

Kakarot a first class sayain lands on earth after the genocide of the sayan race,SMARTES SAYAN Words: 258,195

God_Shinobi · Tranh châm biếm
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39 Chs


"So that's what happened huh?" tien watched as the twins and krillin ate at the living room a table

"Yeah I thought we were done for" krillin answered

"You two are really incredible" yamcha looked to the twins

"It's because we were able to make it too 70x gravity before we got here" gohan smiled

"That's the only reason you guys should be much stronger too" chidori looked to the men

Krillin turned to dende to see he was sitting quietly on the couch "You should eat too it may not be very good but you can help yourself"

"I don't blame him about everyone in his village was killed right?" tien asked

"Oh right"

Dende turned to them "We don't eat things like this; we get by simply on water"

"Really well we've never actually seen you eat piccolo" yamcha looked to a meditating piccolo

"But what about those fields outside your villiage weren't you growing some kind of vegetable" gohan asked

"No those were ajisa saplings….long ago before the abnormal weather occurred, Namek was said to be a beautiful planet covered in ajisa saplings….However the jiasa forests and most of the namekians died out…so now were trying to make namek beautiful again by planting more ajisa plants"

Everyone then felt something in the distance and they all rushed out of the cave

"What's going on?" dende asked

"Lots of ki are disappearing one by one " piccolo growled

"More of the namekinas are being killed" chidori answered

"And the one killing them are all frieza's henchmen, their attacking the villages" Tien growled

"This isn't good…we'll need to be careful moving around until kakarrot and the others get here…if frieza manages to get his wish granted it'll be the end of the universe" krillin growled

"Maybe if we can find and hide one of the dragon balls they won't be able to get all seven of them together" yamcha suggested

"We can't if we did that they'd just keep killing the namekians until they found all of them " Gohan told him

"It's horrible no matter which way it turns out….even with the saiyans there's no guarantee they'll be able to defeat them"

"P-please tell me about yourselves!" dende asked "Where have you come from and why do you know about the dragon balls? Please save the people of my world!"

They quickly explained their reason for being there to stop frieza from getting his wish and let the saiyans get their revenge on him for destroying their planet

"Kakarrot said that the PTO knew of the legend of the dragon balls for a long time but felt it was to outrageous to be true until they overheard us talking so we knew we had to come to stop him" krillin explained

"I see… now I understand what's going on…Please you need to come with me! I'll take you to meet with the grand elder!"


"The grand elder?"


"Burter still hasn't returned…could he still be dealing with those runts?" jiece asked

"It is of no importance. If the fool can't even defeat a couple of children then leave him be. Forget about him and go search for the last dragon ball" frieza ordered

"Yes sir, as you wish. If we search the remaining villages the dragon ball is bound to be there"

"With all of us looking were bound to find it sooner or later" ginyu assured

"Then I shall take these six dragon balls we already have and wait for you back at the space ship"

"Yes sir" ginyu placed all the balls on the ground

"I'm counting on you. I only require one more before I can have my wish granted"

Ginyu, jiece, guldo, and a henchmen floated up into the air "We'll split up and search in different directions. If you come across a village, eliminate the nameks and look for the dragon ball. We will meet back at the spaceship in three hours" ginyu ordered

"yes sir!" they all then flew off in random directions

Frieza watched as they left "Once they find that last dragon ball I will finally be granted eternal life!" he used his ki to make the dragon balls float to his sides "For now, I'll simply wait at my leisure at the spaceship"


"Who is the Grand elder?" piccolo asked

"T-the one who gave birth to all of us here on namek. He's the sole survivor of the climatic anomaly long ago, who has once more given vitality to namek. I am the 108th child of the grand elder"

"Wow that's a lot" tien was shocked

"Why do you want us to meet with the grand elder?" krillin asked

"Umm those people who attacked our village were after the dragon balls…and you said a lot of people were just killed in that direction"

"There's not a single ki left though" gohan looked in that direction

"They've all been wiped out" chidori added

"I-In that case…there aren't very many namekians left on the planet" dende looked down"

"This is bad if they got the dragon ball there that means there's only one left to find, by any chance does the grand elder have one?" yamcha asked


"Damn it! Frieza may have lost his scouters but he'll send out his men to search and if they find the grand elder they'll steal that dragon ball too" krillin growled

