
After Rebirth, the Miracle Doctor Wife Is No Longer Humble!

"Ye Ling, be good and just surrender to me!" A familiar, nauseating voice echoed in her ears, and Ye Ling realized that she had been reborn! In her previous life, Ye Ling had suffered on behalf of her stepsister in the countryside out of familial love. That's when she caught the attention of the despicable beast before her. In her previous life, he had forced himself upon her and used public opinion to coerce her into marriage. Ye Ling's married life was even more miserable. Not only did she have to work to support the extensive household, but she also endured domestic violence from this b*stard. She miscarried due to the abuse, where she suffered severe bleeding, which resulted in her inability to get pregnant again. Later, the village leader promised her a divorce if she could get into university. But to her surprise, this scoundrel had secretly sold her acceptance letter to someone else! In her second chance at life, Ye Ling decided to change her destiny. She wanted everyone who had hurt her to suffer! In an era where the law had yet to be widely enforced, Ye Ling's first act was to report the incidents to the police. She was no longer as weak as she was in her previous life and relied on her talent and hard work to acquire medical skills. Her stepsister wanted to snatch away her good fortune? Wishful thinking! Her father wanted to sell her to an older man with violent tendencies? Dream on! She studied medicine, grew herbs, pursued higher education, and inadvertently became a renowned miracle doctor. The man who had once saved her from dire straits looked at her with pride and said, "As expected of my wife!"

Mountain Springs · Thành thị
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200 Chs


Dịch giả: Nyoi-Bo Studio Biên tập viên: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Not long after, Li Bin arrived at Sun Li's house. He looked through the crack in the door and saw a light inside. He knocked on the door with force.

It was Wan Hai who opened the door. He looked surprised when he saw Li Bin and asked, "What's going on?"

Li Bin glanced inside the house and replied, "Is Min Nan still awake? I need to talk to him about something."

After a while, Li Bin entered Min Nan's bedroom and instinctively closed the door behind him.

After listening to Li Bin's account, Min Nan's previously relaxed expression gradually turned serious.

Although Min Nan didn't say anything, Li Bin felt a significant drop in the temperature in the room. He almost couldn't help but shudder.

Oh my god, Min Nan was angry. It was terrifying.

"Wang Gang..." Min Nan's tone carried a hint of a death sentence. Then, Min Nan looked at Li Bin and said, "Thank you for coming to inform me about this. Tomorrow, send someone to guard the dormitory building. I'll handle Wang Gang."

Li Bin nodded vigorously, feeling relieved. "Alright, I can rest easy now. Well, I'll leave then."

As Li Bin walked toward the door, he suddenly paused, sensing that something was amiss. He grew uneasy.

"This doesn't seem right... Why did Li Bin come to inform Min Nan about Ye Ling's situation?"

"Why didn't Ye Ling go directly to Min Nan?"

Inside the room, Wan Hai opened Min Nan's door and saw Min Nan sitting on a wooden single-seater sofa, staring at the candle's flame. He appeared unusually silent.

"What happened? What did Li Bin tell you?" Wan Hai asked with concern.

Min Nan looked at Wan Hai and replied calmly, "It's nothing."

"Oh, then get some rest," Wan Hai said, realizing that Min Nan didn't want to share further. He closed the door without pressing for more information.

Min Nan continued to gaze quietly at the candle flame. The candlelight flickered in his pupils.

Min Nan's emotions were complicated at this moment.

Wang Gang's despicable and audacious behavior naturally filled him with anger. He decided to address this scum tomorrow to prevent any further trouble for Ye Ling.

However, another matter weighed heavily on Min Nan's mind.

This was the second time!

Why did Ye Ling turn to someone else instead of him whenever she needed help?

Did she truly consider him so untrustworthy?

Or was it that she never valued him or wanted any involvement with him, thus avoiding any entanglement at present?

At the thought of this, Min Nan felt an unprecedented sense of frustration and discomfort, mixed with a hint of anger.

But the object of his anger was not Ye Ling, it was himself.

Perhaps he hadn't done enough to earn Ye Ling's trust.

Or maybe he was too silent, lacking the allure of a man, causing Ye Ling to not have any feelings towards him.

After a long while, the candle was extinguished, and the room fell into darkness.

Late at night, in the educated youth dormitory in Stone Village, Liu Lin slowly got up from the bed.

"Liu Lin, where are you going?" a roommate, who was a light sleeper, asked groggily upon seeing Liu Lin getting dressed and preparing to leave.

"I'm going to the restroom," Liu Lin replied calmly.

After opening the dormitory door, Liu Lin walked out of the courtyard and onto a small path. After a five-minute walk, she saw a slender woman standing by the roadside.

Du Juan spotted Liu Lin's arrival and immediately approached her. Just as she was about to speak, Liu Lin looked around warily and interrupted her, "Did anyone notice you coming to find me?"

Du Juan quickly shook her head and said, "No, after you had someone deliver the message to me, I was very cautious. Today, I crawled out of a dog hole in my house, so I'm sure no one saw me."

Liu Lin breathed a sigh of relief and then looked at Du Juan coldly. "What did you tell the police officer?"

"I didn't say anything! I insisted that the gold leaf was given to me by my husband. They can't do anything to me. But now, the gold leaf is in the police station, and it seems they won't give it back until they investigate further," Du Juan said with deep sadness.

The gold leaf was originally meant to be Du Juan's reward given by Liu Lin. Once the task was completed, the gold leaf would be hers. But now, since the task hadn't been completed, she had lost the gold leaf.

Upon hearing Du Juan's words, Liu Lin felt relieved.

In fact, she had already suspected that the police officer wouldn't be able to find out anything. As long as Du Juan didn't reveal anything about her, they wouldn't be able to trace the gold leaf back to her.

Moreover, Du Juan wasn't foolish. She knew very well that there was no advantage in telling the police officer about her involvement.

In addition, Liu Lin had Du Juan's address. If Du Juan dared to speak the truth to the police officer, she had ways to retaliate against her.

Today, Liu Lin met with Du Juan just to confirm the situation.