

Growing up in the most unbearable situation Arielle is set on gaining freedom and acknowledgment from her family and loved ones but as easy as it may sound it's the most complicated to archive, for her life is made up of shackles. Her parents nor her siblings love and appreciate her for the things she is doing for them and she finds herself doing everything possible to make them happy “for you can choose your friends but you can't choose your family” with the struggle to gain financial she meets her best friend Solange who is from a rich family and fiance Gabriel Adsence but due to the struggle between career and marriage Solange is cut up in the middle and has to make a drastic decision which will change her life, Solange ends up leaving her groom on the day of their wedding in pursuit of her dreams, but Gabriel doesn't want to be the talk of the country for the second time so he proposes to marry the next available option which turns to be Arielle Cowel but she rejects his offer, not wanting to go in for a loveless marriage….things never go as planned her greedy family accepts the money Gabriel offers and Arielle is bound to walk down the aisle with him, she was sold without a second thought and thus the journey of Gab and Ariel Kicks off. Ariel struggles to impress her newfound family while still trying to gain the love of her parents but one thing is sure Gab won't let anyone come between his family nor hurt his wife for they are committed in a world of their own

Starlive · Fantasy
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21 Chs

chapter 10

Gladys pov

Saying I am happy about the marriage of Gab, is a big lie, I have loved him since the first time I set my eyes on him. I decided to help throughout the way because I love him and after his breakup, with Sheril, I thought he was going to finally notice me but seems I was wrong he spend his days grieving and submitting himself to building the group during that period our bound became strong he confirmed me in and ask for help I also told him about my problems.

We moved from just boss and employee to friends. Our relationship greatly improved but Solange spoiled everything. I was happy when I heard she left him but I was not expecting him to find a replacement and marry her. Right now I know his family is willing and ready to make her life a living hell so why don't I join to facilitate things and ones she is out of the picture even if it means seducing him then so be it for at this point n think of is I need gab and if I can't have him then no one will.

I walk out of my office as I seductively sway my waist, it's of no doubt am the most beautiful lady in the group and all the men are willing to do anything at the sound of my voice which makes my fellow girls very jealous, but all this attention doesn't make sense for the one I desperately want to look at me is not bordered.

Gab is in France and he needs help, everyone knows he is taking care of a business deal but that's not the truth Gabrielle is being locked up in France by his family, he stays in a hotel which is heavily guarded, and if he is under surveillance 24/7 he can't make rash decisions. All his family wants is for him to sign the divorce papers and also wed peal that spoiled brat.

But they are not doing it the right way this relationship of theirs need some misunderstanding and boom she will reject him for good and when that happens I won't give peal the chance to be the one to console him I will be there for him and with my master plan, I will make sure within that period I fall pregnant so Gabrielle will have no option than marrying me and giving his child a better future.

"Take all these documents I need you to walk on it before I get back, I will be leaving for a short vacation my parents need me urgently so I have to travel back to Shanghai but not to worry you can always mail me if there is a problem and do not forget to tell the boss when he comes back from his drip," I instructed my assistant as I picked up a few items from my desk and headed out. I can't let anyone know I am going to France because Grandpa Adsence will not let me off.

I have to spy on him when I get to France so my great plans can be affected. I will be using my charm and connection to get gab out of there. My room has been booked already in the same hotel and I will be impersonating one of the servants there so I can gain access to his room and talk to him. I am hoping for the best as failure does not exist in my vocabulary.

I call my driver as he picks me up and we drive to the airport, there I meet the girl am impersonating she needs money for the treatment of her brother so am helping her with that there is a slight resemblance between the two of us the only difference is being more beautiful than her and I am whiter than her but for the rest it is same

"I have sent you your balance make sure you're not discovered because if that should happen you know what I will do I will personally make sure your brother dies for good am I understood"

"Yes miss Gladys"

"You may leave"

My flight was not a pleasant one as I spent almost all of my time reviewing my plan. Nothing could go wrong. I walked out of the airport and headed straight for my car. My driver was already waiting for me.

"Where to Miss Gladys," he asked in french

"Four Season Hotel George V, Paris"

"I hope so"

The ride was a quiet one, I was not expecting him to be locked up in any other hotel as Four Seasons is one of the most luxurious hotels and it has great security. But having a personal relationship with the manager will help me break through it.

" we've arrived miss Gladys "

"Thank you for the ride, see you around"

I walk into the hotel heading for the receptionist's desk.

