
You need my permission?!

Adam took a deep breath before his next question, much to his surprise: "How do I get those powers?"

[when you're attached to me Adam 😬]

And this time, B4T6L3V3L didn't disappoint Adam.

"Ha-ha-hoo... let's calm down a bit now." Adam took a deep breath, calming his emotions upon receiving a positive response from the system.

"By the way, B4T6L3V3L, by asking whether or not I want to associate with you, am I to understand that I have the freedom of choice?"

[Yes. You have complete freedom whether you want to associate with me or not, you're not forced into anything😬]

Even though B4T6L3V3L told Adam that he had full freedom of choice, Adam's intuition told him that something wasn't right.

"But aren't you connected to me now?"

[It's just a temporary mode of communication with you, when you refuse to bond with me, I'll disappear from your life completely😬]

"By the way B4T6L3V3L, there's no need to calm yourself down and keep smiling now, we're friends now and there's no need to do that between friends, right?"

Adam tried to find a convincing excuse to get the system to stop using these out-of-place expressions, which are nothing but a distraction.

[Are we really friends now, Adam?]

"Of course you're my best friend now." Adam confidently declared.

[Okay, buddy, if that's what you want]

Seeing that no other emojis appeared, Adam continued with relief, "But why are you only communicating with me now, B4T6L3V3L?"

[That's because you're the one who started communicating with me now, Adam.]

"Well, if I hadn't contacted you, you would never have shown up." Adam said in disbelief. 

Apparently, he was lucky to have followed the novels and anime to know that there could be a system in such situations, so he decided to try his luck, and he was right. 

[No, I was going to show up ten seconds before I disappeared to ask you if you wanted to hook up or not]

Adam breathed a sigh of relief, at least he had a chance, even if it was ten seconds, which is not enough to make such an important decision, and what if he was asleep or busy, would he have missed this opportunity?

But Adam didn't dwell on these thoughts, he seemed to have a limited amount of time to decide, so he quickly asked: 

"And when were you going to disappear?"

[I can't answer that question]

"Well, it's not important right now." 

"...more importantly, will my not being associated with you cause my death in some way, directly or indirectly?"

Adam tried to be precise in his question with a system that only answers as much as the question... if at all. 

The fact that he has a system like a novel is appealing, but that doesn't stop him from being cautious, not knowing where he's coming from or what his purpose is, it doesn't have to be like a novel. 

At the end of the day, there is nothing free in the world or good in the worlds, except what you receive from your parents, of course.

Adam once read a novel in which the system ate its host after there was no use for it, and no matter how much power the system gives you, there is nothing to stop it from taking it from you.

This is why Adam wanted to weigh the pros and cons before connecting with the system.

[Your death or survival depends entirely on your choices Adam, I have nothing to do with it].

Although he answered, it wasn't exactly the answer Adam wanted, so he let his guard down and rephrased his question:

"Let's make the question more specific, what will happen to me after I'm no longer associated with you?"

[I can't answer that question]

He didn't get any useful answers, so Adam sat back and tried to weigh the pros and cons of accepting and rejecting.

'Based on what I know about this system so far... something bad will happen to me by not being associated with it.

'Besides, I don't have a lot of useful options right now...'

 Adam didn't have much time to waste, so he didn't dwell too long on his thinking and quickly made up his mind.

"Okay B4T6L3V3L, I will be under your care from now on."

As he said this, Adam chose [Yes].

[Me too Adam, I will be under your care from now on.]

[Congratulations! The system has been successfully installed.]

After waiting a few seconds for Adam to read the message, he didn't notice anything strange, so he asked the system in confusion:

"Is it all over, are we connected now?"

[Yes Adam, I'll be happy to help you].

"Isn't that a bit fast, no special effects, not even a loading bar." Adam said with a look of disappointment on his face.

["No, that's normal Adam, it was just a matter of getting your approval.]

"So it's like downloading an update to your phone and just waiting for the owner to approve the installation," Adam mused.

[It's just like that, Adam.]

"Well... it wasn't as amazing as I was expecting." Adam expressed his disappointment.

"Anyway more importantly now, can you answer all my previous questions now."

[Yes, all of them, Adam.]

"Yes, finally." Adam breathed a sigh of relief at the system's positive response.

