
Adar of the Eternals

The Eternals, a race of super beings and were known for being a more perfected offshoot of humanity. In many universes they were far more powerful than the Avengers, X-Men, and even the Fantastic Four. However in this universe, the Marvel Cinematic Universe, they were on even footing. The Eternals of the Marvel Cinematic Universe did not have a good portrayl of their powers and characteristics. That was to be changed in this new reality, this alternate universe. In this universe, their story is forever changed with the addition of a new character different from the rest of his kind.

Master_Yasuke · Phim ảnh
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1 Chs

Chapter 1 - The Arrival

7,000 Years Ago...

Earth, the blue marble and considered as a backwater primitive world. It resided in a far corner of the Milky Way galaxy as being one of the safest places there was. So it should come as no shock when a starship suddenly appeared out of nowhere. It looked quite damaged, and had quite the design. It sailed past Pluto, Neptune, and more at about astonishing rate. Until eventually it came to a halt right at a Earth. Aboard the ship was a dark skinned male, his garbs being of unknown make and model. He had a black low fade, dark brown irises, a blue and red streak suit, scarlet cape that hung from the front of his shoulder to his knees, and silver armor pieces like bracers and clamps for his cape.

His gaze remained affixed upon the planet as the ship began to scan it. A stoic look was on his face, one that didn't falter no matter what. It wouldn't be long before he saw the scans showed that the planet read positive for habitatable for life. His calming dark brown eyes staying on the scans for a moment longer. Then he began to narrow his eyes, before turning to see someone walking up behind him. It was a beautiful light brown skinned woman wearing blue and gold like armor. The man stood at 6"6 while the woman was at 5"10.

She gave him a cautious look, before placing a hand on his shoulder. "I have found us a new home Ajak..." The man revealed, causing a surprised look to wash over her face. Then a beaming smile bore onto her face.

"That is great! We must wake the others, Adar!" Ajak exclaimed, but found Adar shaking his head to her.

"We must find a suitable place to land and evaluate the planet first. Then we can decide if it would be right to wake the others."

"But some must be awakened, we cannot evaluate this world alone."

"True...then awaken Sprite, Sersi, Kengo, Thena, Phastos, Gil, Druig, and Makkari. They will be able to help us better than the others for now."

Ajak nodded, happy that Adar agreed with her for now. Then gave him a frown as she gave his shoulder a slight squeeze. "Adar...I can feel your thoughts, hear the whispers at the back of your mind." Ajak said, then felt Adar pull his shoulder away from her.

"Stay out of my mind Ajak.." Adar warned, then had his back facing her. For a moment Ajak reached out to him, about to touch him once more. Then stopped herself and closed her eyes as she inhaled and exhaled. Nodding a bit, she turned and began walking off and away from Adar and out of the bridge of the starship. Adar waited for several seconds, then began piloting the starship towards Earth with golden light like hologram controls.

Ajak meanwhile was marching down the halls of the ship. It wad quite large, big enough to house many passengers. Though she was looking to find a select few passengers. Ajak turned a corner and arrived at a spacious room with the form of a scarlet statue situated at the center of it. Amongst the walls were men and women encased within the walls. It was as if they were frozen in timez that ended when Ajak reached over to one part of the wall and closed her eyes. She waited as several gasps were made, then opened her eyes to find the individuals that she was awakening. Sprite, Sersei, Phastos, Druig, Makkari, Gilgamesh, Kengo, and Thena all looked around. They then looked at each before centering their attention on Ajak who gave them all a warm smile. "We've found a new home." Ajak stated, then gestured for them to follow her.

All showed their own ways to be surprised, but the first to follow her was Sprite who had a curious but beaming smile on her face. "What's it like!? Is it big? Is there people already on the planet?!" She berated Ajak with questions, and found a caring hand from the woman placed on her head.

"You will soon find out when we land Sprite."

"What is Adar doing?" Questioned Druig with a suspicious tone.

"He is-" Before Ajak finished speaking the alarm of the ship began blaring throughout the halls. Ajak nearly froze, knowing what the alarm meant. Without wasting anymore time, she looked to the others. "Go, everyone capable of battle arm yourselves! Everyone else get to the bridge after dawning your armor!"

"What about Adar?" Sersi questioned with concern, but found a calm smile sent to her by Ajak.

"He's most likely already on his way to deal whatever it is that is threatening us."

With Adar, he was soaring through the skies of this backwater world. He had left the vessel that they traveled in, the Domo. The ship being left on autopilot as he descended downwards towards the landscape below. He noticed a group of primitives running from something, something that made his blood boil. "Deviants..." Adar growled, then allowed cosmic energy to circulate throughout his body freely.

The caped Eternal stirred himself towards one of the Deviants about to harm a child, then allowed cold cosmic beams to spew out from his eyes. It collided with the a four legged Deviant, it howled in pain as it turned it's grotesque eyes to him. With nothing held back, Adar charged the beast and collided with it. His fist cracking into it's elongated head and sending it back into the ocean from whence it came. Before he could move away from it however, a tail caught his foot and pulled him beneath the water. It was revealed that there were two more Deviants there. With one having a serpent like lower body and an upper body with arms. It got a hold on Adar, and zoomed forward to bite into his left shoulder with a viscous long fangs. A cry of pain escaped Adar, then with glowing gold eyes, he unleashed a beam of cosmic energy at the Deviant biting his shoulder. It released him, and allowed him to fly out of the ocean and into the air.

