
AGK: King of Insects

What is an Emperor to a King? Hado grew up without a name, money, or friends, but when he died, an entity offered him a job to help conquer all, and gave him the gift to control insects. With nothing to lose, Hado accepts the offer and is thrown into the dangerous world of Akame Ga Kill. As Hado navigates this treacherous world, he quickly realizes that his ability to control insects is just the tip of the iceberg. There's a deeper power within him waiting to be unleashed, and he's determined to unlock it at any cost. But as Hado rises to power, he'll have to face dangerous enemies, make difficult choices, and confront the darkness within himself. Will he become a hero or a villain in the world of Akame Ga Kill?

ChosenSage · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
24 Chs

Chapter 22: Hado's task

"Hah yeah, right there~" Najenda moaned, kissing her partner deeply as he lifted her up slamming her against the wall and reciprocating the kiss.

Before things could get hot and steamy, however, three knocks sounded from the man's door.

"Uhh... Do you want to get that?" she asked, blushing slightly as they both looked down at the floor.

"No," Hado said quickly, "I'll just let myself in General," Hado said, smiling kindly as he opened the door and winking at the red hair general he couldn't remember the name of.

Najenda rolled her eyes, gritting her teeth as she looked at Hado. "First off, how did you know I was here kid?" Najenda asked, annoyed as Hado shrugged.

Ever since arriving back in the capital, he now kept one of his insects inside of everyone in the imperial army, as well as the guards.

Not only could this be a guaranteed killswitch, but it allowed him to track anyone and everyone he wanted. It also gave him an edge over generals like Najenda and the red-haired guy, he hadn't met General Budo, his bugs couldn't get past esdeath, and there was one more General who he had yet to even hear a mention of.

"Secondly, why are you being so nosy? You're making my life harder than it needs to be, I am a stressed-out woman, I need to destress..."

Hado ignored her words and sat on the couch. "Well, it's been a week since we've returned to the capitol and I've yet to be sent on any assignments, getting pretty frantic... I wasn't going to say anything, but I might be a psychopath."

"Yeah, I can tell, what does that have to do with me?" Najenda asked, separating from her lover as she saw this would take a while.

"I want something to do, I want to really test my strength you know? I have pretty big goals and I'll be damned if I don't accomplish them."

To najenda, it seemed as if Hado meant in the army, but he was referring to a cosmic level where he'd come out on top of the entire world.

"I see, so you want me to give you a challenging task to what? Prove yourself?" Najenda asked as she walked towards the door, fixing her hair as General Rokugou stood there awkwardly, his brain basically shut off by Hado's insects inside of him, he would have no recollection of seeing Hado anywhere near his home.

"Yes," Hado said simply, smiling in a "Give me what I want" way.

"Alright then, I'm sure we can find something for you to do," Najenda said, opening the door and walking out, quickly followed by Hado, leaving the redhead alone in the room.

Rokugou blinked in surprise as his mind came too, realizing that Najenda had disappeared. Shaking his head as he walked back to the dining room table Rokugou looked at his hands.

"There's definitely something off recently, it must be a teigu..." He whispered to himself, sitting down at the table as a serious look was strewn upon his face.

He needed to talk to the emperor about this issue, as soon as possible.


"Well, looks like you're all set and ready to go," Najenda said, looking at the girl before her.

She was a beautiful dark-haired girl, dressed in her military uniform, Najenda thought she appeared very young and cute.

The only problem was that it was none other than Hado himself.

"Why do I need to be dressed like a girl?" He asked, feeling uncomfortable with the makeover, but he would let it play out, he had asked her for this after all.

"Because you're going undercover, so you have to look like a young newcomer" Najenda replied, smiling gently, "Also, you look quite cute as a girl, you could probably have any man you wanted..."

Hado grimaced. "Yeah, I don't even enjoy sexual relations if I'm being real, so I'll ignore that statement."

Najenda smiled softly. "I mean, I don't know why you wouldn't enjoy them, but hey, you're young, you have time to grow your sexual appetite.

Hado sighed, shaking his head as he looked at himself in a shop window. "So what's the mission?" He asked once again as Najenda smiled.

"Well," She started as they reached the city gates, facing Hado. "It's a fairly simple task, but I can't say it'll be easy... Your task is to infiltrate the Oarburgh clan and gain some information about them... And if need be kill them, but it's not the focus of this mission."

Hado turned his head a bit. "What is an Oarburgh clan?" He asked, completely unfamiliar with the name.

"They are a clan that's been rising up recently, though it isn't a cause for panic yet, with talk of a revolution against the emperor they are a likely suspect to join in, they are quite skilled, and even have a teigu that allows them to control dasnger beasts... it's a precautionary measure..."

Hado nodded, deciding it made sense. One thing still didn't though. "So... Why am I dressed as a girl?"

Najenda smiled as if it were obvious, "Well, the clan is only made up of women."

With that she sent Hado on his way, he'd wander until he hopefully made contact with the Oarburgh clan, it was rumored they stayed near the mountain springs where many nobles vacationed.

And so, Hado made his way up, dressed as a female military officer, smiling as he manipulated the wriggles inside of him.

"Control danger beasts? That's nothing special... I can do the same," The boy whispered, his eyes practically gleaming as he burst the wriggles outside of him, swirling them around in a vortex and raising his hand, making them all stop instantly in sync, not a single one out of place.

"And I'm the king."