

After they managed to rouse the team they left in a hurry as they knew staying would mean I'd get my way. Several times I nearly went after them to do just that and at each time they scolded me as Alice could see me taking each of them in the fields by the gate or against the gate.

I was unrepentant of course as my dominant side had been stifled for far too long and the beast would have it's due one way or another. I imagined meeting them while they played commando on some SGC mission. They each wanted to take turns accompanying SG-1 on missions and getting to know Carter. I just imagined showing up during said missions and leaving them full of well, sperm to be blunt.

I wanted to fuck them in and out of uniform and with a range of thoughts and ideas I decided I would. I got the vague expression of Alice's scowl but now that I'd made a decision it would happen. They wouldn't deny my needs and for as long as they plan to be gone they most certainly wouldn't stop me from seeking them out.

I brought Spike back from the moon frozen stiff and cursing me with mumbles. I passed him off to Illyria as I defrosted him.

I grew bored of waiting after the first ten minutes and since it would be months before the fleet was finished I decided to go for a little jaunt. I teleported to Gaia, the home planet of the Nox and as soon as I arrived I felt my mother's presence.

The entire planet was teaming with energies both mystical and those of the same as the new seed I'd acquired. When I saw through the illusions I smiled happily. These were people blessed by my mother. They understood her better than even I did at times.

But they lacked the motivation to truly become one with nature. They were prey in the end. Sighing I walked through the forest as unseen as their floating city ship in the sky. The animals of the forest felt my presence and hid as not even the bugs made a sound.

The Nox took notice of the changes and tried to find what had caused such a thing. I didn't reveal myself as I didn't wish to speak with pacifists. I'd been too stifled into such a position that talking with them meant I'd eat them. And while tasty I'm sure my wives would be upset.

A stifling conundrum that had me killing and eating the first six legged horse I found and it's entire herd. They'd tried to flee but the fear was a flavor all it's own when I finally caught them in my giant maw. That's right, I'd gone a bit native as I'd fully shifted for the hunt.

I felt a satisfying crack as the bones of the last horse gave way under my teeth. I hunted a bit more and a Nox child saw me before fleeing so I left the planet for a more brutal one.

I ended up on the Aschen home world. There, well, I brought the brutal as I slaughtered every man and woman of the planet. I left only the children alone as I ate my way through a population of billions. When I finished with the last adult there I teleported to their second world and did the same.

They had a bit more sense as they tried to flee, emphases on tried. I brought down every spaceship that almost made it off the planet by sheer physical power. I jumped in my wolf form and for the ships apart as they tried to leave the atmosphere.

What I got in the end was cooked meat as they crash lanes back on the planet. The truly smart ones fled through the gate to the world they'd been trying to negotiate a deceitful deal with. I didn't mind a few snacks escaping as I can find them later like a good Cheeto.

I ravaged the planet and caught the attention of a few ascended by my actions. They didn't interfere but they did watch me work. They must've sensed the violent mass deaths.either way they weren't helping these people ascend as I consumed their souls with their flesh and blood.

When I finished my actions I grabbed a nap in their capital city. I slept peacefully until an ascended entered my dreams. I could've forced it out but I was amused so I showed it why I'd done such a thing.

She already knew their crimes as the female asked. "What of the children, they were innocent though?"

I shrugged. "If they're so innocent then do something about it. I get why you don't interfere with the actions of races below yours, as amusing as you are, I am not below you little ascended being. If you choose to judge my actions then you've already interfered more than I like. I could give a rats ass about your policy of none interference. Once I've achieved ascension you'll find I won't be following your rule book, now piss off I want to get some sleep before I slaughter some more hapless mass murderers."

She looked at me like I'd kicked her puppy then continued to do so to tenderize it before eating it raw. I grinned before saying. "Judge not others who act when those who sit by and do nothing are far more guilty. With great power comes great responsibility, not just to avoid the fight, but to act when necessary to deter greater tragedies."

She left even more confused than she'd come. I went back to chasing deer through forests in my dreams. Some deer here a human there, a god now, a demon after. All were food and fuel to me. My dreams went on until I heard some whining and woke up.

The children that were old enough to move on their own had banded together and were smacking my fur. I huffed knocking them on their butts as they cried. I got annoyed so I sent them and all the babies of the Aschen people on both planets to Chulak and the other four planets with enough people on them to raise them.

