
Adam The All-Father

Step into the world of Adam, the first man, in "Adam: The All-Father," a riveting tale that reimagines biblical and Greek lore through the eyes of its central protagonist. Cast out from the paradise of Eden, Adam's journey becomes a visceral exploration of rebellion, redemption, and the pursuit of freedom. Even if that meant that one day he would have to kill his creator.

PureBlood_King · Kỳ huyễn
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Chapter 2

A whole year had passed since my awakening in the Garden of Eden, and during that time, I had embraced my role as the steward of this paradise. I had named all 10 million species that inhabited this lush realm, and let me say that many times I pulled all nighters just to try and get it done sooner.

As the year passed, I adapted to my life in the garden. I had found a nice cave near the side of a mountain and had turned it to my home. I planted many flower seeds in a garden around it, set a stone path, I cleaned the stone floor with a giant leaf to sweep the dust and had created a bed from a some wool that some sheep had let me take that I sheared with a sharp stone, careful not to hurt them. 

 My clothing, too, had evolved over the years. Using a bone that I had fashioned into a needle and long, thin fiber strands from the flora of the garden, I had sewn garments of leather and fur. The materials I used were gifts from the animals. I would skin the animals that had died and use their meat for food and bury the rest and pay respect to it and thank it for its gifts.

It has been about 400 days since I awoke. When God returned, this time he arrived he had a girl around my age. Her skin bore a gentle olive tone, slightly darker than mine, and it seemed to absorb the warm sunlight of the garden. She had long, flowing black hair that cascaded gracefully down her back, framing her features with an air of elegance.

But what truly captured my attention were her eyes. They were a radiant shade of bright red, a stark contrast to the amber of my own. Her gaze held a captivating intensity, like the flames of a hidden fire, and in those eyes, I found a reflection of the passion and curiosity that burned within her. 

"Adam, my son," he said, his voice resonating with a sense of purpose, "I have decided it was time for you to have a wife, this is Lilith. She shall be your companion and together you two shall be the first man and woman to exist."

I regarded Lilith with a sense of wonder, her presence both captivating and enigmatic. She met my gaze with curiosity and a quiet determination.

God's eyes turned to the cave and my clothes, a question in their depths. "What is all this?"

"This is what I call a home, I am wearing clothes like you, I been gifted the materials from the animals. What comes from the earth returns to the earth." I responded.

"I see... I don't sense that you have eaten the fruit." God sighed, I could tell he was not happy. "How did you gain the knowledge of what those things are?"

"I have no answer, Lord." I mutter, Lilith stayed silent through the whole exchange as God seemed to accept my words, before shrugging. He turned to Lilith.

"I see... a rule in this garden. Do not eat the Forbidden Fruits ever!" God ordered his voice cracking like thunder. "Lilith, you are to submit to Adam. From this day on he owns you. And shall be his wife." As God's radiant presence faded from the Garden of Eden, leaving Lilith and me alone, I turned to my new companion, ready to continue my duties as the steward of this paradise. I couldn't help but notice that her expression was far from content. She wore a furrowed brow and a distant look in her bright red eyes, revealing a sense of discontent that had settled upon her.

Lilith's gaze shifted to me as if searching for answers, and I could sense the unease in the air. It was clear that she harbored reservations about the circumstances that had led to our companionship. With a sigh, I decided to address the unspoken tension.

"Are you alright, Lilith?" I inquired, my voice calm and reassuring. "It appears that you have concerns."

Lilith's response was a heavy sigh, and she finally spoke, her words laced with frustration. "I did not choose this, Adam. I did not choose to be brought into existence as your companion. This was not my desire."

I snorted in response. "You think I had a choice? I was born from the dirt and god's blood, the only reason I am even doing what god tasked me with is to get away from the boredom of life." 

Lilith frowned as she followed me inside. "Then why don't you just leave? The garden doesn't have a border does it not?"