"Then we have to warn the grand elder at once!" dende yelled

"Alright we don't have much time show us the way" piccolo told him

"It would be catastrophic if frieza got his wish" tien mentioned

"I'll go with him!" piccolo looked to the twins "You two are coming as well the rest of you will stay here and update the saiyans"

"We son't be detected if we fly so we should go as fast as we can" gohan suggested

"Good idea" chidori agreed

They took off into the sky at a very high speed

"You guys be careful" krillin called



"Lord frieza I am sorry to report but we still have not located the last dragon ball all the men are still out searching though so it should be too long before we find it" ginyu reported

"Thank you for the report you are dismissed" frieza seemed to have something on his mind

"Is there something troubling you sire?"

"A notion has been plaguing me for quite some time now; the idea that somewhere out there, a saiyan is destined to become my greatest foe. Vegeta of course is the likeliest candidate, but now I believe I am mistaken"

"I mean no disrespect sire but are you sure you aren't imagining things? Aside from vegeta the other saiyans are far weaker then him"

"Then would you like to explain how the saiyans were able to defeat zarbon and dodoria? Vegeta was no where near their power level so one of the others had to have defeated them"

"It could've been the long lost saiyan they were talking about we didn't even know that one survived and don't exactly know his origin"

"Yes there is something else though earlier when recoome was attack I noticed that the two children had saiyan armor as well and they seemed to have tails around their waists. I thought I was imagining it at first but now I'm starting to get suspicious"

"How would saiyan children even be alive any surviving saiyan should be an adult by now since it's been at least 20 years since planet vegeta was destroyed"

"Maybe one of the saiyans had offspring with another race"

"That is possible"

"Now I suggest you get back to work and find me that dragon ball"

"Yes sir!" ginyu flew out the door

'saiyans have the potential to possess unfathomable power levels when combat situations fail to finish them off, they serve to make them exponentially stronger….of course they're no match for me, but foresight demands I nip this problem in the bud while I'm still able…..The fabled super saiyan would prove to be a most inopportune foe'


After three days of flying they had finally reached the grand elders home

"There! On the top of that rock formation "

"Ah! I can see it!" chidori yelled

"I'm surprised this place is even still here! With a place so out in the open it's only a matter of time before frieza's men find it" piccolo looked down at the house

"The grand elder is inside" dende led them onto the top

"He hasn't been done in has he?" Gohan asked

"Huh? I don't think so" dende saw the door lift up and a namekian similar to piccolo walk out "Nail! Thank goodness you're alright!"

Nail put his hands behind his back "Nice to see you too dende, and the visitors. The grand elder already knows the gist of what's going on"

"The grand elder sees what's going on?" dende asked

"That saves us the time for explaining" gohan smiled

"He looks a lot like you Mr. piccolo" chidori looked back and forth between them

Piccolo had noticed the similarity between them but thought that was normal for namekian to look a lot alike

"All of you come inside, the grand elder will see you" nail turned to the door

"I-If he knows what' s going on, why haven't you left such a dangerous place?" piccolo asked

"The grand elder had grown far too old, he knows his death is near…..there was nothing we could do but remain here while I stay by his side and protect him"

"I didn't know it had become so serious" dende said as they followed nail inside



They floated off the ground to the second floor and the others were shocked at the sight

"Grand elder I've brought dende and the visitors"

"H-he's huge" gohan stuttered

"Welcome travelers you come to us from a planet called earth yes? First allow me to express my gratitude for saving my child dende. Thank you"

"It was nothing really" chidori smiled

"Many of my children have died from by the hands of these invaders, it deeply grieves me….they appear to be seeking the dragon balls, am I correct? I never imagined that these globes of hope, which are a testament to the wisdom and power of namekians would bring this about. "

"Forgive me for cutting to the chase, but could we ask you to let us borrow the dragon ball above your head? I promise not to let it fall into the hands of those men" piccolo assured him

"I'd like to request it as well, if these people from earth are able to gather all the dragon balls they can protect them from falling into the wrong hands" dende asked

"Yeah our dad and his people are on their way and they'll be extremely powerful , I know they'll help protect your people if you ask them" gohan told him

"Ah I see has one of these saiyans become a super saiyan then?"