However, the Deviant sprouted wings and flew out of ocean to give chase. The primitives were then being chased by the other two Deviants. Just as it seemed one was about to chomp down on one primitive, the primitive was whisked away by a seemingly invisible force. Many other primitives were being whisked away as well, being taken away from the Deviants. Makkari revealed herself in the form of a gust of air pressure being sent to the four legged Deviant. Her attack knocked it off of it's feet and to the side just as Kengo, Thena, and Gilgamesh arrived now. Kengo began channeling cosmic energy to his palms and opened fire at the second Deviant. His bolts collided against the Deviant's skin and piercing into it like a hot knife against butter. He continued to fire into the Deviant as Makkari ensured that all the primitives were moved away from the fight.

Thena on the other hand with Gilgamesh both channeled cosmic energy into them. Both using in their own ways, with Gilgamesh forming golden gauntlets. Thena formed two golden blades that she used to carve her way at the Deviant. Her blades biting into the grotesque creature's skin and causing it to shed black blood. Gilgamesh soon came in and hit the Deviant with a two fist strike that sent the creature backwards.

Kengo was steadily firing cosmic bolts into the Deviant, then began to concentrate on a much more powerful attack. The Deviant let out a growl before charging at the violet armored Eternal. Right as it was about to he in striking distance, Kengo unleashed a powerful cosmic bolt into the Deviant's wide open mouth. The attack blew a hole through the creature's throat and out it's back, killing it.

Thena formed a spear and shield with cosmic energy just as Gilgamesh hit the Deviant with an uppercut with his gauntlets. She then charged it, causing it to focus on her. Gilgamesh picked up on this, and jumped at the Deviant just as it poised it's tail like a scorpion. Right as the bronze armored Eternal was about to hit it with a downward strike, the Deviant quickly turned and sent it's stinger like tail at him. Reacting quickly, Gilgamesh put his gauntlets up to defend, and was subsequently sent backwards from the Deviants' attack. Thena jumped and stabbed into the Deviants' back with her spear. She then formed two twin swords, preparing to behead the creature. Unfortunately she was smacked off of it by the Deviants' tail. Kengo luckily came in with Makkaris' aid. He fired several cosmic bolts into it just as Gilgamesh was up again. He then charged at the Deviant before cocking his fist back. He punched the grotesque creature into it's muzzle, caving it but not ending it.

Adar was being chased by a Deviant, he banked right, left, upwards, and downwards. Yet the flying Deviant stayed on him like a predator hunting prey. That was when he quickly turned, then caught the Deviants' arms. It had four fingered hands with sharp nails. It got a good grip onto his knuckles, aiming to hold him in place as it reared it's head back with a drooling mouth. Adar gritted his teeth, feeling his hands ache with pain as the Deviants' nails bit into his skin. That was when his eyes hued with cosmic energy before he suddenly ripped the Deviants' arms off. The grotesque creature hissed in pain, black blood spewing out from its' sockets as it tried to move away from Adar. However the caped Eternal spead forward and maneuvered around the Deviant to get behind it. Once he was behind it, Adar tore the Deviants' wings off with ease. Golden blood dripped from his shoulder and knuckles, yet he still moved with little hindrance. Just before the wingless Deviant could fall, Adar caught it by its' upper jaw in one hand, then used his other hand to push its' lower jaw down.

With a cold glare, he unleashed a beam of cosmic energy from his eyes and into the Deviants' mouth. It burned through it and exited through the pelvis region of its' serpent like body. Once his foe was dead, Adar released the Deviant and let its' corpse fall to the ocean below.

Back with Kengo, Thena, and Gilgamesh. The trio of Eternals were just about finishing up. Kengo fired another cosmic bolt at the Deviant just as Gilgamesh tossed Thena at it. She flipped through the air, conjuring cosmic energy construct swords into her hands. She landed onto the Devaints' back once more, and sliced through its' head with ease. Its' scorpion like tail shook and swayed behind her, before falling down. The Deviants' head fell seconds later, coming a loose as its'body fell to the ground lifeless. Gilgamesh came over, offering a hand to her so that he could help her rise to her feet. Kengo watched them and smirked at the both of them just as the Domo began to materialize above them. Descending with the aid of Phastos' inventions were the other awakened Eternals. Sersi, Druig, Ajak, and Sprite having arrived to see the aftermath of the skirmish. Kengo, Thena, Gilgamesh, and eventually Makkari regrouped with their friends. Not long after, Adar came gently descending down from the air. His Eternal brethren looking over him, and grimacing at his injuries. Adar however did his best to ignore them, that was when he felt a warm flow of energy washing over him.