I sent them a message to do so as food and necessary resources would be provided. I turned the Ashen planets into trinium and Neutronium before storing it all with the rest. The technology was advance sure but nothing useful to me as I already had all the ancient's technology.

I turned back into my human form and teleported to the throne room fully naked. Clothes appeared on me as I sat down. The soldiers gathered there looked at me funny till I realized I was covered in blood.

I cleaned myself with a thought saying. "I went out for a snack. They tend to bleed a lot when they're not begging."

Illyria looked amused while Spike said. "You've not gone all big bad have you?"

I shook my head. "No, I slaughtered a couple planets owned by a race of people that present friendly trade before sterilizing their trade partners and watching them die out over time before taking their planets for their own use."

He cursed. "Bugger that."

I nodded. "They've single handedly whipped out billions of lives. I figured the millions of their people would be a start. The kids are being raised by those of my followers that care for children. They will make excellent warriors in the future."

Bra'tac nodded. "It is despicable and without honor what they've done. They deserved their deaths many times over."

Illyria looked me over before commenting absently. "A true king."

I shrugged. "Kings are for snacks old one, I'm a god."

She smiled. "Soon I will be as well."

I chuckled. "Perhaps, but then if you choose to go that route, you will need more essence to bolster yourself. As you are you'll merely ascend to half way and get stuck."

She stood. "Then I shall go reap the essence I need from our enemies."

I grinned. "All good things in time. When we battle in space I suggest you meditate and draw the essence of their dead into you from afar. It will be far more effective as they die by the thousands."

She nodded and sat down while I looked her over before biting my wrist and walking to her. "Trade?"

She looked me over and tried biting her wrist. I did it for her as I drew in a bit of her essence and her affinity to the time magic's. She drew in more than a bit as I pulled back and stopped her to her bloody smiling amusement. Her eyes tinted a bit green as well as her hair.

My eyes went a bit blue as well when her essence mixed with my own. A dangerous concept to most as it made a link between us, but I didn't fear Illyria in the least bit. My essence inside her had a purifying effect on her own essence. Quality and quantity as she began to take the first steps to godhood.

I healed instantly as my own blood sought out my body. Only what she'd drank remained inside her. I sat down and digested the human souls and essence I'd taken from all the Aschen people. Only a little more than fifty managed to escape out of two hundred and fifty million adults. The rest, a little over a hundred million children, were being taken care of in bulk spread out over the four major worlds I owned.

The souls begged for release as I crushed them the taint of their evil deeds tried gathering inside me but I no longer needed holy oil, I simply cleansed myself with my own essence as it absorbed the crushed soul essence and effectively destroyed the evil taint.

A perfect cycle that wastes nothing. The evil karma as it was was turned into magic essence and purified with the rest of my magic from the seeds. Speaking of which the newest seed was forming it's own planet of power I had yet to try tapping into.

I wanted to wait till it was a sun all it's own before I tried as it was already half sealed as well. Bored I turned my attention to Buffy and the SG-1 team on the Mongolian planet. I saw through her eyes with our connection. As soon as I did she sent me a very man hating thought.

I chuckled out loud telling Illyria. "See to it that the ships are made on schedule, not before or after. No need to overwork them even if they're stronger than before. The replicators will be doing most of the work anyway. I'll be off world for a while. I've a mate that needs reminding that she's mine."

I turned to Spike. "See to it that the satellites are built and sent to charge the power cells. Remember, Illyria is in charge while I'm gone for now."

He muttered. "Bollocks."

Illyria gave him a smile that promised pain as I teleported to Buffy's side. She and Carter were changing into what the Mongolian's called acceptable women wear. I growled in approval at what I saw drawing Carter's attention to the fact that I was seeing her nearly naked at the moment.

She blushed and Buffy stood in front of me saying. "Down boy, we're not doing this here."

Growling I sent her the promise that I'd have her today here or at the SGC. She shivered and followed my gaze as my thoughts shifted to Carter's naked rear still in sight. I took a step towards it and Buffy put a hand on my chest telling me telepathically. (Alice hasn't had her chance yet with her and she promised to satisfy you if you need her that bad.)

