
Acheivment system (Marvel)

Alex gets a system that gives him rewards based on achievement, and it sends him to Marvel while he as to protects the timeline from aberrations or beings/power who are not supposed to be here I'm going to take this fic slowly to make sure i don't forget anything while also trying to improve the quality. *I do not own the cover design, and if I come across something better, I will change it. If you find one that's better, that would help*

Lance557 · Phim ảnh
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
14 Chs

New world

Alex, the protagonist, was a teenager, and he didn't have a very interesting story. Well, until a certain snowy day in 2023. This day he had school. To be honest, that makes it even less interesting, but trust me, this is just the start of an interesting story.

—Alex pov—

'I just finished my exam. I hope I did well after all. I don't want to be punished by Mom,' as I thought while passing my paper to my teacher. Then I walked back to my seat while thinking of all the worst possibilities of what could happen if I failed the exam. The worst punishment I received was when I received the belt as punishment. Just the thought of it made me shiver. But ever since, I have never failed an exam.

Then I looked at the clock and saw 10 minutes remaining, and I slept.

—Third person pov—

As Alex falls asleep, A blue window appeared in front of him, but nobody seemed to see it. Except for one small being.

—Bird pov—

I am tired. land on a tree.

As he landed, he noticed humans doing things that were always confusing to him, but he didn't care, until he saw a flying blue rectangle. When he saw it, his instincts told him that this weird rectangle was a superior being that he shouldn't mess with. He flew away as fast as he could after that.

—Third person pov—

If the rectangle could be seen, it had written on it.

*The required energy accumulation for the installation of the achievement system was obtained.*

Then the text changed.

*Shutting down the messaging feature for installation*

(30 minutes later)

—Alex pov—

Alex could be seen in his room on his computer, thinking about what he could do to waste time. ' I could watch Eternal. I haven't watched it yet. '

Then, as Alex touched his mouse, suddenly a flying blue screen appeared in front of him. That shocked him, as he then jumped up from his chair. He quickly calmed down. After all, he had read a few novels and manga, so he knew he was better off calm. He read the flying blue screen.

*Information is being absorbed; please wait.*

A percentage could be seen at the bottom of the screen.



The percentage was going up quickly as it served to confuse him even more as he wondered, 'What information are you absorbing?' After a few seconds, the percentage reached 100%. Then his surroundings became dark. He began to try to call for help. After all, even if he read a few novels and manga, he hadn't seen this anywhere before, but unlike what he expected, nothing came out.

(After an hour later)

Alex could be seen in the middle of a dark void. He still wondered what happened. Because even if he knew the basis of what happened, he was missing something major, and he still couldn't even take a guess at what actually happened.

Suddenly, a flying blue screen appeared. Alex then started to read it.

*creating a new world based on information gathered*

He thought for a second, and everything made sense. The system absorbed his PC information to create a world and put him in it, but then a certain fear struck him. 'What kind of world will be created as a result of all the games I've played? After all, if he arrived in a world full of powerful characters like Kratos, then he would probably end up dying in one way or another.

Then the blue flying screen text changed.

*Adapting to the created world*

The colour of the flying screen changed from blue to red, and the text changed.

*Entering the created world*

*Goal: Become the Strongest*

A few seconds later, the surroundings shifted from black to white. Suddenly, Alex appeared in front of a scene of a valley. A lot of trees could be seen and a lake that was reflecting the sun in a manner that made it look unreal to Alex. Then Alex felt something weird. He realised that he was a little higher than the trees. When he looked down, he started falling. Before he could even curse his luck, he landed on the ground.


After a few seconds, he said, "Am I dead?" Surprisingly, he survived, but his left leg couldn't have said the same. You could see the broken bones it had because the skin bent in a weird dome form at the middle of the left leg. He wanted to scream his lungs out, but because he was an injured human in a forest of an unknown world, he brushed the thought away, thinking it was too dangerous.

Then a red flying screen appeared in front of him.

*Achievement completed*

*Survive a 100 feet fall - completed*

*Chance of success with current body: 0.1%*

*Additional reward for a near-impossible chance of success*

*Reward: increased defensive stats and healing*

*Additional Reward (Skill: No Fall Damage)*

*Say accept the reward to take it.*

Even if relieved, he was now mad at the system for letting him appear 100 feet in the air. He still decided that his broken leg was his first problem, so he said.

"Accept reward."

Alex could then feel a very painful feeling in his leg, which forced him to let out a small scream from his mouth.


But a few seconds later, the pain slowly went away.

'I need to go now before-'

His thoughts were interrupted by a rustling sound from a bush.