"I don't think so none of them look like they've transformed into something " piccolo told them

"Well then I suppose it's alright. Your desires are pure and your courage up to this point has been greatly esteemed" he reached for the dragon ball "I shall give you my dragon ball, but alas they won't be working for very much longer"

Piccolo took it in his hand "Why not?"

"Unfortunately what time if have left on this world will likely end in a few days. Do you think you'll be able to get the dragon balls away from the enemy's clutches in that amount of time? I fear it to be impossible and once I die the dragon balls will cease to exist as well"

"I see" chidori mumbled

"It's alright we have no choice! We'll protect this ball with our lives! It's a better choice than letting frieza get eternal life" gohan smiled

"Please find a way to get the dragon balls from them"

"We promise!" the twins told him

"We should be heading back now" piccolo told them



"This is useless there's no way we'll find more namekians without our scouters" jiece grumbled when they all regrouped

"Well it doesn't matter what you think we need to find that dragon ball for lord frieza" ginyu scolded him

"I think we've already searched most of the planet how do we know the last dragon ball hasn't been taken by those guys we saw earlier and hidden it" guldo told them

"Then we'll start searching for them and get them to tell us where the last dragon ball is" ginyu growled

"Where are we supposed to start for all we know they could have left the planet with the dragon balls" jiece said

"We'll search together then we'll start off in that direction" ginyu pointed to the right and they all flew off in that direction and after a while of searching they heard something in the distance and looked to see the three that had killed recoome

"And they have the dragon ball, how nice of the them to find it for us!" ginyu smirked and they took off after them

"Lord frieza will finally possess all seven dragon balls!"


Yamcha , tien and krillin were sitting outside the cave getting a bit of fresh air and krillin had just got in touch with the saiyans and they informed them that they would be arriving soon giving them a huge relief

They were startled when the others landed making yamcha jump and fall of the rock he was sitting on

"Whoa guys don't startle us like that" yamcha told them

"Isnt it a little dangerous to be out here in the open" chidori asked

"Were just getting some fresh air is all" krillin answered

Tien then noticed the orb under piccolo's arm "Huh? Is that a dragon ball?!"

"Yup!" gohan confirmed

"I guess the home grown ones are a lot bigger than the once on earth" yamcha observed the large dragon ball

"The grand elder was very understanding"

"So any updates on dad?" chidori asked

"Yeah we called a few minutes ago and they said they would be arriving soon"

"Awesome!" gohan cheered

They all then sensed something in the distance

"A Ki, two large onces and a weak one are heading this way!" piccolo warned

A second later the ginyu's and a few henchmen landed in front of them smirking at them with their arms crossed

"Aw no!" yamcha yelled


Out in space the saiyan's spaceship was traveling at a high speed

*Twenty minutes to arrival on planet namek. Twenty minutes to arrival on planet namek* the computer alerted them

The saiyans were now getting dressed into new saiyan armor since their old ones had pretty much been destroyed in their training

"That was a fast trip" kakarrot told them

"Of course the ship was made with modified saiyan technology wasn't it" raditz told him

"Do you think were ready to race frieza?" Turles asked

"With all of us fighting against him frieza is bound to have at least some problems at defeating us isn't that right nappa?" vegeta asked


"Just ten more minutes to go" kakarrot let out a breath "We all need to be on our guard since the ginyu force is there to some of us will have to get rid of them as well"

"Sure I've got a boen to pick with jiece anyway" turles smirked

"And I'll gladly take on the other all on my own" raditz grinned

"We should get buckled up for landing" nappa told everyone as they all headed to their seats and got ready for landing


"I don't suppose that would be a dragon ball you're holding?" ginyu looked to piccolo

"Lord frieza will be thrilled to hear about this he's going to have all seven dragon balls soon!" jiece grinned

"Do you think I'm just going to hand this over!" piccolo growled

"Then I suppose were going to have to use force" ginyu told him

'kakarrot wasn't kidding! We don't stand a chance against these guys! All of them have overwhelming power levels' yamcha thought 'especially the one in the middle'

"Why don't we make this nice and easy and give us the ball? We're going to kill you no matter what you do, so how about it? Be a sport?" jiece tried to persuade them

"DESTROY IT! QUICKLY!" tien yelled to piccolo

Piccolo gathered some energy in his hand and was about to blast the ball when it suddenly disappeared from his hand shocking him

They all looked over to see that guldo now possessed the dragon ball in his hands

"How?" gohan mumbled

"Huh?" chidori was dumbfounded

"Guldo here has the ability the stop time at will" amond smirked

"Now to take care you guys!" ginyu grinned "It's been a while since we've had any exercise so we'll be sure to give each of you plenty of tender loving care"

"and by tender loving care he doesn't mean we're gonna pat your heads and toss you up in the air! He means were gonna hurt ya!"

