
After my death

I am a hero who was born and forged in war. I was born to fight the enemies of the kingdom. But now I am an enemy of the kingdom. Because I never expected the kingdom to betray me when I no longer served them. And now I am reborn as a dark elf. The race I fought as a hero. And I will do everything I can to kill those who betrayed me. _______________________ Hello, I am the author. I've actually written about 15 different synopses but nothing convinces me.

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Thinking of the lack of my power, I felt a little lost.

While my senses of combat and weapons handling training are still there, so I can regain my progress faster, it still bothers me that my body is so weak.

What I learned from mana for 20 years is useless... That's depressing.

In any case, I have the blessing of the essence of Decrea. So it may not take me that long to regain my former power.

Well, don't get too discouraged.

I should ask Elijah to train me, he is a pretty strong knight after all.

Do I ask him now? I mean, he's sitting at the bar in white armor.

Everyone sees you, Elijah.

I will ask him when he comes back, and I will postpone all this guild thing for later.

It's better to go back to the manor, it probably has a training yard.

Thinking that, I turned around with my head a little down to feign sadness for my weakness. Though I'm not pretending.

The higher one is, the more the fall hurts.

I'd better leave fast. I remember the way to the mansion.

After walking for 30 minutes, I notice that it is already dark by the time I get to the mansion.

Tiredness weighs on my body

This body is very weak.

After entering I went straight to sleep


Elijah POV:

What a strange young master

All he did was go out with his carriage and maid, send the carriage away, enter the guild building, and leave with his head down.

It wasn't an hour and a half out

Luckily he didn't notice me.

I was always good at combat so when the count sent me to watch him I was afraid that he would discover me, since the count told me that the boy was very perceptive.

I must have improved in my stealth

Haha I always had a lot of skills

Anyway, in the morning I will go to officially introduce myself with him, I hope he will not have problems with me

Clearly he doesn't remind me very well, but I do remember him. I've taken care of him for 20 years

His eyes were always lost and he almost didn't speak , but we still went through a lot of things.

Teach you how to walk

To ride, although he did not do it very well.

To move the sword, because you cannot call it "wield" to what he did

It was always difficult for him to learn things.

Will it be different now?

I hope I can teach him all my skills and hopefully, one day, he will inherited my sword.


The next morning; Ezekiel/Marcus POV:

I woke up with the same energy as every day, ready to train.

After washing and asking for Lord Elijah to the servants I left.

From the murmurs of the servants, Ingrid came back late yesterday with a bandaged leg. The servants put together a conspiracy that Ingrid is actually a huntress/warrior/assassin who fought to the death last night.

Normally I wouldn't listen, but all rumors point to combat.

Was she a warrior? I have to ask, If so, her value has just gone up.

After finding Elijah, I immediately asked him about the training and he, very excited, offered to train me.

It saved me work.

We arrived at a fairly spacious training room but which only has a concrete floor and training weapons arranged on the walls.

There Elijah stood in front of me and made me sit in a meditation position.

"The first thing you have to learn before using a weapon is to reinforce, refine and incorporate your essence into your body," Elijah said as he adjusted his posture.

"For this, Marcus, you need to create a whirlwind of essence from your core, so that it absorbs the energy around us, the core will refine it alone if you let it be, but if you refine it manually while meditating, you can increase the quality of it and open the possibilities to improve your core" Elijah continued as he created a little whirlwind of green essence.

"Sure, that's only good if you want to be a magician, but for warriors like me, they have to learn to fill your muscles with essence, constantly strengthening them. Any questions?"

"Just one, Elijah. How are you so strong if you are only my same age?"

It's much stronger than I thought, that simple whirlwind had too much power of attraction.

"Your same age? Boy, I changed your diapers. I'm 77 years old."

What? Is he older than the Emperor of Aquivus and looks like he is 20? I knew that the damn elves were long-lived but this is ridiculous.

"You look surprised, I will explain." He said while looking at me as if he will look at an ignoramus.

You're not a genius either, "Spy Master" Elijah.

"A dark elf like you can live 500 natural years and one like me 1000. High-ranking Drysiccs live around 350 and low-ranked almost 200. All this more than the essence that extends the life of all born beings naturally. For example, I with my green core could live almost 3000 years and it is said that someone with a red core is immortal."

"The vast majority of elves die fighting or in monster attacks, to that is added a low birth rate and results in that despite living long, we are not as much as you can believe."

Someone here? Really doubt it.

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