After a devastating meteor strike shatters Brooklyn, humanity is struggling to rebuild. The meteor’s deadly gases mutate the population, granting extraordinary powers to a select few—but at a terrible cost. To control and study these mutants, the Vital Organization for Research on Transformations and Experiments in Xenogenesis (VORTEX) establishes the VORTEX Academy, a prestigious institution designed to help mutants harness their abilities. Kira Shawn’s life takes a drastic turn when her boyfriend, Asher Prescott tests positive for the mutagen and is forcibly sent to the academy. Determined to join him, Kira risks everything by falsifying her test results to secure her own enrollment. But beneath the academy’s polished facade lies a web of dark secrets and sinister experiments. As Kira uncover the chilling truth behind VORTEX’s motives, they discover that her blood may hold the key to humanity’s survival—or its ultimate destruction. With time running out, Kira must master her newfound powers and decide whether to become the world’s last hope or its greatest threat. ______ WordWeaver42- "Love that holds on through chaos, grief, and impossible odds is the kind that stays etched in the soul. Asher’s selflessness and Kira’s unwavering devotion speak volumes about the depth of their bond. It’s the kind of love that aches, yet fills the heart with hope and resilience. This story captures the raw, imperfect, and sacrificial beauty of love, leaving tears as a testament to its impact."
Asher descended the grand staircase leading to the hall, illuminated by multiple chandeliers hanging from the ceiling.
The party's setting was a perfect simulation of a medieval ballroom. An orchestra played a soft violin rendition of Arctic Monkeys' "I Wanna Be Yours," while Asher inhaled the delectable aromas wafting from the all-you-can-eat buffet. Laughter echoed as fellow students mingled in ball gowns, doublets, hose, vests, loose-fitting trousers, and boots, many accessorizing with faux swords and crowns—the highlight of the masquerade-themed event being the masks everyone wore.
Asher was no exception; he opted for a sleek black mask that complemented his black trousers, boots, and waistcoat over a white shirt with billowy sleeves.