

Growing up in the most unbearable situation Arielle is set on gaining freedom and acknowledgment from her family and loved ones but as easy as it may sound it's the most complicated to archive, for her life is made up of shackles. Her parents nor her siblings love and appreciate her for the things she is doing for them and she finds herself doing everything possible to make them happy “for you can choose your friends but you can't choose your family” with the struggle to gain financial she meets her best friend Solange who is from a rich family and fiance Gabriel Adsence but due to the struggle between career and marriage Solange is cut up in the middle and has to make a drastic decision which will change her life, Solange ends up leaving her groom on the day of their wedding in pursuit of her dreams, but Gabriel doesn't want to be the talk of the country for the second time so he proposes to marry the next available option which turns to be Arielle Cowel but she rejects his offer, not wanting to go in for a loveless marriage….things never go as planned her greedy family accepts the money Gabriel offers and Arielle is bound to walk down the aisle with him, she was sold without a second thought and thus the journey of Gab and Ariel Kicks off. Ariel struggles to impress her newfound family while still trying to gain the love of her parents but one thing is sure Gab won't let anyone come between his family nor hurt his wife for they are committed in a world of their own

Starlive · Kỳ huyễn
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21 Chs

chapter 9

Arielle Cowell pov

With the little witch around, my days have been hectic. It's been from one mishap to another but I am more grateful I will be starting class tomorrow and this. the charade will soon be over " so I thought"

It's evening and I feel so hungry but I can't order the maids around for they don't take orders from me. I am scared of being poisoned, so I ordered some take-outs using my mobile phone and bank card.

I reach out for a jar of juice in the fresh and pour myself a glass of it Am So famished.

" I lamented too. myself " I walk back to my room as I continuously take sips from my juice, sitting on my bedside table my door suddenly flies open and my supposed mother inlaw walks in, the furry on her face could light up a burning furnace

"Get out of my son's bedroom, your you know it's not your place"

" Good evening mother, am sorry I did not come to welcome you I wasn't aware you came" I put on my best smile as I greeted her

" Mom???

Who is your mother?

I can't be a mother to an imp-like you, your nothing but trash may the gods forbid, I ever birth a child like you"

I was not expecting kind words from her so her words did not hurt me but I won't be leaving my room for some cheap slut

" Mom with due respect, I can't leave my room for anyone else"

" And who are you to talk to me in that manner? She asked fuming in anger

"Mom I know you do not like me, which I understand why, but telling me to leave my bedroom is out of the question, mistreating me is something I won't take likely

I very much know you have every information about me and as such, you should be familiar with the line that I don't care about what people think about me.

And more to that I am used to been rejected and despised so you hating me makes no difference, but let me tell you this I won't give up my room, my house, my marriage, and most importantly I won't give up my husband without putting up a fight so if peal wants what rightfully belongs to me she has to fight for it, let her come get it "

" You" she angrily walks out

I can't be bothered by her tantrums. The doorbell goes off and I hurriedly go downstairs, my food arrives just in time I was closer to death

" I laugh at my imagination" I did alone, I so much Miss him, after I was done with my dinner I retired to bed but after toasting and turning I gave up I could not sleep

"Taking a midnight stroll around the villa wouldn't be a bad idea," I told my sled as I quickly climbed down from my bed and slipped my feet into my slippers.

When I got out, I saw the maids whispering amongst themselves which made me wonder what they were still doing at the villa at this time of the night and what bad deeds they were cooking up

Well, it's none of my business. I quietly walk back to my room unnoticed….I slip into one of Gabrielle's shirts and go back to sleep.

I woke up early and prepared myself for classes, I made breakfast for myself and made sure to double-check all my belongings before leaving the house

While walking out the door the sinister smile of my mother-in-law did not pass unnoticed and I laughed inwardly because I am well prepared for anything they are bringing up.

I have the keys to my bedroom, the study, the kitchen, and also the keys to both the main passage and the back passage.so if they think I will go out and they lock me outside then they are up for a surprise.

As I walk out carrying my backpack containing all my laptop and other necessities, I notice Peal smiling from ear to ear while sitting in a black Mercedes. There are other cars but it belongs to mom and her so she is up for trouble well let's give it to her that's what she wants

" Peal I have class so can you kindly step down I am running late already"

" And why should? It's not your car it belongs to my Gab, and come to think of it aren't you born in the slums walking is good for people like you"

I couldn't be bordered by her ranting so quietly took out the car key Gabrielle left for me and pressed it, I needed to make sure this is the right car but to my surprise, it's not,

It does not correspond, but rather a pink porches drives out of the parking and stops in front of me, an elegantly dressed Man steps down from it

"Good morning Mrs. Adsence am Fred your new driver"

"Good morning let's get going am late already"

" Yes, mame".