Huffing I proposed taking Buffy here and now in exchange for not taking Carter now. Buffy agreed and I slid her wet panties aside as she'd anticipated this outcome. I removed my clothes with a thought as I entered her.

She bit my shoulder while I failed her against the silk tent walls while Carter watched still nearly naked in fascination. When Buffy's wave hit I piston faster into her till I hit my own release sending Buffy even higher as I emptied into her.

When I pulled out and spun her around to face Carter as I entered her from behind she watched our voyeur with apt attention as I brought her and myself to another edge before tipping over. Carter looked me over as my muscles bulged and I roared into the soundless barrier I'd made around us.

Buffy's own scream of ecstasy drew her attention as I included her in our barrier. When I finished inside her for the tenth time I pulled out as she laid on her back panting. I heard Jack's voice asking. "What's taking them so long?"

Growling I nearly killed the idiot then and there. Both girls were flushed as Carter was turned on while Buffy was catching her breath and thoroughly fucked. I slid out of her with slurping plop as my semen poured out onto the carpeted ground pooling there.

I looked Carter over and walked to her while Buffy panted to worm out to stop me. I was behaved though as I just gave her the same feelings I'd given Buffy all at once. Her own orgasm's hit her in waves as I held her through them until her knees buckled.

I set her beside Buffy before cleaning the smell and proof of our activities and dressing them, teleporting to the next camp over. There I waited, invisible to all without a basic understanding of magic and a little in their bodies.

Both Buffy and Carter would be able to perceive me while no one else could. When the idiot kid came with Carter and Buffy to trade for his girl and the leader denied him saying he'd take them both his neck mysteriously snapped to others as his head was wrenched to a one eighty degree.

Buffy and Carter saw me do it with my bare hands. As I dropped the body before telling them. "You are mine, no one else's."

Buffy while a little mad sighed. "Always."

Carter of course didn't respond but when the camp fell into chaos the kid and his girl fled. I watched as Buffy freed the women and brought them away to safety with Carter's help. I on the other hand stayed for the slaughter.

The males that gave chase all found themselves without legs. Those that reached for bows lost arms and those that fought each other ended up dying like idiots by each other's hands. It was rather amusing how soon there were only a hand full of people alive and most of those the weakest of the bunch that had hid.

Only the large group of females and children had made it away completely untouched. Every time one of the weaklings said they were the leader another weakling would cut him down. Truly a cannibalistic society but then, that was survival of the fittest at it's finest.

I let Buffy watch through my eyes and know I hadn't killed any more than the leader as those I removed the limbs of were killed minutes later by their own people. She wasn't happy per say but glad I wasn't the one killing them all. I was just making it easy for them to kill each other.

When they made it to the search party that had been sent to look for them the last of this tribe was a crippled man missing an arm. The rest were dead. Buffy told the news to the SG-1 team and the Mongolian tribe leader that was with them.

They were all stunned and when the would be slave trading kid mentioned the leader dying like magic Buffy was left to take the blame. She shrugged. "What? He wanted to rape us and I don't know if you're aware, but if that'd happened there would be no earth. My husband would burn the entire planet alive. He's vindictive that way."

Jack frowned but didn't comment as Buffy continued. "Better dead than continuing to rape these women. Men are pigs."

She stopped off while Carter didn't comment but followed her example. The stunned leader was left to listen to how they started fighting for leadership and it turned into a slaughter. I on the other hand was healing stumpy's stump arm.

I figured he couldn't do much damage now and he wasn't the brightest of the bunch but he did survive. Gotta give credit where credit is due. I sent the supplies and all the stuff into Buffy's ring dimension to give to the tribe as thanks for their hospitality.

She knew what it was for as soon as I thought it. Hopefully they'd take in the women and children in exchange for an entire camps supplies. It's not like they won't have chance for more or better things once they become allies with the SGC.

With the last of the camp left to the one armed man I teleported back to Alice where she was in the training room of the SGC with Faith and Lexi. While they were under guard they certainly weren't in the shower room so when she saw me she headed there and I followed to get clean of course, and maybe a bit dirty again but nothing the running water wouldn't wash away.

Alice of course held up her end as well for a time at least. Faith and Lexi took turns grabbing showers with me after Alice regained the ability to walk though with shaky legs. They followed her example and went to rest after the nice hot shower.

