
Adventure of an Agares [DxD]

Imagine what would happen if a human from our world were to replace Seekvaira Agares in the Underworld? Read the story of Novachrono Agares who replaces Seekvaira Agares as the Heir of the Archduke House of Agares. MC is a male in a male's body. No SYSTEM shit, it sucks. No Seekvaira Agares in this world. The name sucks, I know... but deal with it, not going to change it because I like the name as it suits a pure-blood Devil. Yuri Elements between MC's Harem Members. Since MC is a noble pure-blood 'Devil', morality wouldn't be taken into account, and there will be some elements that are sensitive for modern society, for example, child-sex (mostly b/w same age), some shota elements, manipulation, brainwashing, mind control, et cetera AU elements that drastically deviate from the Canon Source Material Polls were taken just because I felt like it, doesn't mean I will follow them. ............ Disclaimer: All rights are reserved to their respective creators.

Novachrono_Agares · Tranh châm biếm
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64 Chs

Chapter – 1 Afterlife and Rebirth

"Is this the afterlife?" muttered a soul, as it continued to drift into the vast nothingness.

The soul didn't have eyes to see where it was, nor could hear any sound, the only reason it felt that it is in the afterlife is based on its memories of dying because of cancer.

"Sigh… I wish I could live more… there's so much I wanted to be able to do…!" it muttered again, in helplessness and regret.

While the soul was wallowing, suddenly a majestic feminine voice echoed, "Boy… do you really wish to live more?"

"Who's there?" the soul asked, perplexed why he could suddenly hear the voice of a woman.

"Who I am is irrelevant to you…" the voice said, and questioned, "Just answer my question… do you really wish to live more?"

"Obviously… why wouldn't I want to live more." The soul answered in an obvious tone.

"But isn't living harder than death? You humans seem to think this way, am I not, correct? Then why do you wish to do something difficult? Why do you wish to live more?" the voice asked again.

The soul answered, "Look lady I don't know who you are… and I do agree that death is easier than life when you struggling and there is no way forward… however, I still want to live more because that's what gives us some meaning… besides, there are so many things I haven't completed… and I have regrets… that's why I want to live more…!"

"Hmm… so that's your opinion huh?" the voice muttered, then said, "Since that's the case, then how about I give you an offer?"

"What kind of offer are you talking about?" the soul immediately asked, curious and excited. It has read a lot of manga, light novels, and fanfiction to know where this is going. And if his thoughts are indeed correct, then this is his chance!

"As you have guessed… I am giving you an opportunity to live again…," said the voice.

"Can you really do that?" the soul asked, both doubtful and excited at the same time.

"Yes… I can… now… tell me boy… in which world would you like to live your next life? A simple world, a world of sword and magic, a technological world, or some other world of your preference?" asked the voice.

"Say, lady… I have a question… when you asked me about the world of my choice… is it possible that I can choose some anime, manga, or light novel world?" asked the soul.

The voice was silent for a while, then nodded, "Yes, you can."

"Yosha… in that case, I would like to reincarnate into the High School DxD because it has everything, I can ask from a world… technology, swords, magic, humans, devils, angels, dragons, gods, aliens, simple life, almost all the possible things… and the most important, it has some excellent woman… so High School DxD is the world of my choice… is this world possible?" soul.

The voice answered, "There is no problem… you can reincarnate into High School DxD World."

"Awesome!" the soul exclaimed in joy, and questioned, "So… so… how am I going to reincarnate? Will it be a human or some other race?"

The voice answered, "You can choose your race."

"Nice…" the soul nodded in excitement, and asked, "And one last question… can I also choose the powers that I will have in the DxD world?"

"Very well… this is going to be your life, so I give you the right to choose." Said the voice.

"All right then…" the soul nodded, and after thinking for a while, it said, "In that case, I want to be reincarnated into the DxD world as a noble pureblood devil… also, I want to inherit the powers of Lucius Zogratis from the Black Clover Universe… [Time], [Gravity], and [Soul], I want to have all three Magic types in my next life… is this possible?"

After a while of silence, the voice said, "Your wish shall be granted."

As the mysterious lady spoke these words, suddenly a hole appeared in the void and before the soul could thank the lady for giving him this opportunity, it was sucked into that hole and disappeared from the void.

With the soul gone, a well-endowed lady appeared in the void and muttered, "He was subject 23D0… let's see how he fares in comparison to the previous failures…"

Agares Castle, Underworld

In one of the luxurious rooms of the Agares Castle, a woman with pale green hair and a bulging stomach was lying on the bed. Undoubtedly, she is pregnant and the nurses running around the room are and preparing for her delivery.

Besides the lady sat a blonde man, he gently held his lady's hand and said, "Don't worry Libra… everything is going to be okay… I am going to be here with you for the entire time!"

The lady named Libra giggled at the action of her husband and teased him, "Darling… you'd be more convincing if your hands weren't sweaty, and you weren't fidgeting. The one giving birth is me… why are you the one shaking? Are you nervous?"

"What… nervous and me?!" the blonde man muttered, then he turned left, and while looking at the Head maid of his castle, he asked, "Alpha… am I cowering?"

The maid named Alpha adjusted her glasses on the bridge of her nose, and said in an indifferent tone, "Forgive me, my Lord, however, I must speak the truth… you are indeed nervous."

The blonde man exclaimed, "That's bogus… I am not nervous at all…" and added, "I… I am excited… yes excited, this is the result of excitement… today's the day my child is going to be born, which father wouldn't be happy?"

"Hai… hai… darling is not nervous… he is just excited." Nodded Libra with a giggle, then asked, "Say… Julius… have you thought of the names for our child?"

The blonde man, now named Julius nodded with a smile, "Yes, I have thought of the names for our child… if it's a boy, then we are going to name him NovaChrono but if it's a girl we are going to name her Seekvaira."

"NovaChrono Agares or Seekvaira Agares huh?" muttered Libra, then said with a smile, "Darling… they are wonderful names."

Julius nodded proudly, "I know right? I decided on these names after a lot of thinking."

Libra nodded, "Hehe… I am impressed."

As the couple kept talking about various things, the preparations were soon completed, and it was finally time for Libra to give birth.

A Few hours later

"Uwaaaaaa… waaa… waaaa…" baby cry.

"Congratulations Lord Julius… your wife has given birth to a healthy boy." The doctor said and passed a baby boy wrapped in a towel to Julius.

Julius carefully held the boy and looked at him. While in Julius' arms, the boy's cries stopped and he curiously looked at the man holding him.

After a while of silence, Julius smiled proudly, and said, "My son and my heir… you are going to be known as… Novachrono Agares."

As it was named, the brilliant and innocent laughter of the newly born boy resounded in the room.

Seeing this, Alpha said with a smile, "It seems young Lord likes the name."

Libra looked at Julius holding their son, and said while raising her hands, "Darling… let me hold our child."

"Yes, dear." Julius nodded, then passed their son in Libra's arms, "Here you go."

Libra held their son, and while looking into the heterochromatic eyes of their son, she nodded with a gentle smile, "Yes… the name Novachrono fits him perfectly, he is going to be the brightest star in the Underworld."

Julius said excitedly, "My heir has finally been born… this calls for a celebration… Alpha let the entire House of Agares celebrate tonight!"

"As you wish my Lord!" Alpha nodded and then walked out of the room leaving behind Julius and Libra with their newborn.


Author's Note:

That's a wrap for the first chapter. Took me some time to write it since this is me first time writing.

Tell me how did I do?

Question: Should I make Grayfia part of Novachrono's Peerage?

