
A Villain No More

I was loved. No matter what kind of wrongdoings I did, my family still loved me. I ignored their love and did whatever I want. I treated them poorly. I fell for him at first sight and became obsessed with him. He hated me. He found his love, and jealousy took over me, I did more wrongdoings. My bad deeds took everything away from me, not just my life but also my family's. Updates will be on Monday through Friday. 7:00 PM Eastern Standard Time.

Botchai · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

Chapter 2: Eight Year Old Andrea

It has been eight years since I opened my eyes. God really did turn back time for me. I opened my eyes and realize that was an infant in my mother's arms. Truly a clean blank slate. Ever since I have never acted the way I did in my past life. Because of how I am living my life right now, people are worried that I am too mature for my age, but I am mature, mentally anyway. But I can't help the way I am now. I want to live differently this time,

"Andrea, what are you daydreaming about?" A familiar voice. Whether in my past life or in this current one, he is the one who has always been beside me whenever I'm crying, my brother Alexander De Vishante.

"Nothing. I was just appreciating the work the Gardener has done. Ever since this body was able to walk, I have been going to this garden every day. To others, they think that I go here every day because I like the garden, but the truth is, the garden reminds me of my past life. To me, reminding myself of what I had done in the past will help me not to get side-track with what is my purpose now.

"Yes. The Gardener did a good job. These red roses remind me of you, Andrea." My brother plucked out the rose and gave it to me.

A beautiful rose, that's what everyone describes me back then. They say that I am beautiful and as thorny as my attitude. However, they are not wrong about the thorny part, no one would wanna touch someone who is as thorny as me.

"How so?"

"Your eyes and elegant it can be."

I laugh when I heard that. "Brother, you also have red eyes like me, and you are more elegant than me. Don't you think that it would be more appropriate if you compare this rose to you?" Red eyes, it is a symbol that a person is a member of the De Vishante family. It is a unique physical characteristic that we have and because of that uniqueness, we are easily recognized by the people of the Sun Kingdom.

"No, it's not appropriate to compare me to this flower because, despite what you think, you suit this flower more." He gave me a warm smile. That is the same smile he gave me before that guy took his life. Even at that last moment, he still did not stop loving a sister like me. I will do whatever it takes to prevent that smile from disappearing in this life. That is the only way I can think of to pay his love and kindness towards me.

"If Brother Alex insists, then I will take it."

"What are you two doing here?" As soon as I heard that voice, I knew exactly who it is. The most beautiful noble lady, my mother.

I ran towards her and gave her a hug. "Mother! You're back!" Although some people think that I am too mature for my age, I do try to act like a child in front of my family. Last time, they were too worried that I am missing out too much, and in a way, they try to force me to do things like other children my age. Since I don't want to do that, I decided to do this instead, be childlike in front of my family.

"Yes, my darling, I'm back." She said with a smile and carried me in her arms. She looked in the direction of my brother and said, "Alex, you are not skipping your lessons, are you?"

As soon as she said that, my brother darted his eyes somewhere else. Here we go again. Even though my brother is very intellectual, he is still required to attend his lessons. However, he likes to skip his lessons with the excuse of it's only going to be boring.

"Alex, answer me." One thing about my mother, she does not like repeating her words twice. Back then, even though I did everything that I want, I was still scared of her. Facing the wrath of my mother was the last thing I want. Even now, in this current life, I don't want to face her wrath.

"Mother, what is the point of having those lessons? I already know what is there to know. I read the book, Mother." It is not an exaggeration, but my brother is smarter than the teachers that are trying to teach him right now, and I know that firsthand. I know what kind of title my brother will hold in the future and be well respected in the future. I do also wonder why Mother and Father insist on forcing this on him.

"I also wonder about that, Mother. Brother Alex is smarter than those teachers."

"I know that your brother is smarter than them, but if your father and I are worried that if we let your brother do whatever he wants, he might slack off and your other brothers will do the same." I have other two older brothers Emilio and Dante. They are a little different from Brother Alex. They prefer swords to books, though it is quite normal for this family to be more interested in swords than books because we are a family of knights, to begin with. However, at the same time, we also run a business and are currently at the top of the industry, which is also why intellectual lessons are part of our daily activities. Mother and father want us to learn both sides of what our family is involved in.

"Mother, if you and Father explain it to them, I'm sure they will understand." My brother's begging would work in the future anyway. Just like what happened back then, it will happen again. Our parents accepted his request in the end. Of course, Brother Emilio and Brother Dante said it was unfair that Brother Alex can get away with the lessons, but in reality, Brother Alex did not entirely escape. He is still needed to attend Swordsmanship lessons

Seeing that Brother Alex is not about to give up, Mother said, "Fine. I will talk about this with your Father. But I can't promise you anything."

"I will take that!" Brother Alex smiled brightly. Don't worry Brother, sooner or later you don't have to sit on those boring lessons.

"Anyways, I have something to tell you, Andrea."

"What is it, Mother?"

"There's going to be a gathering with the other ladies in the coming week, and we discussed that it would be nice to bring our daughters along. They're about your age, and I think it would better for you to be around kids your age."