
Acnologia Tempest: The Middle Brother

After his defeat on the hands of Fairy tail and it's friends, Acnologia find himself alone with his thoughts, finally he is free from the constant destructive thoughts. He regrets how his actions made him like he was. "If there is another chance, I would make sure to experience everything that I have wasted away in hatred." Follow Acnologia as he finds himself in a cave alone. As he tries to find the way out, Acnologia finds himself meeting a couple of people that will forever change his life.

Doragon · Tranh châm biếm
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76 Chs

The Apocalypse. The dragon queen.

I have been asked this question many times, on Pat reon and in here too.

-Is this a Harem?

- Absolutely NO!

-Who is the FML?

-...You'll realize who she is.

Check out my pte reon for any future advanced chapters.

Patr reon.com/RedVoidDoragon


In the Village, the calm and peace returned after the situation with the Ogres was settled, excuse me, they are now called Oni after their evolution.

Each of the Ogres was given a position that he would excell in.

Shuna had talent in clothing and leather work surprisingly, unlike what her appearance gives off.

Benimaru, the Oni chief is now the head of the Village forces under Acnologia. Basically he was the 2nd in command....well, 3rd if Rimuru was included.

Souei had a role that Acnologia liked, Intelligence gathering and stealth work, assassination, and spying. Although it was not Acnologia's style, A role like that in a Village was strongly required.

He once made fun of Zeref when he was telling him about his kingdom. But he can't deny it now.

Hakuru took on the training of the Goblins in the way of the sword which Acnologia highly encourage, the Goblins have no fighting experience or style even though they have grow stronger.

Kurobe shocking was not a fighter, rather a crafter, like the Dwarves, he quickly made his way to them and joined them in their work. And according to Rimuru and his unreasonably all knowing skill, he seems to have gained a skill after evolving for crafting.

As for Shion...Well, she had no talent beside brute force. Finding no place to send her to, Acnologia decided to make her someone else's problem...his brother's problem. Now Shion works under Rimuru as his caretaker by orders from Acnologia...Not gonna lie that Acnologia had some fun seeing Rimuru frustrated.

But that aside, Acnologia was taking a stroll outside of the Village again accompanied by Benimaru as they were talking about how their village attacked. On their way out, they saw Rimuru running out with a group of goblins wearing a sunflower hat while holding a something like a netstick to catch bugs.

"Oi! Where you going?" Acnologia called.

Suddenly everyone stopped to see Acnologia walking to them.

"Master Acnologia-ssu!!" The unusually short Hobgoblin with a round nose saluted "Good to see you-ssu!"

"Good day, Master!" The others follows too.

"Oh, you're taking a stroll again?" Rimuru asked with a bright smile.

"Are you playing again?" Acnologia asked with a raised eyebrow.

Rimuru seemed offended "Wha!! How could you! I was going out on an important hunt mission, this is our gear. Right guys?"

"Y-yeah, important mission." The Goblins supported him nervously.

Acnologia only crossed his arms as the truth was coming on her way running "Rimuru-sama!!" Shion came ran after Rimuru and the goblins.

Rimuru visibly flinched.

"I have brought the Bait for the bugs." She seemed proud of herself as she presented the bag of water worms.

Acnologia shifted his gaze at Rimuru who was sweating while looking around for a way out "W-well you see... Th-this is very important you know, the beehive was destroyed yesterday, so, so I thought we could go and get some honey you know!" He said, but the real reason was something else.

"You just wanna play outside again, As expected from my little sister." Acnologia said with a smug look.

Rimuru felt like an arrow was shot through him "S-sister..." He fell down on his knees, a dramatic fall.

"Let's go, Benimaru." Acnologia ignored his little "sister" and continued walking to speak with Benimaru "Then this Orc attack was planned by a devil, the same one that came to your Village before the attack?"

"There is a great possibility, yes. He promised revenge when refused to be his servants." Benimaru spoke.

"Hm, But you said that Ogres are generally stronger than Orcs, how did you lose?" Acnologia asked, it wasn't a strange event for someone stronger to lose to someone weaker than him, take his last fight against the dragon slayers. With the power of Bullshit anything is possible. But we don't talk about that fight anymore.

"There is nothing you can do to an army that doesn't fear death or the strong. They devoured anything that has flesh and blood." Benimaru said, he raised his head to the tree above them, Souei jumped down like a true assassin, silent and unnoticed.

"Did you confirm it?" Benimaru asked Souei.

Souei knelt down when his feet touched the ground "Acnologia-sama. I have searched our former home, and found nothing, absolutely nothing. Not even the dead bodies."

Acnologia looked at him "And the Orcs?"

"There are tracks of them matching towards the Great River east, I believe they are targeting another beings there." Souei responded.

Benimaru thought for a moment "South...There is a few villages of Lizard mrn there."

"Alright, Keep an eye on them, Souei." Acnologia spoke. Souei faded into the darkness of his shadow and his presence couldn't be felt anymore.