I teleported to my room on Chulak and went to bed, bored stiff now that I was waiting on the ships to be made. The worlds I owned had already been purged of all goa'uld and their spawn so there was little to do otherwise other than wait. So I took the initiative and slept while viewing what Buffy was up to as a sort of dream/psychic connection.

She was leading the females and children to the camp. When they arrived and she offered the leader of the camp all the other camps supplies to take in the extra people, he asked about the time it would take to retrieve it all.

With a grin she waved her hand and all the stuff I'd given her was put before him in piles. He immediately called her a witch. Smiling she agreed. "I am a witch, and I'm a warrior and there's nothing in your society that could change either of those facts. I can harness the power of nature and turn the very skies against my enemies. Parlor tricks to what my husband can do."

She turned to the kid saying. "Be very glad you haven't had a chance to meet him as after what you've tried to do your death would last eons. There are things he can do that would make even death seem like a good thing."

The kid shivered while she shrugged. "That's assuming he doesn't bring you back to life after he's killed you for another round of torture. Next time you take what doesn't belong to you remember my words as you never truly know who your stealing from until they are before you and suffering is inevitable."

The kid finally apologized profusely before swearing to never touch anything that doesn't belong to him again. When she left the main tent Carter caught up to her and asked about me. I left Buffy'd mind amused as she was about when I chose to leave I expected she'd try to get some alone time with Carter as well.

I drifted off to sleep and dreamed of the past few decades raising the kids and being a family man. While as relaxing as it was it also left me bored on many occasions and I ended up doing as I was now, only after an alcohol bender with Alaric and Damon before he'd died and being brought back to life.

I remembered my talk with Rebekah about Matt's death and the fact that he'd died with no kids or wife. He'd left his fortune to the town and quite a considerable amount at that. The small town of Mystic Falls has received fourteen billion and some change from all the stuff they'd managed to sell before he'd died.

He'd been a good man even going so far as to protect the town in any way he could. Hell, he'd died doing so and ensured many people in the town would be taken care of. For his efforts Rebekah had declared Mystic falls a no fly zone for all dangerous creatures. Only the boarding school allowed those of the supernatural persuasion.

The rest of the town was forbidden territory that would have any supernatural facing the wrath of Rebekah. Of course exceptions were made for kids but the rest were dealt with by her in a showy and brutal fashion that had supernatural creatures across the globe marking it off their destination plans.

Schools like the Salvatore boarding school had been created all over the world to teach supernaturals of their heritage and how to control their gifts. A concept Willow had copied for slayers, witches and watchers in our little corner of the Omni verse.

The first one had started at the compound and spread like wildfire. With the new seed of wonder and another forming secretly in the deeper well, the entire planet was soaking in magic juices and as such witches were as common as demons had once been.

What was left of the Devon coven, after twilight, recovered and did their part in becoming the second witch school out their. The past rolled on in my memories and dreams while a week passed outside.

I connected with Faith this time as she dealt with the caveman plague. It was quite amusing as she'd teased Carter about the shower she intruded on while experiencing the primal virus. Alice has gotten her wish and cured her at the same time while Carter came back to herself with Alice's head between her legs and Lexi making out with her against the wall.

A scene that I'd plucked from Faith's memories to enjoy for myself. They'd of course cured the rest of the base later and given them the answer to the problem. From there teams were sent to cure the cavemen like people and give the people who worshipped the light or whatever the answers to avoid such an outbreak once more.

I awoke and went to the planet in question after the SG-teams left. I walked through the forest and wiped out the virus from the planet's surface. I left some below as to allow a revival if these people got stupid with the development and harmed nature.

I walked amongst the trees changing them into fruit trees of all kinds. The bushes and ground became littered with vegetable plants all over the planet as soon it became a farmers paradise. The animals I tossed a breeding spell on to get their numbers up.

Perhaps they'd evolve some day as well but for now it was for food. They could eat the plants or the breeding smaller animals as no one would go hungry for a long time. Most of the planet was forest and ocean. And soon it would be teaming with life.

I left them all there after giving the leader of the people all goa'uld level technology regarding building and harvesting. Their population could grow just as rapidly if they were wise.

