

The novel displays the romantic journey of Alexander Allan, a young successful CEO who is an arrogant tycoon in the city and everyone fears him. Everyone knows not to mess with him or the consequences will be devastating. His love life is complicated as he faces betrayal from his first love hence making the once arrogant man's heart turn cold and emotionless. However, this gradually changes when he meets a strong-willed lady in the story Emma Stone. He employs her as his secretary and vows to make her life challenging as she resembles his first girlfriend who broke his heart. But as time goes by he becomes obsessed with her to a state that he would not feel like himself if she was anywhere not close to him. This story grips the theme of love, betrayal, and healing also with the theme of forgiveness.

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28 Chs




I was surprised with what I saw on the TV screen when that number 4 girl was supposed to came in for an interview. She did what most of us couldn't at first I didn't quite see her face clearly but that moment I knew if I did not hire her it was loss for my company we need people who improvise just like her in our team .Sooner she came in I expected her to be bare footed but here she was walking with full composure and confidence as she walked imitating her walk with heels whilst she had none it was such sight-seeing.


However, the moment she introduced her name she sounded just like Kiara and I didn't mean to throw all my rage at her but hearing her talk it made me boil with anger and I started visualizing her as Kiara. I expected her to be frightened or to give up who knew that this girl was so sharp tongued I lost the battle with her leaving the room with her former composure of hers.


After the interview I knew that some of my associates had liked this Emma also she seemed quietly qualified for the job than other applicants .They loved her confidence and that aura she released that made people seem to relax but it's all a pretense to get in their good books I say. I was feeling low and I needed liquor to stop the painful memories that seemed to be crawling back from the attic I had locked them in my mind.


I called my friends and we went to one of the clubs I owned .Josh and Justin Miller the successful twins in the fashion industry loved to party and due to my conflict with my mind they excused themselves on the pretense of going to the restroom o knew being the womanizers they were they have found beautiful ladies.


Most of the time they would bring their female dates to our VIP room but today the took longer and I was curious to what was holding them up. So, I just stood up ready to go when I received a phone call from my mother.


"mother", I said with clear impatience in my voice.


"well is that a way to greet your elders Alex I see you have grown wings all of a sudden, huh, now listen am just breaking down news of what I heard your father discussing with Mr. Blossom", she said.


"hello mother goes on I don't have time for your drama today. What were they discussing ", I said impatience increasing sharply?


"well I heard them talking about your marriage with Lucy and they plan to get you engaged next week at the company's annual celebrations. You know I love you and I want you to be happy but I don't think this arrangement is proper so please act with your father for a while and I'll try my charms to persuade him otherwise.", she said.


"don't you worry mom I'll play a little game with them rather Lucy will be the one who will regret being matchmade to me, Father rally seems to be in a hurry to get me married is he", I said.


"you know what they say we tend to lose our mind and senses the more we age thus your father child let's play along with his play for a while then disagree with him later on", she said.


"okay mom ill hangs up now", I said.


"but on another note, you aren't getting any young so please find yourself a woman to settle down with. I also want to play with my grandchild and brag about him/her at our ladies tea parties ", she said and hung up her phone.


After the phone call with my sweet mother I went towards the main dance floor when I saw a glimpse of my the boys sitting across three ladies .They seemed to be enjoying their time because they were laughing when I caught Kiara's voice in the bar I was now breathing heavily how dare she come to my club with whoever she brought. I swear that Ill teach her a lesson she will never forget if I see her.


Surprisingly the voice was directing me towards the table the boys where and the third woman whom I had perceived to be Kiara was being shielded by Josh's body, then I heard them bring my name into their conversation and then I knew it was definitely her but what surprised me was that they were not that close before then why are they laughing with her most of which prefer to drink with her.


I went closer to where they were and thus when I came across that crazy applicant from earlier I cursed her from within for having the same voice as Kiara .Just then one of her friend referred to me as the devil and mostly arrogant bastard ,I lost my gentleman demeanor and aimed straight to Emma's neck I was choking her ready to watch her life seep through her eyes or helplessness to her face.


However, she proved to be a tigress she didn't even flinch for a moment and she was talking big .Just then she told me to let her go from her tone I loosened the grip and thus when she got upper hand .She struck my nose with a heavy blow which an ordinary girl can't do, immediately my nose started bleeding .She and her friends left the club and the boys took me to the hospital and the doctor said I was lucky that my nose did not break however it had swollen and I had to use an ice pack to ease the inflammation.


When we arrived at my apartment I was already in a very worse foul mood. I went straight in my study room and locked myself in it was one of my habits so that these two Blossom brothers wouldn't interfere with my thoughts. After about two minutes I heard the car driving out and I knew they had left so I texted them telling them to travel safely back home.

Since I was alone I had to digest the information which my mother had just told me.My father is so adamant about my marriage if I don't do at times what he says what he will do is not known take for example Thomas was sent overseas just because he never wanted to study finance rather he followed his heart of art and I have to say he has made a name for himself now even starting his own business there.


As sat in my study something also came to my mind and that was to make sure that this Lucy girl will hate me because am not getting married anytime soon plus she is not my type. Just as I was about to go and freshen up my father's phone call came.


"father ", I said.


"you no longer visit us nor call me boy have you already sidelined your own money because of women", he said in his usual opening remarks whenever he called.


"father please I was just busy at the company recently but I promise to visit you during the weekend when am free okay. I'll come for dinner", I reassured him.


"well that reminds me Mr. Blossom was here in the afternoon and he offered a very promising deal which will have a huge effect to our company. He said it's time for you to get married as well as his daughter so we saw it not harmful for you two children to get married", he narrated.


"father what are you saying", I questioned.


"easy boy its simple both of you know each other for a very long time .So why not get married we have even come up with a day to announce your engagement with her it will be during the company's annual celebrations", he said.


"but father you promised me you will not interfere in my relationship but what are you doing right now", I said my anger reaching its peak.


"don't you dare raise your voice towards me boy you will get engaged to Lucy Blossom and that's final or I'll sell my company and enjoy the money travelling the world with your mother here you hear me", he commanded.


'father listen", I tried to reason with him.


" you will get married to her boy .Now listen to me right away tomorrow take a break from work and Lucy will meet you at your place make sure you treat her to a meal, go to the movies I suppose okay now don't disappoint or humiliate me okay", he said and then hung up his phone.


Just as he had hung up his phone I found the bottle of whisky on the table and threw it to the wall. I watched as its glass pieces fly into different areas whilst it contents ruined the limited sofa that was below the wall which I had thrown it onto.


Just as I was about to leave the room again a message popped in on my phone and it made my blood boil aggressively in my veins. It seemed liked the board had agreed to hire Emma as my new secretary and this was not bad but to think of her making me think of Kiara with her voice made me so angry. However, to a greater extent this was good and now I'll be able to make her confidence subside and her life more painful than hell. Emma Stone you well be happy about being happy but brace yourself to meet your early trip to hell.