


George, who was just floating in the rift of the void, inside a red energy bubble created by morgana, watched things that one would not normally get to see.

Different times, from past all the way back to present, he had nothing else to do so why not watch.

He could see even the gods realm, all the pantheon's, everything flashed in front of him, and yet... he couldn't seem to see the three women that had brought him here.

Everything went wild when he came into contact with the orb, he gained unimaginable power and it almost killed him, he met three powerful people, he found out that the existences such as gods and demons were real and there was a vague feeling that this was all just the tip of the iceberg.

"all these things happened to me in just a day and yet it feel like years."

  .....................unknown time.....................

The ground cracked and huge gusts of wind blew from underneath, waves of tremors shook the earth causing mass panic among the people, they wondered if there god was angry with them and caused this to happen, the houses of the people crumbled from all the shaking and heavy wind.

Deep beneath, there was a hallowed cavern like structure which was as big as a entire kingdom, missive pillars of black stone were there supporting the underground structure, and in the canter, a huge dragon with bright red scales layed. 

It was so big it that it was almost the same size of the cavern, there were very few creatures that grew to that size but because of the abundant natural energy deep within the planet, it was nourished to that state.

Opening its eyes, it could feel everything for miles around despite being in a cavern deep underground, and all the vibrations and wind was all from its waking up.

'Creaeeeeeeeeek' huge doors were open t the end of the cavern as two people walked in.

"have you awaken my lord" the first person, who was a man that looked to be in his forties spoke while the other person who was standing behind him stood in a respectful position.

  'crack, crack, rumble rumble,' the ground both under and above them shook as the red dragon shrunk its size to that of the mans size and then morphed into the same humanoid shape but with horns a tail and piercing red eyes with a black silted pupil.

"how long was i asleep for, zoron?" the red dragon whos name was sol asked while stretching.

"you have been asleep for two hundred years lord"

Hearing this, sol smiled to himself and said "if it has been two hundred years then i guess 'that' has already been prepared am i right?"

" it is as you have said, lord, everything is as you have expected and we even gained more as well" zoron replied with a slight smile, he was quite proud of his lords predictions and of him self for assimilating everything.

"YES THIS WILL BE A GRANDIOS EVENT" sol said loudly, so loud in fact that it caused slight ripples and vibrations in the entire cavern. His excitement could not be denied.

"oh by the way, zoron, who is this little pup?" sol asked in an interested tone.

"ahh yes, this is rona, lord, she is a young but exceptional one in magic, to the point that she even amazed me a bit, so i simply wanted to see how far she could go"

"oh? amazed even you?" sol asked with an even more interested expression, " well i'd like to see what you can do little pup" he said, looking into her eyes, "hmm, space.... i see, so that's the reason huh, hehe zoron you sly old dragon"

"what can i say my lord, i simply have an eye for talent"

"that you do, old friend" saying that, sol walked past him and patted his shoulders . "now lets go, i want to see the worlds and what has happened, i also want to visit mother"

hearing the word 'mother' cold sweat ran down his back, there were very few people that would make zoron, who was one of the most powerful beings in existence or more accurately in the plane of mortals gods demons and dragons feel such fear and they were beings that he knew would not even give him the slightest thought, hence he had no worry about them... but... the one the red dragon lord called mother, she was one, no she was the only one he feared to such a degree, forget putting up a fight even if he and the entire dragon race were to try fighting her they would be wiped out with a single breath, literally.

She was ......