Grumbling I headed back to bed to sleep and wait. Alice was up with the next mission as they went to help recover an SG-team from a planet with severe sun problems. When I saw the planet in question I knew it wasn't one that humans were meant to thrive on.

It belonged to the forest and creatures more resilient. I awoke once more and headed there while Alice helped quash the idiot playing savior and god or whatever. She'd simply stunned everyone while telling them where to find the shield generators to protect from the harsh environment.

I'd appeared before her and Carter causing them both to be a bit startled. I looked them over with a hungry gaze and Alice just rolled her eyes. I sent Jack a strong urge to take Daniel and Teal'c back to report and hand over the captives who'd gone native and started believing their own spiel.

While he did so I pounced there in the cave I sealed the entrance as they left and took Alice before leaving her on a cushy bed I made when she was too tired to go on. I walked towards Carter next and she licked her lips before getting out. "It's a trade right? What do I get out of it?"

I growled. "Pleasure for one, but name your wish."

She looked me and knew there was no stopping now so she sighed. "I want to know everything you know about the Star gates."

I agreed readily. "Very well. Now you pay the price you'll awaken with the answers afterwards."

I stripped her until she was just in her standard issue uniform. Growling I wasted no time heightening her senses to my level and showing her what I'd imagined doing do her in her uniform by doing so.

Against the walls of the cave, bent over the shield device, I took her every which way and boy was she surprised to feel me knot inside her as I released, drawing more orgasmic cries from her lips. Soon enough the uniform look wore off and I stripped her down to her camo soaked panties.

And boy wasn't that a turn on. I'd only paid them enough attention to move them aside before but now with them soaking in our combined juices, well, I tested the limits of her very human body. I took her to heights of pleasure she never thought she could experience before as I surpassed each bar I set until she was too sore to go on.

I set her gently beside Alice and fixed their toy generator before moving it outside to me activated at their leisure. While they slept holding each other's naked body I gave Carter her wish. All the information about the Star gates she could ever want.

I left out the information on the ancients as they weren't part of the deal and neither was the location of Atlantis or Destiny. I helped her subconscious mind build her already intriguing mind to hold it all safely.

By the time she awoke she knew how to build her own stargate if she wished and how they functioned down to the protocols in place to protect from mistakes and how to fix them. I'd no doubt she'd be updating their systems and building a DHD or locating the ones on earth along with it's second stargate soon enough.

For my efforts I was rewarded as she'd woken up before Alice and not moments after I finished helping her understand it all. I entered her one last time drawing a moaning gasp from her as our eyes met.

I set a slow rhythmic pace for her as she looked me in the eyes. I showed her information about myself in return for her lack of protest. I showed her what I was made of and how I came to be. I showed her the dimensional ship Spike brought us here in.

Finally when she found her release one last time I roared shaking the cave as I found my own deep inside her. I kissed her before she asked. "Do I need to worry about getting pregnant?"

I shook my head. "I can prevent such things. Besides, your body isn't durable enough to survive a child of mine. They tend to be strong enough to burst out of a human after full gestation."

My words had her frowning and I sighed. "I have five daughters. Two are Alice's. Twins in fact. The rest are with my other wives. It took time to make Alice and Lexi's body strong enough to survive child birth. Don't worry though, if you wish for children then I shall have to make you as immortal as they are and just as durable."

I sat beside her while cupping her flushed cheek in my hand. "It will happen eventually either way. You are mine now, nothing and no one can change that now. I'd destroy worlds to keep you safe."

Alice rolled over and told her. "He means he's going to protect you and your planet if necessary. He tends to do that for the women he wants."

I growled and she gave a smug smile while running a finger down Carter's breasts to her glistening and very wet thighs. My hackles began to rise at her teasing but then I heard the dumb humans return to the planet and the indigenous people coming back.

Both women gasped as I removed the proof of our endeavors from them and the cave at large. The sensation cause them to pant as I effectively emptied their very full passages with a thought and a spell.

I cleaned and repaired their ruined clothes and uniforms before putting them on them with a bit of magic. Alice looked amused as she told Carter. "The mortals are returning and if he had to watch us bend over to put them on there's no telling when he'd finish with us. The mortals would be rendered blind deaf and well, asleep if they're lucky. It would cause quite the stir."