"Bonjour madame, how can I be of help to you"

" Bonjour, I made a reservation last night"

"May I have your passport and identification card mame"

"Sure hey you go"

"Okay welcome miss Gladys your room number is 205 and here is your key, we hope you enjoy your stay in Four Season"

"thank you"

I take the elevator up to my room as it's located on the 3 floors. From my investigations, the gab is on the last floor as it's a presidential suite, the security up there is way tighter as it's mostly occupied by the richest and top government officials. I decided on taking a nap to be more energetic to carry out my plans in the coming weeks.

Gabrielle Adsence Pov

Ever since I got to France its been from one torture to another, am not tortured physically but rather mentally and emotionally its been a week, and still, no signs of them letting me off, my family is covered in so many secrets which never thought they could be involved in until I discovered it. Grandfather is not ready to let me off till I divorce my wife. The only way out right now is if Ariel was pregnant. I know the chances of her being pregnant after what happened between us are slim but I can't help but pray day and night for a miracle to happen. I can't divorce her, that's the last thing I will do.

Since I got here my phone and all other important things were seized from me, I spent my day subjected to watching videos of my brother when he was in charge of the group and videos of me playing around.

The main idea behind all these see schemes is is is to believe I'm destroying all that my brother worked hard for in the past years for love but I won't buy that shit, they think he is dead but I still am in control, they believe they have the thrum card too bad they are only exposing themselves to me. I sit down as I watch videos of us playing video games, that was the last day after that game he completely went insane.

Yes, I am affected but not to the extent they want me to so I pretend I am putting up a show… I clench my chest as I fall on my knees and cry bitterly I fight whosoever who comes to console me I behaved like a total lunatic who is grieving for a dear one… my situation finally got out of hand " so they thought" and my grandfather was \called he rushed to the hotel panicking despite everything one thing am very certain about is they love my grandparents have for me that love I will never doubt as to the head of the household

He is doing his best to save the family business because if he doesn't my supposed uncles and cousins will fight over it which will lead to clashes and possible deaths. But the method which he is taking is way too wrong I mean I can always marry the woman I love and still be the CEO of the group and possible present of the group n the nearest future but no my family has always been the dictating type and have always looked down on the poor so my marriage to Ari is something they find very difficult to swallow down. Grandfather storms into the room with a bunch of bodyguards

" tie him up"

"No you can't do these to me he died because of all of of you, you pushed him to his death… you very much know he never wanted to be in the company he had dreams he wanted to be a doctor but you deprived him of the joy of career

Grandfather is not scared of you, you can do the same things you did to him but I promise you I won't be like him. I won't die for you or the group. I will make all of you regret it … father has always said he loved us but look is this love? I asked fuming in anger originally i just wanted to play with his emotions but right now i can't control my own emotions i have taken too much which i think it's time i let some out i can't go on living like this

grandfather, I want to ask you something, is nia nia aware of the way I am treated? I know you love him but do not forget I love my wife too same way you love yours so if you do not want me to make things difficult for you I will advise you to realize me instantly before a whole lot of things go wrong


"So finally you are speaking from your heart, have you forgotten I know you too well?.. You're my favorite believe it or not so I knew from the very beginning about your little skims, and do not think about creating problems for me little lad for your wife is totally under me if you make any wrong moves I will end that little life of hers yo should be aware of that by now for your grandpa doesn't take chances when it comes to serving his love ones and his business"

Our deal still stands right? If she is pregnant then you will let her off now and in the future but if she isn't then I will divorce her. We have a deal so do not go back on your words. Release me I look like I have been jailed for ten years without food and water if Arie should see me like this she will suspect. And before you say anything I promise not to leave the country you have my words I will Stay in France and take care of matters of the group from here and when 1 month elapses I will Io home and a test will be conducted on my wife if she is pregnant or not "

"That's more like it the business mindset is now functional great, but you will have to continue staying here and your security will be the same "


"Why grandfather"

"It has come to my notice that some of your uncles think the group is going through internal struggles now, they believe in your fighting power with me that you want to be president of the group so they are planning to destroy both of us and use us against each other"

"Okay I get your point, me leaving will only make them suspect we have resolved issues hence they will strike using another method which might take us too much time to figure it out but if they continue to believe we are fighting then we are ahead and they will be humiliated and disgraced when they realize there was no actual problem and it will help us separate the "stones from the grains" from the grain"

"That's a brilliant idea grandfather"

He exists and is left alone. I walk my bed as a strategic my next, we are not enemies and we are neither friends we join the alliance when we have a common enemy and we compete amongst ourselves when there is no outsider to fight"

Another night is finally coming to an end …