"Did you really need to explain that?!"

"Guys is fighting our only option can't we take off and wait for the others to get here?" yamcha asked

"No they are capable of keeping up with our speed so running is useless" piccolo growled

"Let's see" ginyu checked his scouter "The green one seems to be the strongest of them, the two kids are the second, and the other three come in last. So how about I take the green one, jiece you take the kids and guldo you can help the others on taking out the other three. Got that!"

"That's not fair sir!"

"How come you all the tougher ones?" the henchmen complained

"Fine fine I'll bring the last dragon ball to lord frieza and you all can decide the matches on your own how's that?"

"Thank's boss!"

Ginyu took off with the dragon ball

"No I won't let you have that!" gohan yelled and was about to stop him when piccolo grabbed him

"Calm down! You can't afford to waste your energy! Let him go for now we have to focus on beating these guys first!"

"Everyone get over here" he called and they all grouped together to come up with a strategy

"What's this a strategy session?" Diaz smirked

"You can't underestimate these guys alright! Keep your guard up at all times!" they all nodded and then he turned to krillin "Did the saiyans say how soon they could get here?"

"No not a specific time but they said they were close"

"'close' isn't good enough we need them here now!" he growled

"So how about this mates" jiece got the others attention "Why don't we let guldo fight the kids first to see their potential then we can pair everyone up with an opponent. How's that?"

"Great idea!"

"Feh. Now I feel like the guy cleaning up the playing field" guldo grumbled

"Their treating this like a game" tien clenched his teeth

"Arrogant bastards!" yamcha growled

"Remember not to underestime him" piccolo warned the twins

"Right!" they agreed and got into fighting stances

"This looks like its going to be over quick" guldo grumbled

"Alright let's go!" Gohan and chidori began to yell as they powered up to their fullest making the scouters the others were wearing go haywire

They jumped into the air and then sent blasts at guldo from the air "Stop!" guldo yelled and froze time he ran out of the way of the blasts then stopped and looked up at the twins "Lousy punks!" he saw that they were gone "T-they're gone?! But where did they go?!" he looked around to see they had flown a great distance from where they fired "Th-there they are! They're already that far away!...dammit!i can't stop time any longer!"

Time started again and the blasts made contact with the ground, chidori saw guldo had moved far away "He's all the way over there! He must have done that time freeze technique"

"Yeah, let's try it again" gohan told her

They then phased from sight shocking guldo "They completely disappeared!" he could only catch glimpses of them as they got closer to him but phased each time he looked at them, he closed his eyes as he yelled "STOP!" when he opened his eyes he was surprised to see them in front of him getting ready to attack "They were right on top of me! I can't stop time and hit them at the same time; it takes too much power!" he ran over to a couple of rocks " I'll just hide behind these rocks and attack while they're confused"

Gohan and chidori stopped before they slammed into each other and looked around again for guldo, they sensed some rocks "There he is!" and flew in that direction

"N-no way! How did they know!" he used a technique to freeze them in mid air and saw them struggle to move

"I can't move my body!"

"It's like I'm frozen!"

"These two punks are really something else…I can't believe they made me use my paralysis technique! B-but I don't understand…how did they know where I was hiding without a scouder? Perky brats! I'm gonna skewer ya nice and slow! Hehe you might even taste good if I grill you up"

"Wow who would'a thought?" jiece observed

"Those little runts have a power levels around 20000" cacao informed them

Rasin smirked "it looked like guldo is starting to feel the heat, he never uses his paralysis technique"

"Strange there's a race that can higher or lower their power levels at will though" Diaz wondered

Guldo levitated a tree out of the ground and made it sharp "Hey, what's the matter? You'd better get out of the way, or this huge skewer's gonna ram right through you!"

