
Life {}

It's been a week already, I've been in this hospital bed for so long. Because I'm so bored I'll tell you about me. I was born the oldest in my family I have 2 little brothers and 1 little sister. My family is a well off family, so they say.

My mom was probably the most beautiful woman I have ever seen but my dad had another opinion on that.

Because he thought she was ugly, he hooked up with another woman behind my mom's back. She was 19 years old!! 19!!!!

She was younger than my mom by 10 years, and all of a sudden that girl got pregnant. With my "little sister" and my father was so called in love. That he gave that girl everything. So in the end, I and my mom got nothing.

Because my brothers were boys it didn't really affect them.

I couldn't handle my mom let this happen. I started to get less attention from my dad because my little sister was born she was now the favorite child. It was going down for me and my mom, but all of a sudden my mom fell ill. I was the only one to notice, so I started to do all the cleaning and cooking. Although our family was rich we had to make our own meal. My mom was in charge in of that. Because she fell ill I took over her work.

All of a sudden she died, because the rest of the family wasn't paying her much care to her. Nobody cared about her, my brothers were sad and that wicked woman was smiling. After the funeral my dad dropped me off someplace I didn't know of and said: "you're not my child anymore you're going to rot here like your ugly mother". I tried to be brave not letting a drop, out of my eyes, but when he left I started to break down. Thinking, he abandoned me, then all of a sudden it started to rain. My eyes darkened in the thought of what just happen.

Instead of having my whole name Mu Valencia I changed it to Su Valencia, I took my mother's last name instead of my fathers.

And now we're here at the dark, cold room of mine in the hospital. My eyes have darkened so much that the night it all began. I haven't talked to people that much anymore.

Two weeks later

Because I had no parents they took me to the orphanage after all my wounds healed and when I could read, do sign language, (Just in case my hearing goes away) and talk. The moment I stepped in the door to the orphanage I was greeted with a smile. The person who was mostly taking care of the kids was a woman named Le song. "Welcome to our orphanage, we haven't had new kids come in so this is a good day!!" She said with an wide smile.

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