
Adam The All-Father

Step into the world of Adam, the first man, in "Adam: The All-Father," a riveting tale that reimagines biblical and Greek lore through the eyes of its central protagonist. Cast out from the paradise of Eden, Adam's journey becomes a visceral exploration of rebellion, redemption, and the pursuit of freedom. Even if that meant that one day he would have to kill his creator.

PureBlood_King · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 3

The passage of time had left its mark on me, etching its story across my physique. By the age of 35, I had transformed into a robust figure, my once-short hair now cascading down to my shoulders, and a thick, wild beard framing my face. The sun had kissed my skin, bestowing upon me a deep tan, a testament to the countless hours spent under its golden rays.

In the midst of our daily journey, I extended my hand to pet, Kovu, a beautiful black lion who had grown from a wild little cub into a calm and wise adult. I had found him all alone so I had adopted the little guy, and of course Lillith spoiled him rotten. 

Kovu had grown to become the largest lions that resided in eden, standing at an impressive 6 feet tall. His fur was impenetrable, resembling a suit of armor, and his claws were formidable, as sharp and strong as steel.

"Spring is nearly upon us, can you sense it too, my friend?" I inquired, casting a warm gaze at Kovu as I continued walking. The lion acknowledged my words with a languid yawn, his massive frame stretching, muscles flexing before softly popping back into place. "Come, we have a few tasks left to complete."

I stood whiping the grass from my clothes as I grabbed my staff, a large branch that had fallen off one of the trees that I liked to carry around with me when walking through the Garden doing my duties.

The enchanting sounds of the garden surrounded me. I could easily discern the distinct calls of birds nested high in the colossal trees, and I reveled in deciphering the rustling of leaves, each movement hinting at the hidden creatures dwelling there. The fragrance of blooming flowers wafted through the air, a delicate symphony of perfumes carried on the gentle breeze. Under the brilliant sun, I found serenity in these moments of communion with nature.

As I wandered deeper into the garden, my fingers deftly plucked a ripe apple from a low-hanging branch, and I took a bite. Its sweet juices filled my mouth, and I couldn't help but mumble, "Sweet, as always. Almost sickening." With a playful gesture, I offered the apple to a nearby deer. It approached with cautious curiosity, accepting the fruit from my outstretched hand before trotting off into the lush thicket.

I continued my leisurely stroll, the path guiding me through this earthly paradise, completely unaware that the tranquility of the day would soon be shattered by an unforeseen event.

The scream echoed through the garden, shattering the tranquil beauty that had come to define our days. In an instant, my heart leaped in my chest, and my body tensed, all thoughts erased by that haunting cry. There was only one person that scream could belong to, and my mind raced to one name: Lilith.

My feet pounded against the earth as I rushed in the direction of the agonized cry. Panic coursed through me, my thoughts devolving into a tumult of dread and anger. I pushed myself to the limits of my speed, determined to reach her as quickly as possible. Nothing could have prepared me for the scene that awaited me.

There, in a secluded part of the garden, Lilith was pinned to a massive tree. Her struggle against her captor was futile; he was a being of immense power and otherworldly presence. He was dressed in white robes that seemed to emit a soft, ethereal glow, he had two huge bird-like wings, so pristine they appeared as if made from silk. His dark, untamed hair cascaded over his head, framing a face that combined otherworldly beauty with an unsettling aura of danger. A scar marred his toned body, slicing across his side and only adding to his enigmatic appearance.

My vision turned crimson, and a surge of pure rage coursed through my veins. I clenched my staff, prepared to unleash the wrath of a creator who had found his creation under siege.

Without hesitation, I sprinted toward them. I raised my staff high, determined to strike down the assailant. But my actions were abruptly thwarted. The angel, for that's what he undoubtedly was, held his arm aloft and extended his clawed hand toward me. In an instant, I found myself suspended in the air, unable to move, my intentions halted in mid-motion.

A malicious smirk played across the angel's face as he reveled in his display of power. "Well, well, well. Look who it is. If it isn't the first human man. Adam," he sneered, his voice dripping with contempt. "Kind of rude to interrupt an Angel when he is trying to woo a woman."

My attempts to break free were in vain. I strained against the invisible restraints that held me captive, but they seemed inexorable. "Who the hell are you?" I growled, my voice laced with fury. "What are you doing in my garden!?"

The angel laughed, his amusement dancing in his eyes. "Oh, me? You see, I am Butchex, I am one of the Lord's great and holy Angels." His tone dripped with arrogance. "As for why I am here, you see I was quite bored up at Heaven so when I spotted this exquisite specimen here," he said, inclining his head toward Lilith, who still fought against his grasp. He licked his lips as his eyes were wide staring at her body. "Well, I decided to take her for myself. I hope you understand."