Gohan smirked and used a technique his dad had shown him, his eyes flashed blue and the skewer exploded in mid air shocking guldo, freeing them

"Good thinking bro!" Chidori powered up a blast then fired it at guldo blowing off his head killing him

"Hey look at that! Guldo went and got himself killed!" amond yelled

"The two runts are more powerful than we thought" lakasei growled

"Is it just me or do these guys seem strange?" krillin asked

"The real fight is about to begin" piccolo growled

"Alright here what I think we should do" jiece got their attention " Rasin and lakasei you two will take the runts, cacao you'lll take the long hairs one, amond you take the shorty, diaz you take three eyes and I'll take the green one got that!"

"Yes sir!"

Rasin and lakasei flew at the twins but then phased out of the way, the twins looked up to see they were above them and flew up after them firing a ki blast at them but they were able to dodge it

Rasin flew at gohan but he moved out of the way making him hit chidroi instead, he didn't notice lakasei come up behind him and kick him in the race knocking them both to the ground . they both quickly recovered and flew back up at them

Krillin powered up a destructo disk and fired it at amond "I guess were gonna start out with the fancy moves huh?" he began spinning at a rapid motion sending out ki blasts in every direction and krillin struggled to dodge all of them, one managed to hit him and send him flying until amond punched him in the stomach sending him to the ground

Yamcha powered up his spirit ball as cacao came flying at him "You want some of this!" he fired the ball making it fly past him then redirected it a few times before making it hit cacao. It didn't have any effect because he came flying out of the smoke head butting him then started throwing punches and kicks at each other before yamcha phased away. Cacao smirked and used his suit to make him go up and meet yamcha where he reappeared then tackled him into the ground making a large crater

Tien fired a ki blast at cacao before he could attack an unconscious yamcha "Take that!" diaz appeared at his side and fired a ki blast at him but he was able to redirect it at cascao hitting him instead

Gohan fired a giant ki blast at lakasei consuming him in light

Chidori was able to overwhelm rasin with her speed and use her knee and elbow to choke him before double punching him to the ground, he was abel to recover and fly back at her "I think you need a good spanking kid!"

She raised her hands above her head "Masenko!" she yelled as she powered it up, rasin sent his own ki blast at her "HA!" she fired overwhelming his blast and consuming him in light as well

Gohan came up behind lakasei while he was looking around for him and kicked him in the side of the neck very hard sending him to the ground

"Yeah we did it!" they cheered

"It seems as though the only ones who managed to defeat our soldiers were the runts "Jiece looked around at the unconscious earthlings

"They just need more training!" piccolo growled

"Men! Take care of the brats while I handle this one!"

"Yes sir!"

Jiece powered up and rushed at piccolo kneeing him in the stomach then punching him in the face and kicking him into the air, piccolo powered up and flew at jiece as he did so too. Piccolo threw some punches and kicks at him but they didn't have much effect and he was getting hit pretty bad by jiece before he was kicked away

Piccolo stopped himself in the air to look at a smirking jiece and he flew forward at him kneeing him in the stomach once again then punched on the head sending him to the ground. Piccolo growled as he struggled to get up and glared at the approaching jiece

Jiece rush forward at him kicking him in the jaw sending him into the air then powered up a ki blast and fired it at him. Piccolo managed to dodge it but was then kicked in the chest "I told you , you wouldn't be able to win mate" he then grabbed him around the neck "enough of this I'm through playing around, it's time to end this little game right now!"

Piccolo yelled and began elbowing jiece in the stomach making him release him. It didn't last long through as jiece recovered and kicked him in the jaw then in the stomach before blasting him to the ground "Now for the finishing move!" Jeice raised his hand up in the air when he and the rest of the henchmen heard something in the air and looked up to see a space ship land in the distance

The other henchman were able to gang up on the twins and break a few bones and right now and were about to do the finishing blow when they heard the spaceship

"What's going on? Whose spaceship is that?"

Krillin managed to wake up and grinned when he saw the spaceship come down "it's….It's kakarrot…..Their finally here!"


