

The novel displays the romantic journey of Alexander Allan, a young successful CEO who is an arrogant tycoon in the city and everyone fears him. Everyone knows not to mess with him or the consequences will be devastating. His love life is complicated as he faces betrayal from his first love hence making the once arrogant man's heart turn cold and emotionless. However, this gradually changes when he meets a strong-willed lady in the story Emma Stone. He employs her as his secretary and vows to make her life challenging as she resembles his first girlfriend who broke his heart. But as time goes by he becomes obsessed with her to a state that he would not feel like himself if she was anywhere not close to him. This story grips the theme of love, betrayal, and healing also with the theme of forgiveness.

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The next morning I woke up to see that all were sleeping on the carpet. I chuckled and then headed straight to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and put out extra towels and toothbrushes for the girls so that they could help themselves out. Then I started cleaning up the mess which me made up last night .


Suddenly I remembered what had occurred yesterday I couldn't help it but to hate that boy more than I actually did. Just then my phone rang and I took it then answered it without seeing who was calling.


"hello", I said with a hint of laziness in my voice.


"hello, good morning is this Miss Emma Stone speaking", the other end of the receiver said.


"yes it is, how can I be of service to you mame",I said regaining my full composure after hearing her formality in speech that meant what she wanted to say was actually very important.


"am from Jay enterprise and I called you to inform you that the board after careful reviewing your application and the evaluation after the interview they saw you fit and the one suitable for this job. So on behalf of the team I would like to congratulate you ",she said after her speech my heart was in a turmoil of joy and adrenaline was coursing through my veins at an abnormal rate.


"thank you, madam I'll try my best, to be hardworking and diligent with my job', I said in-between stammers.


"I hope you do. Now you need to come to the office tomorrow to follow the formalities and you will start your work on Monday as Mr. Alexander Allan secretary", she said .


"I'll drop by thank you ", I said.


"once again CONGRATULATIONS EMMA STONE bye", she said and hung up the call.


After the call I was in a happy mood I even did my chores whilst humming a happy tune. I even prepared English breakfast for my friend I knew after seeing such a meal they will bombard me with endless questions .Seriously I was in a happy mood but reality came down crushing my joy. It was then I realized that I'll be working for that ignorant man from earlier but I really need the job and am also positive that he will try by all means to make my life a living hell. I told myself that I have to work hard and be quiet and act as cotton to his shenanigans thus the way I could keep at work .

Just as I was in my thoughts the girls walked in and they had these puzzled expressions plastered on their faces.


"wow someone definitely is in a good mood", Brittany said.


"Yoh Brits you're right there, she looks like someone who has just won a lottery", Amber said looking at me with prying eyes.


"can we have out breakfast and leave for the shopping you promised me or you are afraid I'll deplete all your savings account.", I said jokingly to my friends.


"English breakfast now am curious what's going on in your mind EMMY", she said or rather screamed about it.


'well when you guys were still in your slumber, I received a call from JAY enterprise and guess what they just told me", I said leaving them the last part to finish on their own.


"OMG, Emmy you got the job, congratulations girl wow am so happy for you. I can't wait to be treated to a fancy dinner by you am so lucky to be your friend wow", this was Amber in her poetic mode.


"wait you got the job, Congratulations now it's time for you to lose that virginity of yours to some hot men I heard they have hot dudes in that company even the security guards are breathtaking", here she goes again with her masculinity talk.


"well no one even mentioned that now I'll have the opportunity to leave this poor apartment of mine. But something is not right I don't know if I'll be able to stay on the job for long." I informed them of my worries.


"why babes it's a dream job for almost everyone to be able to work for the almighty Jay company more of which secretary to the CEO that's huge don't you think", Amber said.


"well now listen the bad part my boss is called ALEXANDER ALLLAN", I said and both looked confused.


"wait Alexander Allan wow he even has the same name as that douchebag from yesterday don't you think .... wait a minute don't tell me that it's the same person", Brittany said mind blown.


"you're so dead my girl", Amber said.


"anyway, let's not dwell on him that much it's not like I'll have to feed him or flush the toilet for him every time he visits the toilet", I said raising my concerns.

"gross have some class girl secretary, let's eat before the food turns cold and remember we have office shopping to go to", Amber said and we quickly dig into our foods with happiness tangible in the air.


However, in the other part of the city someone was having a busy time planning a devilish way to chase the lady Lucy whom his father had paired him with. After some time, he heard a car pull up in his drive way and he knew that she had arrived. The butler Mr. Richard went to welcome his master's guest.


"good morning Miss Blossom it's so wonderful to see you", he said respectfully.


"hang this for me ", this was her answer and it was very rude of her.


After hanging her coat Mr. Richard took Lucy to where Alex was sitting absentmindedly to what was happening around him.


"this way Miss Blossom', he said and pulled a chair for the lady right across from Alex.


"Mr. Richard can you serve me my breakfast am hungry please and some for Miss Blossom here", he said without even glancing in her way.


" I know you might hate me for agreeing to my father's wishes but I also don't want this and believe me when I say this but let's just go with the flow for the mean time okay ", she said trying to break the thin tension which was between the two of them.


'well if you say so, Peter", he said calling the servant who was walking by.


"yes sire", Peter said in his British accent.


"go into my study room and bring me the documents in the blue file please", he commanded.


Just as Peter left the room, the food was served and the two digs straight into their meal no one talking with the other each dwelling in their different thoughts. Just then Peter returned with the set of papers he had told to fetch.


"no, they're not for me can you pass them to Miss Blossom for me please", he commanded.


Lucy hearing this was almost choked after hearing the name of files being for her .She was now on the edge of her seat is this the way he want to get rid of her thus was the questions circulating in her mind.


"well Miss Blossom this is a contract between the two of us. We have no relationship what so ever, we have to act in front of our parents but technically we have nothing towards each other since you said you're not in favor also of this arrangement", he said.


"I understand so what do I need this", she replied.


"well to remind you not to fall head over heels for me okay. Now if you sign to this agreement you will not question me about my where abouts and not come to look for me in my office and mostly never post any picture of us on social media mostly we won't take any pictures when we go out or act intimately in public is that clear", he said.


"I understand so I'll sign the document ", she signed the document but her conscious were telling her that it was all a fuss and he will one day fall for her along the line.


The two eat their meals with a tension which radiated and was visible in the air.


"now so as to satisfy our parents I know my father has already planted spies to watch our every move now we will go shopping then go watch a movie. This will make us not seem suspicious at all. I almost forgot the forms you just signed include a NON-DISCLOSURE contract which reads if you disclose any information to anyone about this contact to anyone and I find it out you will pay me a total of 5 billion or rather since you're your father's heir the company rights will then belong to me ",he said.


"you are determined to keep us apart aren't you anyway I won't tell anyone", she said but rather she had dug her fingernails in the palm of her hand a long time ago when he was explaining the non-disclosure contract.


"now get ready for us to go shopping shall we", he said extending his hand to her which she took it gracefully.


The two entered Alex's Bugatti Veyron car and hit the town going towards the CBD.However fate was bound to make two souls meet and what awaits in this journey was going to break one of the coldest hearts on earth.