
After Rebirth, the Miracle Doctor Wife Is No Longer Humble!

"Ye Ling, be good and just surrender to me!" A familiar, nauseating voice echoed in her ears, and Ye Ling realized that she had been reborn! In her previous life, Ye Ling had suffered on behalf of her stepsister in the countryside out of familial love. That's when she caught the attention of the despicable beast before her. In her previous life, he had forced himself upon her and used public opinion to coerce her into marriage. Ye Ling's married life was even more miserable. Not only did she have to work to support the extensive household, but she also endured domestic violence from this b*stard. She miscarried due to the abuse, where she suffered severe bleeding, which resulted in her inability to get pregnant again. Later, the village leader promised her a divorce if she could get into university. But to her surprise, this scoundrel had secretly sold her acceptance letter to someone else! In her second chance at life, Ye Ling decided to change her destiny. She wanted everyone who had hurt her to suffer! In an era where the law had yet to be widely enforced, Ye Ling's first act was to report the incidents to the police. She was no longer as weak as she was in her previous life and relied on her talent and hard work to acquire medical skills. Her stepsister wanted to snatch away her good fortune? Wishful thinking! Her father wanted to sell her to an older man with violent tendencies? Dream on! She studied medicine, grew herbs, pursued higher education, and inadvertently became a renowned miracle doctor. The man who had once saved her from dire straits looked at her with pride and said, "As expected of my wife!"

Mountain Springs · Urban
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200 Chs


Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The night cast a shadow over the seemingly peaceful village. Li Bin's mother checked the chicken coop and cleaned the pig trough before preparing to go back inside and sleep. However, she suddenly heard a knock on the door.

Li Bin's mother walked to the door in confusion. When she opened the door, she saw a beautiful girl standing at the door. Li Bin's mother did not react for a moment and almost thought that she was dreaming.

"Hello, Auntie. I'm looking for Li Bin," Ye Ling said with some unease.

She knew it was inappropriate to come looking for Li Bin late at night, but Wang Gang had instructed her to go to the forest farm the next day. He even warned her that if she didn't go, he would come and personally fetch her.

Feeling the urgency of the situation, she couldn't consider other factors. As soon as it got dark, she hurriedly came to find Li Bin.

People in rural areas usually went to bed early, and Ye Ling was worried that everyone in the Li family might already be asleep. Seeing Li Bin's mother open the door, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"Oh, alright. I'll call him." Li Bin's mother nodded immediately.

She then turned around to fetch Li Bin, her mind speculating on the relationship between Ye Ling and her son.

Could it be that her son had done something wrong to this young girl, and now she had come at night to confront him?

After entering Li Bin's bedroom, Li Bin's mother slapped his son on the back. Li Bin, who was still half asleep, was jolted awake. Before he could react, he heard his mother questioning him, "You little b*stard, what trouble have you been up to outside?"

Li Bin groggily sat up, furrowing his brows. "Mom, what are you talking about? When did I do something wrong?"

His mother glared at him. "If you haven't done anything wrong, why would a young girl come looking for you so late at night? Look at yourself, how could such a beautiful girl possibly be interested in you?"

Li Bin, whose self-esteem had been wounded by his mother's words, was about to retort when he suddenly realized that something was amiss.

A beautiful young girl? Could it be Ye Ling?

Li Bin's senses fully awakened, and without even putting on his shoes, he rushed outside.

Seeing Ye Ling standing at the door, Li Bin's initial reaction was a sense of trepidation. If Min Nan found out that Ye Ling had come to see him so late at night, would he directly kill him?

Li Bin approached Ye Ling and managed to force a friendly smile, suppressing his inner unease. He asked, "Ye Ling, what brings you here?"

Ye Ling looked at Li Bin's disheveled appearance and felt a bit embarrassed. "I'm sorry for coming so late. Did I disturb your rest?"

"Don't worry, you're not disturbing me. I'm always ready to serve the community."

Ye Ling hesitated for a moment before telling Li Bin about Wang Gang's visit.

When Li Bin heard the news, he was momentarily stunned, then his eyes filled with anger and his thick eyebrows almost stood up. "That old b*stard dares to have designs on you. Is he tired of living? D*mn it!"

He dared to make advances on Min Nan's woman? He must be audacious!

Fortunately, Ye Ling came to him today. If Wang Gang tried to take Ye Ling to the forest farm, Li Bin would rather go directly to Min Nan and beg for forgiveness with his life.

Ye Ling didn't expect such a strong reaction from Li Bin. She was unaware of Li Bin's relationship with Min Nan and had sought his help because he was responsible for handling her affairs since she arrived in Willow Village.

Seeing Li Bin's angry expression, Ye Ling felt deeply moved. She thought to herself, "Li Bin is truly a good person." She had been worried that Li Bin would fear Wang Gang's influence and refuse to intervene in the matter.

"What should I do tomorrow then?" Ye Ling asked anxiously.

Li Bin suppressed his anger and pondered for a moment before replying, "You should stay in the dormitory tomorrow. I will send someone to guard the entrance. I don't believe that Wang Gang would dare to snatch you away."

Upon hearing Li Bin's plan, Ye Ling breathed a sigh of relief. After a brief hesitation, she asked with concern, "But won't he cause trouble for you?"

Li Bin smiled slightly. "Don't worry about it."

If Wang Gang had targeted someone other than Ye Ling, Li Bin might not have dared to confront him directly. But now, since it was Ye Ling who was being harassed, the situation was entirely different.

Li Bin firmly believed that Min Nan would not sit idly by when Ye Ling was harassed and forced by Wang Gang. As long as he and Min Nan stood on the same side, even ten Wang Gang's would not be able to touch him.

Seeing Li Bin's composed expression, Ye Ling felt a sense of relief and expressed her gratitude. "Thank you so much. I'll stay in the dormitory tomorrow. It's getting late, Brother Li. You should go and rest, and I'll also head back."

After Ye Ling left, Li Bin didn't return to his room to sleep. He grabbed a flashlight, bid farewell to his mother, and left.