


"you and your entire race are hypocrites of the highest level!" a demon who was immensely tall and has a goat head and a pure jet black colored body spoke while looking at the humans who called themselves crusaders.

The humans were doing what they claimed to be the purge of the wicked and killed any who they deemed evil .

"you devil, you shall not corrupt us as you have them, we will kill you to make sure of that" a man in a dazzling dress attire spoke while the others clenched the swords and some chanted spells of holy scriptures.

"Look at yourselves and tell me if i am wrong, you do just as much evil as us demons, nay, you surpass us in it. You humans claim to be peaceful and love others just as your so called god does."

"hehehehehe" the demon started chuckling to himself.

"shut up you filthy creature of darkness, you know nothing of our god, your existence is a stain, a great evil that must be exterminated" saying this the other crusaders redid themselves to launch an all out attack on the demon.

"and you are immensely arrogant, you are a hedonist, you crusaders slaughtered thousands of innocents, torchered helpless victims, burned entire villages, you did whatever you wanted because your someone who was born strong."



SILENCE... there was absolute silence

"Yes, we demons are like spoiled children who believe we are above everyone else, i don't deny it. In fact i myself believe it the most.

"The reason for this mindset to be born in the first place is because, WE ARE STRONG!"

"And that gives us the right to do whatever we want, rules?, justice?, morals?, none of that matters to those who are strong"

"If you are powerful then you are the justice, that is how the world works and you being born from a wealthy family in the line of the crusaders are naturally stronger than most, you share the same attitude as us and the gods."

The demon looked directly into his eyes.


No one, not a single one could answer, they knew deep down, the demon was right.

"mortals love to point fingers at us and the gods a lot, but it seems none of you or any of them realise, you are all reflections of us"

" in your immense arrogance for thinking you are different from us, you who are connected to the supernatural commit the same atrocities as all the demons and gods and don't even realise it. You kill, harm the innocent, exploit, deceive, lie, rape, you who claim to be different and good snuff out the lives of any weaker than you on a whim"

"And yet, countless times after committing acts similar to us, i don't see anyone pointing fingers at you"

The demon spoke loudly so everyone within a thousand miles could hear, even a black dragon who was nearby and sleeping heard him, it opened its eyes and turned its head to look in the direction of the demons voice.

Hearing all that was said, it couldn't help but agree with what the demon said as he too had a history with slaughtering entire villages of people, so it continued to listen and see where this was going.

"Everywhere you go the situation will always be the same, being weak is a sin."

i must give my applause to victor, an absolutely brilliant author (my personal thoughts btw) for alot of work he put in his book which is quite enjoyable, also thank you for reading my novel, i truly appreciate it, i hope you all have a wonderfull day or night.

JAVIER474Kcreators' thoughts