
above the rules system

Yang feng after getting, Above the rules system "[Master, here's 100 million, for pocket money]" "system, help me to become strong" "[Master, eat this, this is a demon god fruit, eating this help master to strengthen body]"

Ankit_Gondane · Urban
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2 Chs

CHAPTER 2 :demon sacred fruit

"[Master, the person secretary behind the principal was hostile to you]"

"Your think so?"

"[Yes, master]" white ball said with confidence.

Yang feng looked at the system spirit flowing above his head.

"system why don't you tell me about yourself? What are you functions" i have read novels where system has always many functions, like status panel, system mall, looking at the ball flowing above my head, does this wall ball has functions like this?

"[Master, like you are thinking, i also have functions that will help host to grow stronger, like basic functions of status panel where you can see your information, i also have system storage space where you can store the things you want to.]"

"oh!" so system have this functions okay, it is good.

Yang feng again looked at the small white ball floating around, and thought of something, 'does it always can be a 'white ball'? sometimes i dont understand its words.' system spirit is always showing a white ball, and when talking, only pleasant voice sounded, without any change in appearance of white ball.

But i had feel that, this white ball, the system spirit, it has shown feelings, like before, it was smiling when we were talking.

"[Master, the appearance i have now, it is my natural form as a spirit, but i can change my form as my masters thinking]" maybe because Yang feng was thinking about system spirit appearance, system replied with pleasant voice.

"how? Can you change by my thinking?" Yang feng was only thinking about system appearance as a white ball, but he didn't expect this system can even do it, something like this for him.

"[Yes master, like you are thinking now, i can become elephant, a big fish, a cloud too]" as the system was talking, Yang feng watched system to change its form, the shape of system was sometimes a small fish in white silver color, sometimes it was a big cloud, which size was almost my own hight.

"[Master i can change my shape to a girl as you are thinking now]" as system said this, Yang feng watched system to change its form is a very beautiful girl, white dress, white hairs, full body is white silver, like a fairy of moon in white holy form.

Watching his own system spirit to showing this graceful look, secretly he was impressed, i want to say, system you are awesome, if you will be like this forever, then it will be a full beautiful journey, but it is a system but not my girlfriend.

"[Master as you are thinking, i can't be masters partner, although i don't have a gender, but as i am bounded to masters soul, my specific gender is more likely to have become male.]"

Looking at the sorry look of girl system spirit, Yang feng was somewhat loss, but yes it is acceptable.

Then again i watched system spirit to change its shape, the long hair of girl was condensed and became short, jade hand of girl become become little masculine, two legs now has landed on ground, after changing its appearance fully, Yang feng was shocked.

"This.. This.. This is me" Yang feng was shocked by system appearance. It looks exactly like me, body is all white, even system spirit is more handsome then me.

"[Yes master, i have changed my appearance as you, i thought this form will make master praise]"

"this is brilliant, i really like this idea" Yang feng was really amazed.

Yang feng watched system spirit was now has landed on ground, and now was walking towards the to fruit basket, there was an apple above many fruits lying inside fruit basket

He tried to pick up the apple by his hand but his fingers passed though the apple without picking it up.

Yang feng watched this thing to happen, but thought about something, but after he acted like he didn't notice anything.

"so system, can you show me my status panel"

"[i almost forgot about it, here]" system lightly waived his right hand, and from his right hand a white bordered blue screen fly towards Yang feng.

"[Host : Yang feng

Race : Human

Level :none

Skills :none

Storage space :open]"

Looking at the status panel Yang feng was amazed first but after frowned in discomfort.

There is nothing to look at, its all empty. There is only storage space, i know what is system storage space, it is to store needed things.

Looking at Yang feng helpless eyes, system spirit, comforted Yang feng.

"[Master, don't be disappointed, it just that master is now just a normal human being and now master don't have any strength, so any information is not have shown in status panel.]"

Yang feng listened system words and smiled bitterly, while watching system, System spirit suddenly snapped his finger and a white apple appeared on his palm, and was eating it.

"[But if master become strong, then master can unlock others functions of system, so that the functions will be shown in property panel.]"

"You mean there will be more to unlock in the future?"

"[Yes master, like cultivation level, bloodlines or information that system show to his host]"

"ok then, as my strength became stronger, more things is new to discover" Yang feng replied calmly.

"[Master, as to help master to grow stronger, here is a 'Demon sacred fruit' this fruit is a demon race precious fruit, after eating it, it will help master body strengthen, and slowly nourish it, and with my help, i will help this fruit to dissolve in master body]"

After system said it, i watched system to snap his finger and a brown and black palm sized fruit appeared and fly in Yang fengs hand.

Yang feng didn't think much and ate the fruit directly. After eating it Yang feng realized that his strength is much greater.

"its so cool!"

He was so excited that he punched his fist in the air.

Very scary

Feeling the strength in his arm, he never felt like this.

"hahaha! system you are really awesome, really awesome. How about i call you brother white from now on!" Yang feng asked

"[Master, you can, as my master's wish]" system replied excitedly.

"[Master, this demon sacred fruit, as master has mortal body, your body will not able to refine it naturally, but with my help, after slow process, master will be able to resolve it properly, but for now this demon sacred fruit has only shown 3% of its power in masters body]"

Only little power of fruit, and i can feel like i can beat ten people, its amazing.

Excitedly i saw again, system snapped his right hand finger, and i heard a familiar sound.


At the time, a text message came and Yang feng click on it!

"Dear HDCI customer, 1000000000.00 yuan credited to your account no. XXXX528

Available balance :1000003658.00 yuan/HDCI BANK/563."

Before Yang feng could react, the phone was already dropped on ground.

Yang feng was stunned, after counting for long time he finally understood it is 100 million yuan. Which is already a big number for him!

"I.." Yang feng was speechless for a moment, he didn't know what to say, as he felt like it is dream for a moment.

"brother white, you are really awesome" Yang feng said awkwardly. 100 million is already upto sky number for a student.

"can i really spend it casually? I remember in novels mc has to do tasks to get this rewards? And you give me money by just snapping your finger?" Yang feng asked.

"[Master, This kind of paper money, don't mention it. I can give you as much as you want, millions? Billions? Just say your words]"

"[Master! You spend this money as you want, i dare not to say any words, my existence is to assist you, Master you live yourself as above the rules]"

System spirit said it with smile.

"then i am okay!"

"brother white, from now on, you don't have to be polite with me, from today, you will be my brother" Yang feng said it with positive attitude.

"[Master! Praised!]" system brother white replied while bowing lightly.