
Adelaide's odyssey

Adelaide Hainsky is a student who works in a bubble tea shop, has a candle making business and is very talented at making wax sculptures. However life has more to offer as she meets the richest family in the city for a wax art project but has to deal with rich heir, Andrea Danvers as a result.

Mon_Ishka · Thành thị
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4 Chs

Chapter 4 ~ The start of the project or maybe the end?

I woke up with the golden sunrays touching my skin and it took around 20 seconds for me to stabilize myself. This is when I went to my laptop and wrote an email to my school faking a sickness. I know it was a bad move but I trusted myself, I was not made for algebra...math formulas and for once in my life I wanted to let my art instincts guide me. I ate some cereals and spent some time with Laila when I realised that she was being left alone for too long.

I quickly dialed my neighbor's number with hope that she would pick up and that is when I heard an old voice.

"Good morning Mrs. Merilyn. I am very sorry to disturb you but I need your help." I spoke as kindly as I could and she reassured me that in no ways was I disturbing her.

"I really needed someone to look after my Laila for the entire da....."

She was kind enough to not let me finish my sentence and accepted to have Laila over at her place.

After that I chose a simple white dress with a pair of brown laced booties without forgetting my matching Satchel bag. I took the bus and headed over to Miss Stephania's place but it was in a private area so I had to message her and a custom golf car was sent to pick me up. Once in front of the mansion, Miss Celina showed me the craft hall and I was beyond amazed on seeing how huge it was. The flooring was made of marble and the ceiling had pretty dangling chandeliers that sparkled due to the reflection of the sun. The hall was full of large wooden tables, crafting supplies and cute little poofs to sit on. Miss Stephania showed up in her pretty silk shirt and white jeans looking like she was in a hurry.

"Oh you are just in time sweetie, here are the supplies" she said as five men entered the hall carrying boxes of wax of all color and moulds of all shapes. She also bought Lilac scent to put in the candles and in less than a minute, the hall was filled with supplies everywhere.

"You can start today itself but I have to attend a board meeting right now. I am late so goodluck and if ever you feel hungry do not hesitate to let Miss Celina know. Here is your pass so you can have access here."

I thanked her and then I was alone in the huge craft hall trying to connect my small Bluetooth player to play some classic Dark Accademia music. The way each sound and music note echoed in the huge vintage hall gave me goosebumps. I felt like I had gone back in time and it was way too blissful to be real.

I began to cut the white wax into 1-2 chunks and then carefully removed my pouring pitcher from my bag. To my surprise there was a little stove and a pot which I filled with some water to let simmer and added the chunks of wax in it. After sometimes the wax started to melt and that is when I turned off the heat and added some drops of pure Lilac scent. Judging by the way the scent evaporated and covered the entire hall in just a matter of seconds I instantly knew it was an extremely expensive fragrance brand. I followed the scent with some moss green pigment and stir the mixture delicately pouring it in the moulds.


"What kind of haunted music is that?" A manly voice inquired while frowning

"I am sorry sir maybe it's the girl that Miss Stepha..."

"Tell her to switch it off NOW. You know what? let me do it instead." he walked as if he was in the armed forces ready to burst into the hall in no time.

As soon as he arrived in front of the craft hall, his eyes landed on a girl from behind who had light golden brown wavy hair and was wearing knee length white dress dancing all the way while preparing some

"deadly portions?" "What is that?"

He was stunned at seeing her twirl to the rhythm of the music and suddenly go back to pouring a weird looking mixture that looked like puke according to him. He removed his phone to Shazam the song and it showed 'Sirens'.

"Such a dramatic music duh." he uttered and slowly hid behind the slightly open door to continue peeping at her.

Adelaide seemed to be entirely lost in her daydream and sometimes acted like she had a dance partner when obviously there was no one. The violin and bass was getting even more dramatic and he was simply astonished at the scene of a teen who seemed to have time traveled from the Victorian era. It smelled so good though but he was so confused that his head hurt and that is when Adelaide caught a pair of googly green eyes staring at her behind a slightly open door.

