

In a fantastical world teeming with beastmen, dragons, druids, elves, fairies, beasts, and the ominous presence of demons, a call resounded across the seven continents. Seven extraordinary individuals were summoned as protectors, each entrusted with safeguarding a specific realm. These seven heroes did not merely rule their continents; they forged a path of triumph and splendor, establishing kingdoms that would be revered for generations. Over time, they transcended mortal status, becoming legendary figures whose deeds inspired countless successors. Amidst this tapestry of valor and conquest, however, there was an anomaly—a being of unparalleled power and mystique. Enter Heavenlydemon, the supreme ruler whose tale defied convention and elevated myth to reality. Now, let us embark on the journey of Heavenlydemon's fabled existence, a saga woven with threads of destiny and draped in the fabric of a timeless fairy tale. ---

Elementals08 · Kỳ huyễn
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31 Chs


As Kalki delved deeper into the lair of the Emberfang Horde, he encountered an intense heat that emanated from the core of the place. The air shimmered with waves of heat, and the surroundings seemed to dance with fiery energy. The source of this heat became apparent as Kalki laid eyes on the fire elementals that inhabited the depths of the horde's lair.

The fire elementals appeared as ethereal beings composed of living flames, their bodies pulsing with intense heat. Each elemental emitted waves of scorching energy, creating an oppressive atmosphere that tested the endurance of any who ventured near. Their mere presence seemed to ignite the air around them, amplifying the heat to an unbearable degree.

Kalki, with his mastery over the element of fire, and Ember, inherently attuned to the element, were the only ones able to withstand the searing heat. They navigated through the lair, the air rippling with heat waves that distorted the surroundings. The fire elementals regarded them with curiosity, recognizing kindred spirits in Kalki and Ember.

Meanwhile, the rest of Ember's companions struggled to endure the heat. Flint, Pyra, and Aurora found themselves overwhelmed by the intensity of the fire elementals' aura. Beads of sweat formed on their brows, and their movements grew sluggish as the oppressive heat sapped their strength.

With Kalki's guidance, he and Ember led the group to safety, guiding them through passages that offered respite from the scorching waves. Kalki's mastery over fire allowed him to navigate the lair with precision, identifying routes that avoided the most intense heat zones.

As they escaped the immediate threat of the fire elementals' domain, Ember's companions breathed sighs of relief, their bodies still recovering from the ordeal. They marveled at Kalki and Ember's resilience, recognizing the depth of their elemental mastery and the inherent connection they shared with fire.

Kalki turned to Ember, his eyes reflecting a mix of determination and concern as he contemplated venturing deeper into the Emberfang Horde's lair. He raised the idea of leaving Ember and the others behind to protect them while he faced the unknown dangers ahead.

"Ember, it might be safer for you and the others to remain here," Kalki suggested, his voice carrying the weight of his responsibility. "I will go ahead and scout the area. It could be too dangerous for all of us."

However, Ember's response was unexpected. With a determined expression, she shook her head, her eyes reflecting a resolve that matched Kalki's own. "No, Kalki. I want to accompany you," Ember insisted, her voice tinged with concern. "We're in this together. I can't stay behind while you face these dangers alone."

Kalki declined Ember's offer to accompany him deeper into the Emberfang Horde's lair, citing the unpredictable danger posed by the intense heat waves.

"Ember, I can't risk putting everyone in danger," Kalki explained firmly. "These heat waves are unpredictable, like a volatile leader. It's safer if you all stay here."

Ember, though disappointed, nodded understandingly. She trusted Kalki's judgment and knew he was acting in their best interests.

"Please be careful," Ember urged before Kalki ventured further into the lair, his determination unwavering.

As Kalki delved deeper into the lair of the Emberfang Horde, he encountered a vast and imposing skeleton that evoked the likeness of a fire dragon king, stretching over 10,000 meters in length. This skeletal structure was a marvel to behold, with imposing horns that curved majestically, a fearsome jaw set with rows of imposing teeth, a massive body that dominated the cavern, and a sinuous tail that trailed into the dark recesses of the underground chamber.