Carter joined her in giving me an amused look now. I snorted. "Your toy shield is just outside the cave and fixed. Alice knows how to turn it on."

With that a made the stand as I walked behind them and stuck my hands down the front of their pants and into their rapidly drenching panties as I bit them both through their vests onto their shoulders. My mark would stay there and they would be forced to explain it to the doctor that looked them over after the mission.

Alice gave me a sour look while pouting but only received an extra finger inside her for her efforts. By the time the mortals got to the cave both of them were panting and holding my arms as. Their orgasm hit them and drenched my hands.

Smiling I released them both onto shaky legs as I licked my fingers telling them. "Enjoy the debriefing and thanks for the meal."

I teleported to Alice's bed in the base and sent them visions of me licking my fingers and waiting for them in bed. Faith, Lexi and Buffy received the same visions and snuck off to join me in intervals throughout the rest of the day.

After each one was satisfied and able to walk without limping to much another would take her place. I of course cleaned up after each one as I'm not a pig. When Alice and Carter arrived at the base I listened with amusement as they blamed it on me and my very voracious appetite for sex and dominance.

The doctor, Janet I believe her name is, asked what I was doing on the planet. Alice told her evenly. "He was bored and horny, well, he's always horny but he was bored as things are going to slow on Chulak to amuse himself with. When you create paradise things tend to be less exciting. Especially when all your wives run off to have their own adventures."

Janet asked. "And the bites, should I be worried about infection?"

Alice smiled. "No, see, they're hearing now. He just wanted to make us tell you for finding the mortals, I mean the team coming back, amusing. If you'd like you can talk to him, he's here."

She tapped her head. "He likes to watch while he's bored and this is entertaining to him."

I dressed and teleported behind the doctor and walked over to the table and sat next to Cart who was both naked and startled. Janet couldn't see me of course but Carter asked. "Why are you by me?"

I grunted. "Alice is tattling, I wanted you both to come up with something amusing like a beast in the caves taking you in the dark and having its way with you."

Her lips quirked as Alice snorted and I made myself visible to the doctor who was startled. "Sorry for the scare but Alice ruined my fun so-"

I fought the doctors eye and saw something intriguing. She had a spark of alpha female in her as well. Alice snorted and I chuckled amused. It was only a spark, a lot less than Carter it Alice herself. Hell, Rosalie and Willow had more than she did.

I continued my line of answering. "-I'm here to explore your silly base for myself. Think of me like a bored king or god, it'll help. Say, if you could have-"

Carter covered my mouth and I chuckled before removing her hand asking the good doctor. "- a table that tells you exactly what's wrong with a patient in real time, would you be willing to give us say, an hour alone before you run to your superiors?"

Alice snorted and Janet asked. "You'd be willing to trade something like that to have sex in a doctors office?"

I chuckled. "Why not? Trinkets of mortals in exchange for my own pleasure and that of my mates? A simple and easy exchange."

She looked over Alice and Carter who told her. "Give him his hour Janet, he knows we can use the technology to save countless lives and he's willing to bargain. Besides, it's nothing we haven't done before."

She said the last part with a blush and Janet said. "I'll be right outside."

I wasn't even looking at her now as I spoke. "I'll know if you tell before the hours up and that'll only earn my ire instead."

Didn't even wait for her to leave as I removed my clothes with a thought and took Carter on the table then and there. Her moans were cut off at the door for Dr.Fraiser, but to my ears they were music.

I railed her before doing the same to Alice. When I returned to Carter I lived her up to her shock and showed her a Faith classic. At first she was resistant until I bit her shoulder and showed her what pleasures it can bring. She stopped resisting and started moaning until I came inside while knotting causing her to scream in ecstasy and a little pain as she squirted her own release.

I have her very sore hole a break and took Alice once more. She was prepared now as she knew I wanted to dominate her. She resisted only to appease the animal side of me long enough for her to submit and take her.

She joined Carter in her screams though she was more used to it so there was only pleasure. I healed them up and started all over again in different positions and places of the doctors office.

When the hour was up I cleaned up and dressed us all before pulling a scanning bed out of my ring and leaving it in the medical room. Janet came back in seeing the bed an I told her. "Alice can show you how to work it. Now, let's go meet your leaders. I'm sure they'll be wanting to know I'm here."