Looking over, he watched as Ajak ran her hand over his wounds. A warm smile on her face, opposite to the cold one that Adar had. She took his hands in hers' healing his knuckles with her cosmic energy powers. When she was finished, she still held his hands in her, running her thumbs over his knuckles gently. Adar was about to speak, to either offer his thanks or to ask her to release his palms from hers'. However cough from Kengo caused the two Eternals to look at Kengo pointing out the returning primitives. Slowly, Ajak released Adars' hands, her warm fingers being lost from his cold ones. The Eternals stood together as Sersi reached down on the ground and picked up a tool from one of the primitives. She then allowed her own cosmic powers to run through it, manipulating it into something else. As it became more ornate, more of Eternal decorations. She offered it to one of the primitive children who nervously stepped towards them.

"Can you feel it Adar?" Ajak asked as she looked to him now, standing beside her as her warm smile had yet to leave. Adar looked to her with a raised brow, prompting her to explain by what she meant. "Can you feel the change? No longer rushing to find a new home, no longer traveling in a colony ship. We've found our home."

"It has Deviants on it, we must-" Adar began to say but Ajak interrupted him.

"I know, I know....but just let the feeling flow through you. Let it wash over you, we made it."

"Not all of us..."

Ajaks' expression softened when she heard him say that, then slowly reached out to him to place a hand on his shoulder. "All will be well...you'll see." Ajak comforted just as Adar closed his eyes.

Los Angeles, California, 1994.....

Adar opened his eyes to find himself staring up at a ceiling. He was withing a small apartment suite with his bed being a foldable one. He laid there shirtless and motionless, with his muscles for all to see. He was built like a US Marine, his muscles bulging in some places. It was dark inside of his apartment, the sun had yet to rise. Slowly, he sat up in bed and let out a deep breathe. As he moved himself to stand, his ears twitched. He turned towards his one window in the apartment to find the blinds opened and showing a street. In the distance was a Blockbuster in view of where he stayed. Adars' eyes glanced up as he walked over to his window with a curious look. He could hear something falling, his super-hearing coming into play as he noticed something falling from the sky.

Just as he was about to dismiss it as a meteorite, he narrowed his eyes and realized that it was not a meteor. It was in fact an escape pod of some kind, one that he didn't recognize. His eyes remained affixed to the escape pod until it crashed into the Blockbuster store. Upon impacting it, he began weighing his options. He could investigate, he could find out who had landed on Earth. 'But then what would be the point?' Adar though to himself, then closed his eyes to ponder on this more.

At that moment he felt something that hadn't run through his veins in a long time. It was a rush of adrenaline, something that he had nearly lost centuries past. The thrill of battle, the rush of energy, the feeling of his very mortality. With a resolute breathe leaving him, he opened his window after grabbing a shirt. Then leapt from his apartment suite window. He fellow to the pavement below, then began to fly once again after so long. His dark brow irises remained locked onto the Blockbuster as he soared over towards it. After a moment, he would soon arrive, just as a green armored individual stumbled through the front doors of the store. They had a hoplite like helmet over their head, concealing their identity. When then went to speak, they cough and keeled over on all fours. Quickly, they removed their helmet, puking out green blood onto the ground. It was a pink white skin male with emerald irises. He had short black hair, green blood dripping from one corner of his mouth, and looked pale.

With a groan, the armored male fell over out cold. Adar stared at the man inspecting him, his eyes going over the design of the armor. Then he used his foot to push the man onto their back. Adars' eyes then narrowed onto the mans' emblem. He recognized the emblem, knowing that it belonged to one race of ambitious yet dangerous species. "Kree...but what are you doing here?" Adar questioned aloud, and contemplated on letting the Kree soldier die.

That was when he reminded himself that with the Kree dead, then he wouldn't have answers to his questions. With an inhale and exhale, Adar reached over and lifted the Kree soldier as gently as he could. Then with a turn, he began flying off back to his apartment building. Once he arrived home through the window, and after having bumped the Krees'head a fear times trying to get them in. Adar had the Kree in his bed, and bandaged up after several minutes. Now he sat in a folding chair, watching, waiting. Adar knew not as to why a Kree soldier would land on this world of all places, the only valuable thing to it was the mound of Vibranium that it had. Even then, the Kree wouldn't be able to find since a group of humans ensured that no one could without their authorization. Closing his eyes slowly, Adar began to think of the pros and cons of the Kree being here.

On one hand, they could be here to try and experiment on the humans. Trying to make a slave fighting force that would aid them in expanding their empire. Or, this Kree soldier was here by happenstance, a coincidence. Yet something told him that the answer was both. When Adar opened his eyes, he found a pair of emerald irises staring back at him from his bed. The Kree soldier had awakened, and a confused look on their face. "Who are you? Where am i?" The Kree demanded, moving to sit up but stopped as a groan escaped his lips.

Adar leaned forward from his chair feeling non-threatened by the soldier before him. "I am Adrian, and you are not from around. What is your name?" Adar, or rather Adrian questioned.

The Kree soldier eyed Adrian for a moment, looking over the man. Then with narrowed eyes, he began to speak. "I am Captain Mar-Vell of the Kree Imperial Navy." Mar-Vell answered.