
Abandoned Heir's Superstar Wife Relives Her Past

At the Baeksang Arts Awards ceremony, a stunning actress was sitting alone in the audience. It seemed she was waiting for someone, constantly tapping her hand. While waiting, she dialed a number. Seeing the caller ID, she remembered the past. Weirdly, she remembered the feeling—once upon a time, she loved this man, but now he had become the person she hated the most. On the other side: As soon as the man's work finished, he grabbed his car keys, rushing out as quickly as possible. When his car engine roared, he glanced at his watch—it was already 7 PM. He was late. Cursing in his head, he stepped on the gas fully. No sooner than ever, his car was zooming across the highway at 300 km/h. He wanted to reach Seoul within half an hour. "Ha." What madness. He was trying to cover 150 km within 30 minutes, from Daejeon to Seoul. Now, some people might ask why he was rushing so fast, so desperate to get there. It was because of his wife. Early this morning, his wife insisted on going to the Baeksang Arts Awards ceremony. She told him that this was the most highly regarded award in South Korea, and she had been nominated for the Best New Actress award. That's why he was rushing as recklessly as possible. He didn't want to miss out on this golden opportunity to make amends with his wife, so he promised her that he would attend. While driving, his phone rang. Thinking it must be Soo-jin, he didn't pick up and instead increased his car's speed. He had been in a cold war with his wife for a few days now. Well, it wasn't her fault; he was the one who broke the promise. Now, he didn’t want to repeat the same mistake again. As he reached the Baeksang Arts Awards venue, he could hear the award presenters' voices. "The Baeksang Arts Award for Best New Actress goes to..." When he hurriedly showed his venue tickets, the security guards stepped back without checking and bowed. As soon as he was about to start running inside, he heard the presenter's voice again. "Kim Soo-jin." When he heard his wife's name, he was filled with immense joy. His halted steps started running toward her, finding new determination to see the award in her hands. While he was one step away from the venue, Soo-jin's voice could be heard throughout the room. "Good evening, everyone. I am deeply honored and humbled to receive this prestigious Baeksang Award tonight. I want to thank the judges, my incredible team, and my fans who have supported me through every step of my journey. This award means more to me than I can express." When he opened the doors, their eyes met. She was staring at the door, waiting for him, it seemed. He showed a victory sign with a big smile on his face, saying he kept his promise, but... Suddenly, Soo-jin became quiet, staring at him. There were tears in her eyes, her brows furrowed. Her eyes changed—they were the same as his father's eyes, filled with hatred. In the past, Soo-jin looked at him with indifference after their marriage, but never had she looked at him with hatred. "Why?" was the only question in his head. He was confused. On stage, countless thoughts were going through Soo-jin's head. She didn't want to do this; there was no choice for her but to reveal everything. If she wanted to be happy, she needed to reveal everything to the public because, even after everything she had done, she could not get a divorce out of this marriage, as she firmed her resolve. Her voice cracked while speaking. Tears were pouring from her eyes, but she spoke as stubbornly as always. "I have been diagnosed with angiosarcoma, a rare and aggressive cancer of the heart. I have less than three months left. I want to spend these three months with the person I love. I was forced to marry Kim Joon-ho. There is no love between us. Please help me. Please save me."

Afreet_Eicher · Thành thị
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28 Chs

Chapter 4: The Cheating Lover

With anticipation bubbling inside her, Soo-jin quickened her pace as she neared the front door, eager to see Kim Tae-hyun again and surprise him.

But when she opened the door, an eerie silence greeted her. The house was empty—no servants, no maids—no one in sight. A frown creased her forehead. Did Tae-hyun give them the day off? she wondered.

Walking further inside, she noticed a red high heel lying on the floor. Another heel was discarded further ahead. Confused, she picked up her pace toward Tae-hyun's bedroom. On the stairs, she saw a shirt that didn't belong to Tae-hyun. It was clearly a woman's shirt.

Her heart began to race as dread crept into her thoughts. Moving further up, she spotted a bra and panties scattered across the floor. Her mind reeled in disbelief. She tried to push away the dark thoughts forming in her head.

Nearing the bedroom door, she heard a woman's voice coming from inside, "I should leave now. What if Soo-jin comes here?"

A man responded casually, "It's fine if she comes. In fact, I'd love to see her face when she finds out I'm cheating on her."