He began to clench his outstretched hands, increasing the pressure that constricted my body, and with each passing second, I could feel the vice-like grip tightening. But then, Kovu sprang into action. The Lion leaped out from the concealment of the trees, his powerful form carrying him through the air, and with force knocked the Angel away from Lillith. 

Butchex's control over me broke, and I fell to the ground. My first instinct was to regain my staff, which had been sent flying from my hand. I scrambled toward it, my fingers wrapping around the shaft as Butchex tried to blast Kovu off him but the wind was to weak.

"Get off me, you dumb beast!" Butchex roared as he tried to punch Kovu only for his hand to get bitten when it got to close to Kovu's mouth. Butchex screamed in pain as golden blood dripped from Kovu's maw.

With my staff firmly in my grip, I surged to my feet and lunged toward the still-engaged combatants. I brandished the staff like a weapon, there was only one single thought in my head. And that was to protect what was mine.

Butchex had managed crawl from under Kovu as he stood clutching his bleeding hand. Kovu went to tackle him but Butchex blasted him away with a large gust of wind sending Kovu flying threw the trees. 

"Stupid beast, better stay down." He grunted in annoyance. Taking the chance of his distraction, I ran up to him swinging me staff as it connected with his face, shattering the wooden stick into two pieces. But I had no intention of retreating. Going as fast as I could I dropped the staff and punched him and almost screamed in pain when my arm almost shattered.

"Nice try, we Angels are alot more durable then you humans. And unlike you humans, we are the servants of the Lord!" Butchex laughed as light covered his fists and he punched my in the gut hard causing me to wease.

Blow after blow landed with a sickening thud, his knuckles slamming into my face and body. I felt the cracking of my bone, the warm stickiness of my blood coating his hands. The pain was intense and I struggled to protect my body.

"Did you really think that you could defeat and Angel that has been fighting all his life! You havent even killed once! How did you expect to kill a divine being like me!" Butchex laughed as the same golden light covered his foot and he kicked me hard between the legs and my vision almost went dark. 

When I was about to give up I saw something fall from his robe, a dagger! Wait how did I know what it was. Whatever if I could get it I might be able to...

A gust of wind blew past me as something ramed into Butchex. I managed to get up to see a heavily wounded Kovu in the process of ripping out Butchex's wings causing him to screem in pain. He was kneeling facing away from me looking at Kovu as he looked at his wings in Kovu's mouth.

Kovu proceeded to spit the wings and the golden blood out of his mouth. Giving Butchex a... was that a smug look?

"How dare you! How dare you rip off my wing! I'm going to kill you for good you dumb bea-" Butchex coughed blood as he looked at the blade sticking out of his chest. I ripped out the knife before stabbing him again, and again as I got over him and took his moment of weakness to start beating him just like he did to me.

In that moment, all the pent-up rage I never knew I had found its release. Every ounce of anger that had been within me surged to the surface, channeled through my fists and directed at the being who dared try and go for my friend. How dare he even think he could enter my garden!

As I relentlessly battered Butchex's once-beautiful face into an unrecognizable pulp, I was oblivious to the gruesome spectacle I was creating. Golden blood soaked the earth around me, as his blood splattered everywhere getting all over me, and my breathing came in ragged gasps. It was a relentless onslaught, a storm of violence that I couldn't seem to stop.

But then, as suddenly as it had begun, the frenzy ceased. A hand on my shoulder brought me back to reality. I turned to see Lilith, her expression a mixture of disgust and a silent plea for me to stop. I followed her gaze downward to the lifeless body of the angel, his head a mangled, grotesque ruin.

"That's enough, Adam," she whispered, "He's dead."

She helped me up, and I slowly followed her back to our cave, Kovu following us as he limped, i just noticed his front left leg was bent at a weird angle. I sat on one of the chairs and simply zoned out. Lilith took to cleaning my body from the golden blood.... why was it so golden, why was he so different from us. My blood such a dark red, no sign of divinity in me. What will happen once God learns what I did?

"Stop worrying about it, you had to do it," Lilith spoke after a while. "Don't blame yourself for protecting me. I am thankful for what you did, btw." 

"I am not worried about the fact I killed a man," I said after a while. "I am worried about the fact that I killed an angel. Who knows how God would react. We will be kicked out of the Garden."

"Well whatever happens, I will always stick by you." Lilith answered kissing my forehead as she went to start a fire to cook.

"Thank you, but we will need a plan, and I will have to work on something." I mutter. "I will… take a nap, please call me when dinner is ready."