
Akame ga KILL: Killer

In 1937 before scientists of Reich the task to deduce "true Aryan", superhuman has been put. The results surpassed any expectations - among thousands of "true Aryans" several unique ones were bred, which were given the code name "crowned". In 1940, an unknown spatial anomaly was found in the occupied territory of Poland. After its discovery, research into the nature of the portals began, and as a result, the most prominent among the "crowned ones" went missing. patreon.com/FanFictionPremium

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54 Chs

Chapter 2

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100 Stones extra chapter.

Enjoy reading.


The military forces of the Empire suspected the village of aiding the army of the North, and since no one wanted to find out whether it was true or not, a mop-up squad was sent there. As a rule, such detachments consisted of the most unscrupulous people, to put it mildly, and ranged in size from one hundred to three hundred men.

The soldiers were now herding the villagers into the square, gathering them into a circle. Some of the villagers tried to resist, but they were killed at once. Others tried to hide in the hope that they would not be noticed and that all would be lost, but then they tried in vain to get out of the burning house, which the soldiers had locked and set on fire.

More than seventy surviving villagers were dragged in a circle. They were scared, crying, begging to let at least the children go, but they weren't going to be listened to.

- Round them up in a heap!!! - gave an order from the commander.

The soldiers heard the command and started forcibly dragging people into the circle, ignoring their pleas.

- Why are you doing this?! We haven't done anything to you! - asked the officer from the village chief.

- Elder, you hid the soldiers of the North and supported their rebellion by supplying food. Isn't that right? - the commander asked the village elder a counter question.


- You are forbidden to help the Northmen. Anyone who supports the Northern army, you had to hand over to the soldiers of the Empire. Am I right?

- But we didn't help the northern army! We don't even have anything to give because you took almost everything!!!! - the Elder was outraged.

- You expect me to believe that? Do you honestly believe that I will forgive you and let you go? When you blatantly lie to my face? You Northerners are so hopeless. Did you think we wouldn't find out about your disobedience?

The commander shifted his gaze to the young boy who was looking at the headman. Pointing at him to the soldier, the soldier saluted, walked up to the boy and, hitting him in the stomach with the butt of his rifle, dragged him towards the commander.

- Fir!!! - the elder jumped up to the child, but was hit with his boot and fell to the ground.

- Daddy!" the boy shouted.

The soldier pulled the boy towards the commander and pinned him to the ground.

- 'I think you should be taught a lesson...'

The officer drew his sword and stabbed the boy with a precise blow.

- FIR!!!!!!!!!!

The Elder crawled over to Fir's head and took it in his hands. Tears sprang from the elder's eyes. Cradling his son's body against his chest, he looked angrily at the officer who smirked in his face.

- Why did you kill him?!!!

- I taught you an invaluable lesson in what happens when you go against the Empire. If you want to blame someone, blame the Prince of the North who declared war on the Empire. Either way, you'll all be going after the boy soon.

The officer drew his sword, the soldiers pointed their rifles at the inhabitants and only waited for the commander's order.

- Fire... *Bang*.

The hand along with the sword fell to the ground. All the soldiers looked towards the silenced commander who was looking at his severed hand.

- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!! - The officer screamed in pain and grabbed the severed part, trying to stop the blood.

The soldiers went into shock, they didn't have time to realise what had happened. In the next instant, ten more soldiers fell to the ground as breathless corpses.

- What the... - the soldier did not have time to finish, he fell to the snow with his throat slit, choking on his own blood, followed by several of his comrades.

- The enemy is attacking!!! - shouted one of the fighters that came out of shock.

After coming to their senses, the soldiers grabbed their weapons and started looking for the attacker.


All the soldiers shifted their gazes in the direction of the scream and saw their comrade fall to the ground cut into pieces. Hovering over his corpse was a young man in an SS uniform, who looked at the soldiers with his blue eyes that seemed to glow in the dark. They pointed their rifles at him, but it didn't really scare the guy.

- Sie werden dieses Dorf nicht lebend verlasse! (*You will not leave this village alive!) he shouted.

