was natural since it was snowing outside.

As Leon continued to walk around the village, he found an inn, as indicated by a sign with a moon on it and a beer mug underneath.

Leon stepped inside and the aroma of food hit his nose and the hum of the innkeepers hit his ears. As he approached the bar, the boy gestured to the owner to explain that he needed food and sleep, placing 2 silver coins on the bar. The owner nodded at this and served Leon a flavoured soup, fried potatoes with meat and some kind of drink (tasted almost like juice). Seating himself at the very edge of the place, the boy began his meal. He ate slowly, because he had once been told that this way a person would stay satiated longer. Leon continued to ponder the fact that this was not his world and wondered if he could return to his home world. The only option was to look for a spatial anomaly, but without special equipment Leon was unlikely to succeed. And if there is no such anomaly, then the only option left is to live in this world. But what should he do? The most important thing he was taught in the Reich is to serve his homeland. Although Leon, being "crowned", and had various knowledge and skills (the same cooking), but he could no longer imagine his life without service.

While Leon was thinking about the essentials, the guests had time to go home, and it was getting dark outside. After finishing his meal, he went up to the first floor and found his room and lay down on the bed. He had had too much to do that day, so he needed to rest, and sleep would help him do that. Closing his left eye, the guy fell into slumber.

[A few hours later...]

Leon opened his eye and his sixth sense trumpeted an alarm. As he left the room, he began to hear screams and hurried to the ground floor. The downstairs was empty, and Leon was about to go outside when a girl of perhaps eleven years old ran inside. She stopped and looked at Leon, fear in her eyes, and ran behind the boy's back, grabbing his uniform.

Then three more men entered the room, but they were dressed in neater uniforms, wearing something between helmets and helmets. Two were armed with rifles, the other walked around with a sword. Leon guessed who they were.


The girl hid behind Leon, and the soldiers incomprehensibly started looking at the guy dressed in an SS officer's uniform.

- Ti kto? - asked a man with a rifle.

Leon did not say anything, but looked at the girl, who clung to him, afraid to let go.

The soldier noticed the girl and pointed at her to one of the soldiers. He went over to her and grabbed her arm, pulling her behind him, but she clung tighter to Leon.

- Pomogite, proshu! - she pleaded.

- Zatknis'! - shouted the soldier, hitting the girl, causing her to let go of Leon.

Grabbing her, the soldier dragged the girl towards the exit. She was crying, fighting back and looking at Leon.

- Pozhalusta!!! - she shouted to the young man.

Leon didn't know what she was saying, but guessed what she was asking for. Pulling his sword out of its sheath, the boy tore at the soldiers - and three decapitated bodies fell to the ground.

The girl fell to the floor and looked at the dead soldiers. From what she saw she shrieked and crawled back to the wall, pressed herself against it and cried. Leon came to the girl and began to soothe her.

- It's all right, do you hear? They won't hurt you. - Leon said, sitting down on his knee, comforting the girl, even though he knew she didn't understand him.

- Mama... spasite mamu... pozhalusta..." the girl pleaded as she continued to cry.

- Mum? - repeated Leon.

- Da... pozhalusta... - she begged.

Leon nodded and hid the girl behind the counter, gesturing for her not to leave. The boy went outside and climbed the tallest building in the village, from where he could see everything. Soldiers were rushing in and burning houses, villagers were being killed and those who were spared were piled up in the square.

Leon didn't know what was going on, it all felt like some kind of robbery. He was already thinking of leaving, since it didn't concern him, but....

Mama... spasite mamu... pozhalusta.

Leon stopped and looked towards the soldiers, then at his katana. All the operations he had experienced in France and Poland flashed through his mind. Pictures flashed through his mind of how he had single-handedly killed soldiers by the hundreds, sometimes thousands. What was different now? They're not Aryans, they're not citizens of the Reich, they're essentially nothing to him. So why does he want to kill these soldiers and protect the villagers? Because... he was asked to...?

Leon stopped looking at Massaker and turned his gaze to the soldiers. Reloading his Luger, Leon stood up to his full height. His gaze now resembled that of a predator looking at its prey.

"I don't know what this world is or what secrets it holds. But if I am going to live in this world, sooner or later I will have to make myself known. And tonight, for the first time, this world will know the full power of the Reich's 'crowned ones'! As for these soldiers - for them the worst and last day of their lives has come, for... the Ardennes Devil is back!!!"

Tonight, none of these soldiers will leave the village alive.