The spaceship began settling on the ground

"It's time guys!" kakarrot announced as they all got out of their seats and walked toward the door grabbing the bag of senzu beans along the way

The door opened to reveal five Saiyan warriors all trained to 150x gravity "We need to find the others to get some updates" raditz told everyone

"Frieza is in that direction" Vegeta looked to the left

"Ginyu is in that direction" nappa looked to the right

"Is every one of frieza's men here or what?" turles asked

"The others! All of them are on the verge of dying!" kakarrot yelled "They're right next to those other strong power levels"

"Let's go and put this power to the test shall we?" vegeta said

The saiyans raised into the air and were consumed in light until it looked like a giant ki ball and moved at a great speed toward the others


Frieza's men got confused looks on their face when they saw a light in the distance until it came closer at a great speed making a huge blast of wind and them all to cover their eyes from the flying dirt

When they opened them they were shocked to see the saiyans standing in the middle of the battlefield

"Took them long enough" piccolo grumbled

"Hahaha kakarrot!" krillin called

"Krillin I'll get to you in just a second!" he called over then turned to his fellow saiyans "Can you help me hand out the senzu beans I'll take care of gohan and chidori you guys get the others"

"Sure" they nodded

Kakarrot turned to the men that had his kids and raised his hand at them making htem get into defensive stances but all they felt was a huge force of energy blowing them away from the fallen twins. He knelt down to them "Gohan? Chidori? Can you swallow these senzu beans?" he inspected them to see they had a few broken bones "No good their necks are broken…alright I'll just have to feed it to them"

"Hey who the heck do you think you are!"

"A friend of these guys or what?!"

Kakarrot ignored them as he managed to get them to swallow the beans

"The saiyans?! What are they doing here?!" jiece checked his scouter for each of them "heh doesn't matter they all have trashy power levels"

The twins regained consciousness "Hey feeling better" they looked above them to see their father "Dad!"

"You're finally here!" they cheered

"Sorry we couldn't be here sooner but we headed straight over once we got the first transmission"

"Yeah we know"

"What the hell! The kids were nearly dead!" diaz yelled

"H-how'd he do that!" cocue yelled

They looked around to see that the others were getting up as well "Now the other one's are healed too!"

They all huddled together when they were healed

"So can you guys take them?" yamcha asked

"That's a dumb question of course we can take them!" turles huffed

"You guys must have been doing some incredible training" tien observed them

"Yeah" kakarrot confirmed then turned to the henchmen "Stay here all of you, We'll take care of these guys"

They walked up to the front of the henchmen watching as they smirked at them

"You saiyans have finally lost it haven't you! You can't expect to beat us with power level lower than 10000" jiece laughed

"Really their power levels are that low they must have been getting soft"

The saiyans grinned at how dumb the henchmen were

"Huh they really are insane! Here we are about to kill them and their grinning like idiots!"

"You can't beat us, I can tell that much without even fighting you" kakarrot spoke

"Huh? Hahahaha! Did you hear that?! He thinks he can bluff his way out!"

"Are you ready for this!" a henchman yelled

Diaz flew at kakarrot intending to punch him but he dodged it so he began throwing multiple punches and kicks at him but each time kakarrot was able to dodge them with ease. Kakarrot kicked him in the stomach

The same process was going on with the other saiyans and their henchman letting the soldiers try to attack them then began attacking back

Each saiyan landed either a punch or a kick to their henchman's, turles kneed amond in the stomach hard making him spit out some blood and soon all the soldier were defeated being too overwhelmed by the saiyans strength

They looked up to see jiece had a shocked expression on his face and was shaking when they turned to look at him "These saiyan's have become monsters! Jeez I've never seen anything like this! They never even touched them! I'm tough but I'm not that tough! Sometimes you gotta know when to go! Go! Go!" he powered up and flew away

"Damn it all!" vegeta yelled

"He's running away!" nappa yelled

"Are you kidding me! I guess even the ginyu force can be cowards" raditz shrugged

The others were standing there watching them in shock they had been putting everything into their fight with the henchmen and they were still defeated but the saiyans didn't even have to try to defeat them, the henchmen didn't even land a single hit on any of them!

"Pretty shocking huh?" turles asked them

The tried to come up with the right words to say but didn't know what to say to what they had just witnessed

"It's amazing what gravity training can do for you, you know!" kakarrot smirked

To be continued

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

God_Shinobicreators' thoughts