He opens the back door for me and as I hop in and we drive out but not forgetting to laugh at the face of the little bitch

" Mame we will be picking Mart on our way as sir wants her to be in the house under disguise as your friend, she will attend classes with you so she can keep an eye on you and protect you at all times, we pledge our loyalty to you."

After driving for like 5 minutes, Fred stops the car and a lady enters in the seat by the driver,

"Good morning mame, I'm called Mart and I'm your female guard"

Good morning, Fred has briefed me about your job and my husband mentioned it before leaving, I hope we will be great acquaintances.

" Mame, the sir contacted through the secret line he left a message for I will forward it right now to your phone so you can watch it"

"Okay " I replied, in less than 2minutes my phone vibrates, I unlock it and play the video

"Arie, how are you? I hope you're doing great. If things get harder for you, you can go to the resort it's safe there and also no matter the situation you're subjected do not sign any papers till I am back take care of yourself we might not talk again I know things are not going well with you but I promise to make it up to you when I come back…..don't worry about me, I will be back soon. Take care of yourself hubby, get you covered ARIE I MISS YOU."




Say something Gab….

"What's wrong mart it just stopped and can you call him again mart tell him I want to talk to him….mart ...Gab "

" Am sorry mame am not allowed, sir will be okay all you have to do is be strong for him and take care of yourself"

" I cried holding my mobile close to my chest, I haven't seen him for a week, and he sounds like he is going through so much….I wish I was there to help get through it "

" Mame we are here" mart informs me, I quickly clean my eyes and step out of the car while she briefs me about routines, as we walk into the building"

" Mame, I will address you by your name, once we are inside and I will be going home with you as your friend.

Fred and I will be moving into the boy's quarter so feel free to request. my presence when you need me.


We will do our best to protect you to the best of our efforts, I will take care of your meals and Fred will run errands outside the villa, and most importantly to your family I am a friend of yours who needs help and Fred remains your driver."

"Thank you Mart"

" You don't have to thank me, ma'am, I'm just doing my job."

We climbed the stairs to the third floor, where my teacher and other students were already sitting. A brief introduction was done and classes went on…

My day was a pleasant one as I enjoyed every lesson. Mart on the other hand had issues which I understand for this is not her major.

As soon as classes were over we set out for some groceries shopping, after shopping was done we drove home and as expected I was locked outside, but I like the mistress of the house that I am I quietly remove my keys and opened the door not forgetting to walk in, in a grand style

The face of Peal piled up I couldn't hold the huge anymore I need to tunt her

"Peal why do you look like you've seen a ghost"

"How to do….how..did..you.come in? She asked going back to check the door

" I locked the door, I did yes I locked it how did you come in?

Being the mistress of the household, I don't think you can lock me out of my own house, don't you think you're pushing too hard? I question her

"How can you come to my house and lock me outside are insane or what, well since it's my house I have my ways so get out of my path it's been a hectic day I need some rest"

I push her off. my way as I climb to my room.

"We aren't over Arielle"

" I know, so I am waiting for you to show me the best you've got bitch" I walk up to my room. Oh, this girl will drive me crazy.

After I was done with my bath and putting a few things together, I walk down to the kitchen am hungry, on arrival I spot Marty cooking and my supposed maids staring at her like she is an alien from another planet

"Arielle, food will soon be ready, so you can go back upstairs I will bring you your food when it's ready but for the main time I have prepared some fruits for you it's in the fresh you can eat it while waiting on food"

" Thank you, Matt"

" And who says you could bring someone into the house? This house belongs to my son not you" My mother in law asked coming into the kitchen

" Mom from what I remember this house belongs to your son and that son of yours has a wife which is me, hence I can bring anyone I wish into my house. Do you have a problem with it?....

Oh yeah you do have a problem with it but sorry there is nothing you can do about it, mom I will advise you to go home because you see all this your doing it won't help

Am not shaken so let's save our time and energy "

" Hahaha so the little imp my son picked up, dressed up, cleaned up now has the goddamn guts to talk back at me and claim rights WHAT INSOLENT"

"Mom, respect is given where respect is due, I still call you mom because you're Gabrielle's mother and I haven't denied the fact that he saved me

But don't you think it's in his place to ridicule me not you and you are too quick to judge, I said nothing wrong, I did nothing wrong but you've treated me so badly

but I haven't am still nice to you, I know it makes no difference whether I am nice or not to you but it does to me because I can't hate the woman who gave birth to the man after my heart.

Mom I will make you love me, I will prove to you I am the best choice for your son, and possibly mother to your grandkids. Mom, I love you.