Leon rushed at the soldiers, unsheathing his katana. The soldiers fired their rifles at him at the same time, but he dodged the bullets, his silhouette blurring in the air. Just as Leon reached the soldiers, several dozen fighters fell chopped to pieces, and fresh blood began to drip from Massaker. Leon stopped as he needed to catch his breath a bit.

- Die, monster! - shouted a soldier who tried to hack Leon from behind, but was shot in the head with a Luger.

Four more soldiers tried to cut Leon down with swords. With a swing of his katana, two of them fell to the ground, the third one's head was blown off by Leon's leg, the fourth one tried to run away, but his comrade's sword hit him in the head.

After catching his breath, Leon continued using all his speed to eliminate the soldiers. He would appear in front of a soldier's face to chop him into pieces in front of everyone, and then disappear again as if he was never there. The soldiers died one by one, and there was a real panic among them - most of the soldiers ignored the orders of their seniors to try to defeat the unknown enemy and just tried to escape, but they failed.

What was happening in the village could be characterised in two words - a bloodbath. The soldiers who had come to the village thinking it was just another simple mopping-up operation were shaking in terror before the abnormal enemy, who seemed to be playing with them, massacring the soldiers as if they saw them as neither enemies nor any threat. There were about a hundred of them, they had combat experience and good weapons, but that didn't matter now.

The last of the soldiers grabbed his hands over his ripped stomach in an attempt to stop the blood. He fell to the ground and his eyes began to darken. Looking up, he saw Leon standing over him.

- Ich werde dich nicht foltern. (*I won't torture you.) - Leon said, shooting the soldier in the head.

Absolutely the entire sweep group was now dead. The bodies of dead soldiers lay everywhere, their blood soaking the ground. Stepping through the corpses, Leon searched for one certain one.

"Where is he?" - thought the boy.


- Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit!!!

The sweep team commander, who had managed to escape from the village grounds through a hole in the fence, was running through the forest towards the base with his last strength. He could hardly believe that his entire squad had been killed by just one man. There was only one thing he could do now - report this monster to headquarters. The officer couldn't run fast enough, the severed arm was making itself felt and the man was beginning to tire quickly.

Two shots rang out from behind, and the officer fell to the ground, letting out an agony-filled scream.

- Schrei nicht so... Ich habe dir nur in die Beine geschossen. (*Don't shrei nicht so... I just shot your legs off.) - Leon said, approaching the officer.

- What?!

Leon stepped on his foot with all his might and the man let out an even louder painful scream.

- Ich habe dich nicht reden lassen! (*I didn't let you talk!).

Leon rolled the officer over, and he looked into the guy's eye. There was anger, fear, terror on the face of the commander of the punishment squad, he was afraid to die, he was afraid of the demon that appeared before him in the form of the one-eyed blond guy.

Leon began to bring his katana over the man's body.

- Stop!!! I'll give you anything you want! Just... *Khaaaaah!

- Halt die Klappe. (Halt die Klappe.)

Leon plunged the blade into the chest of the officer, who felt the metal slowly pierce his heart. He was unable to make a sound as any action was accompanied by hellish pain.

- Po... sha... di... - the officer pleaded with his last strength.

- Nein. (*No.) - Leon replied, pressing down harder on his sword.

The officer, spitting out blood, felt his heart stop beating. With his last breath, he died.

Leon brushed the blood off his blade, put the katana back into its scabbard and walked back towards the village.

"Now there's something left to be sure of."


Leon leaned against a tree and watched the villagers pack their belongings into a wagon. Some were just leaving with their suitcases, others were mourning the dead. But out of the mass, Leon looked out for the child, hoping she was all right.

"Where is she?" - thought the boy.

Leon felt someone behind him tugging at his uniform. Turning round and looking down, Leon found the girl. He felt partly ashamed at this moment, as a child had gotten close to him unnoticed, but he didn't show it. He looked at the girl who was hiding something behind her back.

- Here. - said the girl, holding out a small flower to Leon.

Leon took the flower and looked at it, then felt a hug. Dropping his head down again, he saw the girl snuggle up to him, then let go and ran towards the village.

- Thank you!!! - she shouted.

The girl reached the woman and started talking to her about something. Leon, smiling, twirled the flower in his hand, turned round and walked away from the village.

- Bitte schön. (*Please.)