
above the rules system

Yang feng after getting, Above the rules system "[Master, here's 100 million, for pocket money]" "system, help me to become strong" "[Master, eat this, this is a demon god fruit, eating this help master to strengthen body]"

Ankit_Gondane · Thành thị
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
2 Chs

CHAPTER 1: Above the rules system


China, private hospital of Bailu City.

In a ward in the hospital, the air conditioner was keeping the room fresh and cool.

On the hospital bed, a man who seemed to be about twenty years old, or a boy, was sleeping.

This is a special ward, and it can be said as the first-class ward in this hospital.

Perhaps because of first class ward, from this point of view, perhaps this boy on this hospitals bed, seems to be from a wealthy family, but in reality, he is not.

In fact, the boy on the bed is actually just an ordinary college student, not from a rich family. The reason why he can live in such a ward is for some reason.

"Look, that man was almost dead!"

"He was lucky to be saved, if it was late, he might, really be dead"

"but, can you live in such a ward without paying money?"

Two or three nurses just passed by outside of the ward at this moment, and those two or three comments came from them.

Although the voice of the nurses was low, but the voices was enough for the boy to wake up from the sleep.

The boy was awake, the voice and the comments of nurses flashed in his mind, 'lucky to be saved, almost dead, live in a ward without paying money'


A helpless sigh, and a complex expression appeared on his face.

If my luck was good, can i still be hospitalized in the hospital?

Thinking of the reason for his hospitalization, the boy was extremely speechless.

Electric shock, if i remember correctly, when i was working on the computer, i suddenly got electric shock.

If i remember more clearly, the real reason for the electric shock was not because of his fault, but from the circuit of the school yesterday, it seemed that because of circuit was broken or something went wrong with circuit, i caught electric shock.

Then, because of this reason, after the boy accident, the top of the school was in hurry. For fear of boys accident or because of their own reputation, he was sent to the private hospital for the treatment, and finally he was admitted to the special first class ward of the private hospital.

And all the cost was paid from the school management.

And the boy also knew why the school was why so generous to his treatment, it was because the school management don't want to turn the school reputation into big things and small things.

"[Master, you are finally awake]"

A pleasant voice sounded in Yang feng mind.

Yang feng who was lying on bed and thinking about his electric shock accident was looking at his left and right side, but after looking he didn't find the source of the voice.

"[Why are you looking elsewhere, i am inside of you]"


The voice again sounded but Yang feng didn't know the source of voice, where it is come from.

Maybe because of the boys behavior or his confused look, the source of voice thought of something.

At the moment, from Yang fengs chest, a white or silver fog, flew out, and after flying out, the silver or white fog slowly shrinked and formed a silver white ball, it was like an elf spirit.

"[Master its me]"

The voice sounded, and the voice was similar to the voice he heard before.

But, after watching the magical thing, from his eyes, Yang feng who was lying on bed, suddenly get up and get back on bed and shivered.

"ghost! ghost.."

"[Master your heart rate has suddenly increased, please calm down, and also i am not a ghost]"

"who! ghost! don't get near me!"

"[Master, it seems like, you are scared, please calm down, i am not a ghost]"

"[Master let me formally introduce myself, master i am system spirit of the 'Above all rules system' that is bounded to you]"

"[Master, after bounded to you, i have read all the memories of you, master, remember the novels you had read previously, there were some system novels, do you remember it now, i am a system]"

After hearing the word system or because of pleasant voice of system spirit, Yang feng thought of something, 'system the system from novels, get it and you will become emperor'

"[Yes master, the system from novels, get it and you will become emperor]"

Hearing the similar words he thought just now, he became confused again, and he looked at the white ball which was flowing in circles above his head, and thought 'why can it, think of my thoughts that i thought just now?'

"[Master after i bounded to you, the system is bounded to master's soul and we share same conciseness, or it can be said that, i can know everything you are thinking]"

I don't know how, or is it because system is bounded to me, even if the white ball has no face, but i can feel that, it is smiling faintly.

Now that after system's introduction, knowing that it is not a ghost and it is a real system, Yang feng calm and relaxed a little bit.

But soon, at the moment, the door of the ward was pushed opened, two men come from the door, the one in front who come first is his principal and the person behind is secretary.

Skinny, tall!

Looking at the principle face, this is Yang fengs first impression of the principal of the school!

But the same time Yang feng realized something and looked at white ball floating around, his face became complex.

"[Master, don't worry they can't see me]"

Knowing that what Yang feng was thinking, system replayed faintly.

"Student Yang feng, are you okay? How are you feeling now?" The skinny headmaster sat on the front bench of Yang feng with a behaved smile on his face, and asked him accordingly.

"Very good, headmaster" hearing that these two principle and secretory pair can't see system spirit, Yang feng replayed calmly.

Knowing that Yang feng was good, skinny headmaster was also little happy.

Being able to be the principal, he secretly has solved many small and big things, now he don't want to have any changes in order to keep his current position as a principal.

Now it is not a good thing about Yang feng accident.

If there is a problem with school equipment, that caused the students to get electric shock and get hospitalized. This is absolutely a big thing, and it can be noticed by management above.

"Student Yang feng, the accident occurred at this time was a accident. The school has has taken certain responsibility, hence the school will help you paid your hospital expenses this time. But to maintain the schools reputation, i hope that you will show your good will and don't publicize this incident."

After a pause, skinny headmaster stretched out his small smile.

"what you say outside the world, that you accidentally caused it and it has nothing to do with the school"

After the principal said this, Yang feng expression finally changed, because he didn't expect that principal to say this.

There was definitely problem with the school equipments, that caused him to get electric shock, he expected that headmaster would say 'we will solve the problem of school equipments' but instead this skinny headmaster wants to conceal the facts.

Doesn't it mean, there will be still this equipments in the school and there will be more accidents like this.

"Headmaster, this is a problem with the school equipment, instead of focusing on maintaining the school reputation, you should focus on solving the issues of equipments"

Hearing Yang fengs words, the principal was stunned, the secretary standing beside of him was also stunned. The smile of headmaster was faded.

After hearing what Yang feng said, the skinny principal was taken aback, but he smiled again, and then he seemed to be prepared for something. He took out an envelope from his pocket and put it directly in Yang fengs hand and said in low voice: "Student Yang feng, this is gift, something that principal has prepared for you, or I hope you will not make any issues...."

But before anything, Yang feng raised his hand and said : "dear principal, i will not take the gift, but like i have just told you, i hope that the school will focus on the problems of equipments and safety of the students, otherwise wait until, there will be more accidents like this to occur, then it will be a big problem."

Listing to Yang fengs words, skinny principal thought of something and sighed, said nothing.

Knowing that Yang feng is just a student and didn't said anything wrong, he didn't want to make a big issue here, besides how could a principal do such things to his own students?

At this time, the another man, present in the ward with a gloomy face, the secretary, said directly: "Student Yang feng, the headmaster said is all for your own good. It is a great gift to give you for your expenses. You just need to do what principal asks you to do!..."

But before secretary continue to say anything, principal waved his hand to stop.

"Student Yang feng, i just hope that you will not make any big issues about this accident, and about equipment problems i will think about it" skinny headmaster turned behind and walked towards the door.

Secretary looked at Yang feng with narrow eyes and followed principal behind.

After the principal and secretary both gone out of the ward, Yang feng sighed and said to murmured "i hope that there will be no more accidents"