"Okay the important questions now... can you tell me where I am right now?" Adam asked, his tone of voice showing how nervous he was.

[You're in the hospital.]

The system's response shocked Adam, so he repeated his question with a grumble: "I don't mean that, what world am I in now?"

He didn't know if this answer was intended by the system or not, but it clearly helped to relieve his earlier tension

[Well, you are in the world of M3X7D1M3N510N]

"That didn't help anything, is this my world?" Adam said disapprovingly.

[No, it's another world]

"Not that I expected anything other than this, at least the idea of being transported to another world has been officially confirmed." 

That was the moment when Adam's transference was confirmed, he could have gotten a system and remained in his original world.

"The important thing now is to find out which world it is." He said, hoping that the world he was transported to was not dangerous.

"How did you get here?" Adam continued to inquire about his situation.

["You were transported to this world by me after you were hit by a truck.]

"So did you die?"

[No, when the truck hit you, you weren't dead yet, so I only treated your injury.]

"So I didn't die and then I was transported to this world?"

[Yes, Adam.]

"That explains why my body isn't different, but why does it hurt so much? Didn't you fully heal me from my injury?"

[That's because your mind hasn't yet internalized your current situation and that's why you're still unconscious. When I found you, you were so badly injured and impossible to survive with the capabilities of your world, you were taking your last breaths, so it's only a matter of time and those pains will go away.]

Adam found that the system was right as the pain gradually subsided from the moment of awakening and is now almost negligible.

"Thank you B4T6L3V3L, I'm really grateful to you for saving me." Adam expressed his deep gratitude to the system, without which he would not have survived.

[You're welcome, Adam.]

"But couldn't you have cured me and left me in my world? Why did you move me?" Adam asked, confused as to why he was transported to another world.

[Because after treating you, you would have faced backlash from your world, which considered you dead, and your treatment had almost exhausted my energy, and I could only move you then.]

"So if you healed me and left me in a world where I would die again due to its rejection of my existence?" Adam summarized what he understood.

[Yes, after you survived, you became an alien presence to your world.]

"But wouldn't I face even greater rejection in the other world?" Adam expressed his skepticism.

[Sort of, Adam, but back then you and I weren't bonded so I couldn't fully protect you, and as a part of your world, it has more power over you than other worlds that you're not a part of]

"Okay, that makes sense."

"But according to what you said earlier, if I had refused to bond with you earlier, wouldn't I have died now from rejecting the world?" Adam said, having a bad feeling.

[Yes Adam, but we're bonded now so I'll protect you, rest assured 🦾]

Adam looked at the system's answer with blank eyes. He didn't know what he had done in his life to have such an unreliable system.

Adam looked at the system with empty eyes, not knowing what to say, as it was from this system.

"Why didn't you previously say this when I asked you if not being attached to you would cause my death?" Adam asked, remembering the system's previous answer.

["I answered your question then; your death or survival depends entirely on your choices, Adam, and I have nothing to do with it.]

"But if I don't bond with you I'll die, doesn't that mean I'm forced?"

[No Adam, you had complete freedom of choice; so if you had chosen not to bond with me you would have faced the consequences of your choices and died, but I had nothing to do with it or was forced to choose.]

Adam looked blank-eyed at the system's logical explanation and didn't know what to say.

"Well, you're right, you've convinced me." He didn't discuss this further with the system, his answer convinced him 

He also didn't lie to him about anything, let's just say that he was lucky and made a good choice and didn't refuse the engagement at the time. 

"But you were protecting me and we didn't fully bond back then, how long was that going to last?"

[Yes, it would have lasted for the duration of the trial period or once he refused to commit to me.]

"And when would that trial period have ended?" 

[The trial period lasted three days from the moment we met.]

"And how long have I been in this world?"


A clock appeared on the screen in front of Adam, showing him exactly how long he had been in this world.

"So considering you teleported me the moment we met, I've been unconscious for more than consciousness, and I had less than a day and a half to go before the trial period ended." 

Adam had a good understanding of the severity of his injuries by then, even with all his injuries treated he was still unconscious for almost two days, luckily he woke up before the trial period was over. He would have died again without even realizing it.

"So now that I've been kicked out of my world, I'm homeless." Adam said in a sarcastic tone with a sad look in his eyes, he had no home now and no world.