Jack came in the doorway. "Yes, I'm sure they will."

I chuckled. "As on time as ever Colonel. Perhaps you'd like to introduce me to your general. After all he'll probably want to know how I came here if not by stargate."

Janet spoke up. "I thought you came through with them under some kind of cloaking device."

I shook my head. "I've been here for hours visiting my wives. I only came to the infirmary because Alice ruined my fun by telling the full truth."

Janet looked to Alice who told her. "He wanted us to say a beast ravaged us in the dark caves of the planet but while it's not far from the truth it would've caused problems later on."

I shrugged. "It would've been funny though as each time the beast catches you off planet you'd tell them about it. They'd be confused and so, well, so mortal."

Jack sighed. "Yeah well we all have that condition, it's what makes us human."

I smiled. "Sure but I know an entire worlds of humans that are immortal in this galaxy. After all, I made them that way after all. Stronger, faster, eternal and damn near unkillable by human technology. None of which is hand held I'm afraid."

That stumped them as I chuckled. "Now, let's go see this general you all follow, he might amuse me some."

Jack and Carter lead the way while Janet followed along. Along the way I asked the stern Colonel. "How's Charlie doing? You exhumed his grave and found his body there missing I'm sure. That's because I teleported it to me and used it to revive him."

Jack sighed. "He's living with his mother and she's been sworn to secrecy. I get to see him on weekends when I'm not off world. Thanks for that by the way."

I nodded. "You apologized, no matter how much you think it was a waste of time. That showed you cared enough to have hope and with hope comes faith. Gods feed on that faith sobbed careful who you believe in because there could be a deity consuming the energy your soul gives off from that faith. It's why we perform miracles on occasion, not out of being nice, but to feed our own power."

He looked me over and I snorted. "Relax Jack. I've not fed off of your soul. You don't have faith in me, you have hope and love for your son and while I can feel a part of you believes me, you wouldn't worship me, nor should you. I have my own people to do that so there's no need to worry about you mortals. Immortals last longer and the energy they give off is so much stronger as they believe with all their hearts."

She gave me a critical eye and asked. "Yeah, do they know you're using them as snacks?"

I chuckled. "They know I take energy from them when I want. It doesn't harm them and they get so much more than you could imagine in exchange. As for the thought of expanding to include earth? Na, you people are over gods. Even the one you worship now is only out of habit and familiarity. You've all but lost the spark of magic that comes with imagination and inspiration. Hell, only your scientists and artist have it now. Used to be the entire population but with so few, well, it's like drinking watered down flat beer."

He grimaced. "You know, I get that."

I nodded. "It's why I said it that way. You're a relatable man and down to earth. It's what will help you when you're making alliances out there in the galaxy."

He frowned. "Any suggestions where we can find some of those alliances?"

I smiled and tapped his forehead giving him the address for Gaia. I left him standing there for a minute, stunned I'd helped him. When he finally caught himself, he thanked me before showing me to the meeting room.

There he knocked on the generals door and told him I was here. The General then came out in a very concerned manner asking him how I got here without anyone noticing. I answered for him. "I teleported in. I came to visit my wives and Sam, as she likes to be called."

He frowned. "You have a ship in orbit then?"

I shook my head amused. "No silly human, I don't need a ship to travel the stars, nor do I need a stargate. Beings like me can come and go freely from planet to planet and galaxy to galaxy with little to no problem. And the answer is no, I didn't use technology. Though teleportation is achievable by such means. Just not over such distances."

He looked me over sternly and asked. "So you're the supposed god then? The one who brought back Colonel O'Neil's son?"

I chuckled. "There's nothing supposed about it. I am as much a god in the same way you are a human. It is my race and a fact of nature. And yes I brought back the boy."

He went on about protocol and there being only one god which made me smile. "You know, mortals like you are the reason gods fight. We tend to do so to prove our existence to people like you, devote and steadfast. Well that and to eat each other. Good old fashioned survival of the fittest at it's best."

He flinched at my words as I punctuated them with images of beings greater than his understanding slaughtering each other in an effort to prove to their followers that they are the best to follow. It was simple memories eating Maloker had given me after his permanent and very abrupt end.