Soo-jin froze. Her blood ran cold. The man's voice was unmistakable Kim Tae-hyun's. Her mind shut down as she stood rooted to the spot, her expression mirroring the despair Joon-ho had shown just the night before.

"Seeing Joon-ho's despair last night, that was the best day of my life," Tae-hyun's voice continued.

The woman in his arms replied, "I didn't know Soo-jin was ill and would die soon. Did you know that?"

Tae-hyun laughed. "Nope, I didn't know she'd be dead in three months. I wonder what hurt Joon-ho the most: watching the woman he loves betray him or knowing she's going to die soon."

The woman giggled, "Good for us, though. Two birds with one stone."

As Tae-hyun climbed on top of her, he said, "Hey babe, what do you think about going another round?"

Outside, Soo-jin's tears streamed down uncontrollably. There was only one question in her mind: why? What had I done wrong?

Unable to bear it any longer, she burst into the room. Her reddened eyes locked onto the two in bed. Her heart pounded violently, a crushing emotional pain mixed with a sharp physical ache in her chest.

She had betrayed Joon-ho for this man—leaking his company's confidential documents, giving all her fortune to Tae-hyun, helping him win the succession war against Joon-ho.

And for what? Why?

As her chest tightened painfully, she struggled to keep herself upright. Yet, despite the unbearable pain, she pushed forward. She needed answers.

Looking at Tae-hyun with bloodshot eyes, she tried to speak, but her voice was so weak that even she couldn't hear it, let alone the two on the bed.

Tae-hyun, sitting up, looked at her and burst into laughter. "Oh man, today's going to be the second-best day of my life!" he exclaimed, amused by her devastated state. He grinned widely and asked, "How does it feel, Soo-jin? Are you in despair?"

Her entire world collapsed as she saw him smile without the slightest hint of guilt. Slumping down with her last bit of strength, she screamed, "Why?" pouring out all her pain in that one agonizing cry.

Tae-hyun paused briefly but then laughed even louder. His voice turned cold as ice. "What 'why'? How does a woman who even betrayed her husband dare to ask me why?"

The woman beside him slid her arm through Tae-hyun's, smiling sweetly. "Let's just push her down the stairs and make it look like an accident. She's going to die soon anyway—why wait three months? Let's end her misery right here."

Tae-hyun smirked. "Anything for you, my dear."

Soo-jin's mind couldn't process anything anymore. The man she had loved all this time—the one she believed would mourn her death the most—was going to kill her right now.

Tae-hyun's voice cut through her thoughts again. "You're lucky, Soo-jin. I was the one who made you rise to the top, and I was the one who was going to make you fall from grace. But you're lucky."

As he grabbed her hair, the pain in her chest intensified. She tried to resist, but it was to no avail—how could she possibly fight against such strong hands?

She had never seen this side of Kim Tae-hyun. He had always shown her love, care, and affection. How could things have changed so suddenly?

Earlier that morning, she wanted to rush to her house, to pack her things, eager to return here as quickly as possible, leaving everything behind, thinking they could finally be together.

She wanted to live out her remaining days happily. But now, seeing him trying to kill her, she gave up resisting.

As Kim Tae-hyun dragged her by her hair toward the stairs, choking her, they reached the end. His voice echoed in her ears as he spoke one final time.

"For your question, why? I'll give you an answer so you can die in peace. From the start, I never loved you. I hated you more than anyone. Because of Joon-ho, I pretended to be in love with you and made you fall for me.

Joon-ho was happy when you entered his life, and I wanted to snatch that happiness away. I wanted to see him broken, heartbroken, begging in despair—and thanks to you, I achieved that effortlessly.

Do you honestly believe Joon-ho didn't know you were cheating on him? He knew from the start. I loved watching his face fill with despair every time. Now, are you satisfied? Then goodbye, sweetheart."

Outside the Hanam-dong gates, Joon-ho was waiting for Soo-jin to come out. He was determined to wait as long as it took to see her one last time. Behind him, media vans had also arrived.

As Joon-ho sat in his car waiting, a loud siren suddenly blared. Turning toward the sound, he saw his smartphone's screen glowing red, displaying just one word: "Danger!"

Hearing the siren and seeing that single word, his heart sank in despair.