"B4T6L3V3L, when you moved me, did you move me with what I was carrying at the time?" Adam voiced his thoughts, remembering that he had his phone and wallet with him when he was hit by the truck.

[Although it's a limitation of what you can take with you to another world, I transported you fully clothed and with what you were carrying at the time].

"But according to the officer, I didn't have anything on me at the time... so it's possible I was robbed." Adam remembered what the officer said and compared it to what he had heard from the system.

"But what kind of bastard would steal from someone who drowned in his own blood without even an ambulance." Adam didn't realize how unlucky he was until he was robbed on his first day in another world.

"Well, now that we have a rough idea of my current situation, let's see how we can survive in this world." Adam lifted his spirits, shaking off the negative thoughts.

"Okay B4T6L3V3L, now tell me how to make me invincible, can I get powerful character molds or can I summon people from different worlds to help me?" Adam said excitedly as he remembered the systems in anime and novels and how they help their host to conquer all worlds.

[This is something that only exists in the novels and anime you watch, Adam]

"But isn't my situation now like those anime and novels?" Adam complained in an aggrieved tone at the system's sarcastic response.

[Yes, it's similar, but it has to be one hundred percent similar].

"Okay, okay I see, so are you going to give me a superhero or some special ability?"

[There's no such thing.]

"And no gifts for newbies?"

[Not that either]

"At least a case window."


Unlike the previous negative answers, Adam received a positive response this time.

"Really? Cool hahaha." 

Adam was happy to hear the system's answer, as this would be the beginning of him having incredible power like those main characters in their stories.

"Well, how do I manifest it? Should I just say instant window?" Adam was no longer confident in the knowledge he had formed from novels and anime with this system that kept mocking him.

[You just need to say the status window or think about it with your mind.]

The answer this time was no different from Adam's knowledge. 

He was happy to know that just by thinking it would appear and that he didn't have to speak it out loud; but because it was the first time he wanted to make it special so he whispered: "Status Window."

But even as seconds passed and he repeated it a few times it didn't sanitize anything.

"B4T6L3V3L, why didn't it show up? Did I make a mistake?" Adam asked, wondering if he had done something wrong.

["No, you didn't make a mistake, but no matter how hard you try, it won't show up.]

Adam's confusion only added to the system's answer.

"What do you mean?"

[There's no way you can appear, Adam, unless you give me access to your information.]

"Wait a minute... do you still need my permission to do this? Can't you read my mind or access my memories?" Adam said with unexpected certainty at the system's answer.

[No Adam, I need your permission if I want to do this.]

To be honest, Adam didn't expect this, but that didn't stop him from being happy to have some privacy. As for why he believed the system, Adam saw no reason to lie to him. If he had told him he could, he would have accepted it, not that I had a choice.

 "Okay then, I give you permission to access my information only."

[Thanks Adam, you can try again now]

After hearing the system's confirmation, Adam tried again and soon the status window appeared in front of him -

[Name: Adam Wilson.

Age: 25.

Race: Human.

Gender: Male.

[Stats] [Skills] [Abilities] [Tasks]]


Hi guys, here is chapter 5, first I wanted to express my deepest gratitude to The_bogeyman for being the first person to comment on a novel, you can't imagine how your comment made me happy and encouraged me to keep going so thank you.

I feel that I talked a little too long in the previous chapters, but it was the first time and I wanted to show how the main character's life was, personality and reaction and not just move to another world as if his previous life did not exist, it also contained important information like this chapter and the next chapter will also contain important information and how the relationship with the system will be, and the main plot will start after one or two chapters at most, the pace may be slow but what is the need to rush?

Also, I'm kind of scared because as you know this is a fanfiction and except for the protagonist the other characters are not mine, and I'm afraid of emphasizing their personalities so if a character behaves out of character please alert me, I'm open to suggestions.

Also, according to the general idea I have so far, I don't feel that the protagonist will face any challenges or go too far out of the plot, although I personally don't like that, but I will leave that for later.

Also, I'm afraid that the protagonist will become op almost from the first world, although I don't mind, so what's to stop the novel from continuing if the protagonist is invincible.

That's pretty much it... Ah right, do you have any guesses about the first world, although I have an idea about it, I don't mind changing it if you have better suggestions, thanks.