I walked over to the office table and grabbed a seat saying. "I've come to visit my wives and I've stayed to amuse myself. Now, I'd you'd like to try removing me before I've had my amusement I'd suggest something a lot stronger than a nuke. The last idiot that dropped one on me didn't fair so well afterwards."

Teal'c came in with Daniel expecting a meeting for the mission report and interrupted us. I turned to Daniel asking. "How fairs the misses? Any headaches or nightmares from the snake?"

He shook his head. "Apparently it wasn't in her long enough to share any memories or thoughts yet. It'd barely gotten control."

I nodded. "Well, let me know if that changes, and the boy?"

Daniel shook his head. "Skaara was the same."

He looked to General Hammond and asked. "What is he doing here? I thought we were doing a mission debrief."

Jack answered. "Apparently he popped by to say high and see the misses. He bored or so he says."

Teal'c raised an eyebrow and asked. "Is Chulak not entertaining enough for you?"

I waved him off. "Chulak is fine and all but the problem with paradise is that it's rather boring. They're building fleets of ships to wipe out the goa'uld in the star systems near my territory to expand but it just takes so long and I don't want to waste the energy to do it myself. So I'm lounging about."

I summoned a fresh kebab from my ring and snapped my fingers giving everyone one. "Don't want to be rude. Anyway, don't mind me, I'm just a fly on a wall or whatever. Continue with your meeting."

I sat back and ate my kebab while they each had varying expressions of exasperation on their faces. Teal'c mimicked me and tried the food before eating more. Each time he finished one, I gave him another.

They finally got the hint and did their meeting. After a while Jack mentioned the address I gave him and I spoke up. "Very advanced race but they're pacifists. They would rather hide with illusions rather than fight. You'll find they look down on you like you're children though they would teach you a few things about respecting nature that your planet clearly needs. Ech, your earth feels like a garbage pit."

Flowers grew out of the table in front of Sam and Alice while a small peach tree grew out of the center of the table and dropped a peach in my hand. I offered it to the general. "Eat it and you'll feel thirty years younger."

He took it before asking. "How is that possible?"

I shrugged. "Either you eat it or you don't. Does your god explain his miracles to you or do you have faith that it's him doing them?"

I tapped the table and noticed Teal'c teaching for one. I let him take it as Carter grabbed one as well. I told her. "Yours will make you feel like a cat in heat."

She set it down and I chuckled. "What, don't want it?"

She raised an eyebrow and flushed a little. I made the tree return into the table and left the flowers. General Hammond asked. "Why are you doing this?"

I shrugged. "To show you what your destroying each day with your trash and factories. The fact is that in a century at most your planet will start to decline until it gives up and dies. You humans have harmed it to the point of near global collapse. The people of the planet Gaia call themselves the Nox, listen to them and hopefully you'll learn how to avoid that fate for the earth's sake."

Daniel asked curiously. "Why do you care what happens to this planet."

Jack spoke up. "Daniel-"

Daniel held up a hand and continued. "You're a god or so you claim to be, why would you care what happens to this planet? Or any other for that matter? If you wanted you could kill them all couldn't you? All the goa'uld."

I smiled. "Yes, I could but then what would be the point of it? Would you learn anything? Grow from the lack of experience perhaps? I like earth, and Chulak and all the planet's out there teaming with life. It's apart of what I am as a god of nature. But as in nature there must be a struggle for those in the food chain."

"There must be hard times and strife or they wouldn't grow themselves. So I forebear and slaughter all those in and around my territory that I find distasteful. Goa'uld or otherwise. I'll slowly expand my territory to encompass the galaxy as the Jaffa and humans are freed from the goa'uld tierney. All the while snatching earth and the Jaffa struggle, learn and grow or fail and die. Survival of the fittest after all. I'm the son of Mother Nature and well, you know the saying, mother nature's a bitch and I'm a bastard all the same."

Amused as I was at his outburst I gave him what he sought, my reason for not committing to an alliance and helping them fight. The room went silent as I finished speaking while I grinned bloodthirstily. Carter asked. "Then why the wishes? Why give us technology?"

I sighed. "Why do gamblers cheat? How do they go about it? They stack the deck of course. As for your wishes, those were between you and me, I could care less about what you choose to share with them but you are mine and that will never change."

My eyes glowed as I made my declaration. She flushed a bit more before telling the general about the stargate information I'd shared with her.