
AGK: King of Insects

What is an Emperor to a King? Hado grew up without a name, money, or friends, but when he died, an entity offered him a job to help conquer all, and gave him the gift to control insects. With nothing to lose, Hado accepts the offer and is thrown into the dangerous world of Akame Ga Kill. As Hado navigates this treacherous world, he quickly realizes that his ability to control insects is just the tip of the iceberg. There's a deeper power within him waiting to be unleashed, and he's determined to unlock it at any cost. But as Hado rises to power, he'll have to face dangerous enemies, make difficult choices, and confront the darkness within himself. Will he become a hero or a villain in the world of Akame Ga Kill?

ChosenSage · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 23: Oarburgh Clan Pt. 1

It was a warm and sunny day, birds sang as two men escorted a beautiful girl along the path.

"Miss Ohad, I can't believe you went off from your village without a guide! That was foolish," One man said to the black haired girl, who smiled brightly.

"Maybe, but it seems I was lucky to find two handsome strong men like you guys!" She said, smiling as the other man blushed.

They had all met four days ago, when Ohad, the black haired girl, was jumped by a ruthless gang of bandits.

"Well... We'll get you to your father's estate, don't you worry," The man said, blushing as well as the girl took his harm.

"I believe you, you guys are the strongest I've ever had the pleasure of meeting!" She said, her eyes shining as the man fully blushed, looking away as his heart began thumping.

"Hahaha!" A voice rang out as the three looked ahead, seeing a group of men standing there, as if they were waiting...

"Miss Ohad, you thought you could escape? The bandit king Oro demands you wed him immediately! And this time those bodyguards won't save you!" A man said, holding a sword up as the dozens of men behind him nodded in agreement, getting in their own fighting stances.

"Stand back Miss!" One of the escorts said to Ohad, who nodded and stepped back, watching with worry on her face.

"What do we do?" The other escort asked, looking at his companions.

"We will take them down!" The first one said, drawing his blade and rushing the bandits.

They were quickly cut down, unfortunately, the swordsmen weren't very strong.

"Now, Ohad, will you come gently or do I need to... Rough you up a bit?" The bandit leader asked, smiling a toothy smile and showing off his crooked teeth.

"Rough me up?" Ohad asked, turning her head in confusion? "What can you do when you're dead?"

The bandits all widened their eyes as a simultaneous pain erupted inside all of them. The group dropped dead in the middle of the path as Hado smiled cruelly.

"Geez, this roleplaying shit is fun, who knew people would care so much about a girl... Kind of unfortunate." He sighed, walking over to the bodies and taking out a small vial filled with a green liquid.

"This acid better work, otherwise I'm sending you beetles back you hear?" He said to no one, but he was actually talking to the new species living inside of him.

It had been an uneventful two weeks since he'd left the capital, and he was beginning to think Najenda had just sent him away to get rid of him for a little.

On the off chance this was a legitimate mission though, he continued on his trek. He had no idea if he would ever find the Oarburgh clan, but he couldn't go back before he did, otherwise he would look like a failure.

As Hado poured the acid on each of the bandits, dissolving their bodies instantly with the highly potent concentrated acid the beetles he'd found in the middle of the forest produced, a high pitched void reached his ears.

"Wow you're quite good! Are you a teigu user or what girl?"

Hado turned, putting on the sweet girl facade and facing the woman who had snuck up behind him.

'She's good...' He thought, realizing he hadn't even sensed her, nor been warned by any of the insects watching above him.

The woman was standing with a younger girl who couldn't have been any older than 11, but Hado could tell she was strong.

"Aww are you shy? It's alright, I like the shy type" The woman said, smiling as she walked forward and crossed her arms under her breasts.

She inspected Hado, spending more time than necessary on the fake assets Najenda had insisted on to complete his female appearance.

With some special clothing, hair extensions, and lifelike fake breasts, Hado completed the look of a teenage girl around the age of 17.

'Oh, she's just a pervert huh?' Hado thought, putting on a timid expression "I-I'm not shy... Just a little weirded out, can you please not touch?" Hado finished, looking at the woman's hand on his fake breast. Thankfully the empire didn't have the technology to connect them to his nerves, he would have never agreed to that, but it was definitely a weird feeling seeing someone grab your breasts.

'Am I being molested?'

"Hmm... C cups? How old are you girl?" The woman asked, licking her lips as Hado began to feel weirded out. Perhaps this was bad karma for all the mistreatment of women he'd done with the prostitution ring...

'But I've never molested anyone for real...' Hado thought, deciding it couldn't be karma since karma was fair, and this was entirely too far.

"How about you take your hand off..." Hado's words trailed off as he realized something, he wasn't able to sense the wrigglers he had sent into the sky, nor could any of the jeweled wasps get past either of the two females in his company.

'Yeah... These two are definitely...'

"Hey girl, how would you like to join something... fun?" The woman asked, reaching around Hado and grabbing his fake ass, with the real one underneath, pressing her breasts into his face and licking up his neck. "If you turn out not to be an enemy we could have lots of fun~" She breathed into his ear, causing him to gulp ever so slightly.

Not because he was aroused. No, he realized what had happened. The woman had managed to take control of the wrigglers, thought it wasn't for a long time, that was the information he was getting told by them.

'If she is strong enough to make you guys questions your loyalty to me... Then perhaps just stay in there,' He thought to them, calling back all the other insects he had out of about, looking as innocent as possible.

"U-Uh-Uh, I don't know miss, my father might-"

"Cut the crap, you're definitely a natural assassin, and once I test you out... Then you can join the oarburgh clan and we can have lots of... Fun," The woman ended her words with a wink, looking at Hado with a lustful expression as he looked at the younger girl.

The child just looked at them distastefully, it seemed like she was used to this rash behavior.

"And if I don't want to join this-"

"Please!" The woman cried out, feeling up around Hado's body as the boy looked around awkwardly. "I'm sure just because you don't want to that you aren't an enemy, you have talent that we desperately need!"

Hado shook his head slowly, mock innocence and hesitation evident on his face.

He had planned that the entire time, if he seemed too eager, or too nonchalant about the situation, then it would have been suspicious.

The fact that he had no record or ties to this world would be suspicious as well, unless the woman managed to get ahold of imperial records, but he didn't look like himself anyway.

After a few more minutes Hado stopped the woman's molestation, placing his hands on her shoulders and looking her in the eyes.

"A-Alright, please guide me in the right direction miss..."

The woman smiled, taking her hands off Hado and standing straight, showing off her breasts in front of Hado's face.

"Names Barbara, Barbara Oarburgh."