What struck Kalki most was the composition of this colossal skeleton. Each bone seemed crafted from gleaming red jewels, imbued with the fiery essence that permeated the entire cavern. The glow from these jewels suffused the surroundings, bathing everything in a warm, fiery light that heightened Kalki's own affinity with fire.

As Kalki gazed upon this magnificent spectacle, he couldn't help but feel a sense of reverence and wonder. The skeleton, resembling that of a legendary fire dragon king, seemed to hold ancient secrets and untold power within its structure. The sight of the red jewel bones, shimmering with elemental energy, hinted at the tremendous force that once animated this mighty creature.

Amidst the grandeur of the skeletal dragon, Kalki's attention was drawn to a particular chamber within the massive ribcage—a deep, mysterious cavity that seemed to be the focal point of the essence flow. Here, at the heart of the dragon's remains, Kalki sensed an intense concentration of elemental power, beckoning him to explore its depths and uncover the secrets buried within.

The discovery of this ancient fire dragon skeleton filled Kalki with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. He realized that the reservoirs of elemental essence were not merely contained within the bones but flowed from a deeper source within the heart of the dragon. This revelation hinted at the profound significance of the dragon king's remains and the potential they held for unlocking new levels of power and understanding in the realm of fire and destiny.

As Kalki ventured deeper towards the source of the intense elemental power emanating from the heart of the fire dragon skeleton, he found himself pondering the significance of such concentrated energy at the borders of this segment. The sheer magnitude of the power puzzled him, leading him to wonder why no monsters or creatures had attempted to seize this vast reservoir of essence that could potentially grant dominion over the entire border and make him never defeat this group of beasts.

Despite these questions swirling in his mind, Kalki pressed forward, drawn by an irresistible curiosity to uncover the secrets hidden within the dragon's remains. As he descended further into the cavernous chamber, the heat became increasingly oppressive, threatening to overwhelm him. In response, Kalki invoked his inheritance skill, Elemental Initiation and another epic and rare elemental skills, to shield himself from the searing temperatures.

With a focused effort, Kalki channeled his mastery over elemental energies, surrounding himself with a protective barrier of elemental essence. This barrier acted as a shield against the intense heat, allowing him to continue his descent towards the heart of the fire dragon skeleton.

As he progressed deeper into the chamber, Kalki marveled at the effectiveness of his inheritance skill in mitigating the heat. The barrier of elemental essence not only protected him but also enhanced his connection to the surrounding fire element, imbuing him with renewed vigor and determination to unravel the mysteries of this ancient and powerful site.

Amidst the oppressive heat and the glow of red jewel bones, Kalki's resolve remained unyielding. He was determined to reach the heart of the fire dragon's remains and unlock the secrets that lay hidden within, even as the formidable challenge posed by the Emberfang Horde loomed in his thoughts.

As Kalki neared the origin of the fire essence, the intensity of the elemental force bore down upon him with unrelenting pressure. His defensive barriers began to crack and distort under the sheer force of the fire elemental essence, yet he refused to yield. Desperately, he marshaled his mana and fire essence control to forge a path forward, but the relentless onslaught shredded his defenses.

With each step forward, Kalki's defenses shattered completely, leaving him vulnerable to the searing power of the fire essence. The essence tore at his flesh, leaving behind bloody wounds that dripped with pain. Despite the agony, Kalki gritted his teeth and pressed onward, his will unwavering even in the face of excruciating torment.

His progress was slow and arduous, weakened by blood loss and depleted mana, but he persisted until he finally reached the heart of the fire essence. There, amidst the swirling energies, he beheld a fist-sized transparent crystal radiating with an ominous black fire. The crystal possessed an eerie beauty, its depths shimmering with an otherworldly glow that seemed to devour the light around it.

Within the depths of the crystal, Kalki perceived the form of a demoness made of black flame—an embodiment of pure elemental power. Her presence was both mesmerizing and terrifying, her features sculpted from dancing shadows of deep obsidian fire. As Kalki gazed upon this ethereal being, he sensed a profound connection to the raw elemental forces that permeated the chamber.

As he touched the luminous crystal with a bloodied hand, he listened a sour voice " INHERITANCE".

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