Benimaru sighed in a bit of regret and sadness, Acnologia noticed it and asked "Why do you feel sad? There is nothing for you left to feel sad about?"

Benimaru chuckled in his sadness "Exactly."

Acnologia fell silent 'To feel sad about what you don't have...Why?' There was a time where Acnologia felt that, but years of hatred and regret made him numb.

As the Lord of these beings here, he was trying to understand their feelings, yet he is failing miserably.

While each man was in his own world, a series of grunting, buzzing, and bones getting crushed was heard, gaining the attention of the two.

Their feet led them to where the sounds are coming from, just to see a group of giant ants, surrounding a bee and rhino beetle like creatures.

The black beetle seems to be protecting the bee from the attackers. "A sight to be hold!" Benimaru commented. Such was the cruelty of this world.

Surprisingly, the black beetle has the upper hand, using acid like attacks and its horn as a weapon.

Acnologia laughed "Kahaha! Ain't that a beautiful sight, nature at its finest."

Benimaru shook his head "What should we do?

"Hm? Not our business." Acnologia responded.

"This is your territory, my lord. And those two seem to have Intelligence." Benimaru noted.

Acnologia grunted "...You speak like Rimuru." Acnologia was reminded that he is a ruler over this Village and it's territory. He promised himself to be a proper king...but old habits die hard.

He pointed at the group of ants with his index as a purple ray of light gathered around his finger tip [Power of the end.] It shot through the group of ants reducing them to dusk but leaving the two creatures alive, unscratched.

The Beetle and Bee looked at Benimaruand Acnologia who killed their predators. They have felt their presence earlier, but not knowing wether they are hostile or friendly, they could only hope they don't attack them.

"Thank you, sir." The black beetle spoke in a respectful manner, from it's voice you could say it was a male.

"T-thank you very much!!" The Bee seemed nervous as she bowed repeatedly with it's Been body.

Benimaru just waved at them while Acnologia didn't pay much attention.

"May I know who you are?" The black beetle asked.

"Hey! That is rude to our saviors!" The Bee said in worry.

"It is even more rude to take their help for granted." The black beetle replied strongly.

Now that cought Acnologia's attention as he smirked "...I like this one." He said.

Benimaru smiled "I am Benimaru, and this is my master Acnologia Tempest."

"Acnologia-dono, Benimaru-done, You have saved our lives, this debt will not be forgotten." The beetle said.

"I agree with him. I will not forget this." The Bee said. "And here, please take this." She took out a a ball of honey and gave it to Acnologia.

Acnologia used to his magic to hold in like an anti-gravity sphere. "... Let's go." He said to Benimaru before turning to leave.

Benimaru waved at the Bee and Beetle before following the Acnologia.

Meanwhile on the other side, Rimuru and Shion, together with Gobuta and a few other goblins, they were digging inside the giant ants nest in search of their queen, rumers has it that the ant queen has the best meat to eat.

However, in a far away place, where the world's largest and most dangerous mountains are. A place called the dragonof; nest of dragons.

As the names suggests, it is the place that dragons took as their home. In itself that should be a source of shock. Dragons don't take homes.

However, the most shocking thing is, these dragons have a ruler, someone they bow down to. For a race that doesn't even now to anyone, even the true dragons, just who could make them do?

The answer is one woman, a female dragon.

Current that female dragon was in her palace on the highest peak of the mountain range, however, she was no Dragon, in her day to day, she is walking around in a human body. Long red hair like blood that reaches her legs, amber eyes that can pierce through anything.

In her throne, she was leaning on her fist, thinking about something that has been bothering her for months now.

"This kind of magic power..." Several months ago, she felt a burst of magic that anyone else would dismiss as perhaps a trivial thing. However she was different, she knows this magic power "It shouldn't be...that man can't be here." She mumbled.

Many scenarios were going through her mind, but ultimately, she couldn't come to a conclusion "I must see for myself." She took her staff that was leaning on her throne and stood up "There is no guarantee that that dragon wouldn't be here, I am here. And so can he. I can not let him be if he decided to take on his hobby again." She said.

Her steps echoed through her palace, in the halls she walked through, many bowed to her, they look like humans, but they are dragons in human skin.

"My queen, where are heading to?" One man with golden hair met her at the roof top of her palace.

"I am heading to the check on something." She said.

"I shall accompany you as your protection." The man said.

"Dear Berlsar, I am alone is an overkill, no need to go that far." The queen chuckled and patted her cute servant.

"The dragon queen shouldn't be alone, our dignity and pride can not allow it." Berlsar spoke.

"Enough, don't make me repeat yourself, I don't want to catch attention." She said as she levitated, her clothes moving with the wind "I'll be back after I am done."

"Irene-sama! Please reconsider!!" Berlsar shouted, but his shout fell on deaf ears, as the woman they call Irene; the dragon queen was already hundreds of kilometers away.