"HOLY F$CK" Adelaide yelled as she hid behind the counter. He slowly made his way inside the craft hall towards the counter as he was curious to know what the actual heck was going on.

"This place is haunted" she cried to herself as she sat on the ground placing her shaky hands on her face and started panting heavily. He walked on the tip of his toe and watched her practically shake behind the counter with 'Prologue to the mount of monte cristo' playing in the background.

As soon as Adelaide looked to her left, her reflexes made her grab the nearest object which was a pot and 'PoOONG"

-it was then that she realised that she had thrown a pan on the ghost and after five minutes she confidently got up to go fetch the pot when her jaw dropped on seeing what she had done.


"Uhhh...sir?"I muttered while panicking. My mind had instantly stopped working.

I kneed down and faced him while slowly removing his hand from his right eye area and that is when I noticed a blueish bruise on his face. I was caught by how pretty he was that I gazed at him nearly forgetting that he was probably in pain. His jet black humid hair all over his smooth porcelain skin and perfectly structured face. Thick black eyebrows, reddish lips , long lashes and a mole right below his sea green eyes. He was surreal as if he had come from another world.

"Are you that stupid to watch me suffer because of you?" I heard an angry voice and quickly got up to go get an ice pack for 'art purpose' because I felt scared to tell them the real reason. Once in the hall I made him sit on a poof and kneed down to apply the ice pack on his eyes when he aggressively snatched it and did it himself.

"I genuinely apologise for...."

"I don't want to hear anything. Just shut up for a minute." he ordered

I kept quiet for sometimes and tried to talk again when he yelled at me sternly.


The young handsome man had no pity for Adelaide and he was so angry at her that he ranted at her continuously and Adel had no choice other than to listen.

"Out of all the people my sister could choose, she chose an outdated loser like you. How old are you?"

"19" she replied in a slow tone

"A 19 years old girl with a horrendous sense of style is seen dancing like an insane human being while preparing a pukish like potion and when I want to know what the hell is happening in MY OWN HOUSE, I get hit with a pot and now my eye and face is bruised because of you ...YOU."

"I saw a pair of creepy green eyes looking at me and got scared. I had no intention of hurting you it was just by impulse." Adel tried to defend herself

"Well you are done, I will talk to my sister and get her to throw you out of here." he said with a smirk and Adelaide's eyes were starting to form tears.

"This project is really important for my career please spare me for one last time. I promise to never do anything wrong again. I sincerely apologize." she said as she tried to wipe her tears in a discrete manner.

He got close to Adel's melancholic face and looked into her hazel brown eyes then at her lips while Adel looked besides him to avoid eye contact. His piercing eyes were too strong for Adel.

"Do you think I care about your career ?" his cold tone had stabbed her in a very sensitive place. "I will make sure it is your last day here." he said and exited the place.

Adel was struck by the sudden twist and had no words left to say. She took a deep breath and continued doing what she was doing while thinking of the consequences she would have to face. Time went by, It was seven in the evening when Stephania entered the hall. She instantly saw tired little Adel scanning the details of the candles.

"That was quick ! how much have you made today?" she asked surprised on seeing the candles nicely organized on the table.


"I am beyond impressed by how refined they look. Just like I asked." Stephania loved them but little did she know I would not be able to come here anymore because of my own stupidity. "I know you are tired will you get going now?"

"Yes I was packing my bag." I took my bag to go and greeted her as I exited the place and bumped with Stephania's brother again parking his Bugatti. I tried to avoid looking at him and got in the golf car but I felt him turn to look at me.

Soon I was home with Laila. I had never felt so depressed in my life ,my dream had turned into a mess. A BIG MESS.

Maybe it was not meant for me.

Hello everyone. I'm doing this with so much love so please give some love by commenting and sharing your views.

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