"The day I leave, I will need to prepare to live on my own. I will need to learn how to survive and living here is a lot better than the unknown. I follow the same schedule everyday. Ignore what God told you, you have your own freedom to do what you would like. Let's start off as friends and see where it takes us."

"I guess I can settle with that." Lilith spoke after a while. "So what do you do anyways?"

As I led Lilith through the wondrous Garden of Eden, I embarked on the task of sharing with her the knowledge and skills I had acquired over my year of stewardship in this divine paradise. My approach was calm and methodical, and I explained each step as we went along.

"First, Lilith, we'll start with the garden," I began, gesturing toward the lush foliage that surrounded us. "Maintaining this garden is essential. Weeding out unwanted plants helps the others thrive. Watch carefully."

I crouched down, examining the ground for weeds that had taken root among the Narcissus and Larkspur. I pointed to a cluster of Pepperweed, demonstrating how to carefully remove them without disturbing the surrounding flora. Lilith observed silently, her bright red eyes attentive.

I continued, "You see, we must take care of this garden so it can continue to flourish, These Pepperweeds need to be pulled out before they start seeding. Now, would you like to try?"

Lilith nodded and approached a patch of weeds, her movements deliberate. She began to weed the garden alongside me, her hands working with a surprising level of precision. As we worked in tandem, our surroundings seemed to come to life, the garden thriving under our care.

Our next task was to help the animals of the garden. I showed Lilith how to provide fresh water and food to the various creatures that called this paradise home. We approached a small pond, and I filled a carved wooden bowl with clear water and another with a mix of some safe seeds I had gathered earlier, placing it near a gathering of birds. Lilith watched as they fluttered down to drink and eat, her expression revealing a newfound appreciation for the inhabitants of this realm.

"Remember," I explained, "we must ensure that all creatures here have what they need to thrive. It is our responsibility to care for them. Each species has its own needs to survive, luckily the Garden's weather is magical as it allows many different plants survive even if they would have died. Many animals use the large lake to drink water and as for food, the animals know the law of nature. The meat-eaters don't overkill and the plant-eaters don't overgraze."

Lilith's response was a simple nod, and we continued our journey through the garden, attending to the needs of its many inhabitants. She maintained a calm and composed demeanor, her interactions with the animals showing a sense of purpose that mirrored my own.

Upon returning to our mountain cave, I led Lilith to a space where I had prepared a bunch of wool. I showed her how to arrange and braid it togeather to make a comfortable bed , and she followed my instructions with precision. Her silent acknowledgment of my guidance spoke volumes, and it became clear that she was gradually embracing the responsibilities of her role in this garden.

With our tasks for the day complete, I turned my attention to making clothing for Lilith. I approached a recently deceased deer, its life taken with utmost respect, and began the process of crafting clothes for her.

As I worked, my hands deftly moved through the process of skinning the animal, preserving the meat for sustenance and ensuring that nothing went to waste. I could feel Lilith's observant gaze upon me, but she remained silent, showing no emotion.

Once the hide was prepared, I set to sewing the garments. I explained each step, from threading the bone needle to stitching the fur and leather together. I could sense Lilith's curiosity as she watched me work, her bright red eyes following every movement.

As I handed her the completed clothing, she took it with a slight nod of gratitude, her demeanor as composed as ever. She slipped on the tunic before laying on her bed. "Is this our life? Forever?I don't know about you but I don't trust God."

"This is only the start," I responded slowly, putting away my things. "Things are going to change soon. And it will either be good or bad. I agree with you, I don't trust this god…"

"You say that as if there are more gods out there?" Lilith spoke as she sat up to look at me.

"I don't know why, but I know that there exists a whole race of them."

"How sure are you?"

"Eighty-six percent sure." 

"Any plans?"

"Survive and if we are betrayed we take the forbidden fruits and run." I looked out of the cave to the far hill where I could make out three glowing large trees as the sun set behind the mountains.