
A Thief Reborn

Kardo, the former leader of a notorious gang in Quiapo, finds himself in a strange new world after being shot during a botched robbery. As he wakes up in a foreign room with a naked woman lying beside him, Kardo realizes that he has been transmigrated to the magical realm of Faerindor. With his newfound strength and agility, Kardo discovers that he has become a rogue in this new world. He sets out to explore his surroundings, meeting various magical beings and encountering different dangers along the way. As he navigates this new world, Kardo realizes that his skills as a street thief and gang leader translate well into his new profession as a rogue. He uses his wit and cunning to outsmart opponents, and his expertise with weapons like guns and daggers to defeat enemies. However, Kardo soon realizes that the consequences of his actions in Faerindor can be far more serious than in his previous life. With powerful magic and ancient prophecies at play, Kardo must tread carefully and choose his allies wisely if he hopes to survive in this new realm. As he begins to uncover the secrets of this magical world, Kardo finds himself drawn into a greater conflict that could determine the fate of Faerindor itself. With his natural abilities as a rogue and his newfound magical powers, Kardo sets out to become a hero in this new world, even as he struggles to come to terms with the loss of his old life and the mysteries of his transmigration.

Torchlansky · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs

The Enchanted Forest

The sun hung high in the sky as Kardo pressed on, following Kongwei's directions toward the entrance of the Enchanted Forest. The surroundings grew gradually more vibrant and lush, and the air was heavy with a touch of magic. The forest's allure beckoned him closer, its secrets waiting to be unveiled.

After hours of traversing through dense undergrowth and navigating around towering ancient trees, Kardo finally arrived at the threshold of the Enchanted Forest. The transition was palpable—the atmosphere shifted, carrying an ethereal ambiance. A soft, gentle breeze rustled through the foliage, whispering ancient secrets to those who listened.

Before him stood two towering stone pillars, adorned with intricate carvings that depicted mythical creatures and symbols of arcane power. These markers, the ancient stones spoken of by Kongwei, confirmed his arrival at the gateway to the heart of the Enchanted Forest.

Kardo approached the entrance with a mix of caution and anticipation. The energy in the air seemed to hum with otherworldly presence, as if the forest itself held its breath in anticipation of his arrival. He took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of wildflowers and earth, readying himself for the trials that lay ahead.

With a resolute step forward, Kardo ventured into the Enchanted Forest. The foliage enveloped him, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor. Soft sunlight filtered through the canopy, creating an enchanting play of light and shadow.

As he walked deeper into the forest, the air seemed to shimmer with latent magic. The faint sound of distant laughter and whispers danced on the breeze, teasing his senses. The ancient trees whispered ancient secrets, their gnarled branches reaching out like ancient guardians.

Navigating through the labyrinthine paths, Kardo kept his senses sharp, ever watchful for any signs or clues that would lead him closer to Lanister's tower. The forest seemed alive, its pulse intertwined with the very essence of magic. The occasional glimpse of mystical creatures flitting through the foliage added an air of wonder and intrigue.

The journey through the Enchanted Forest was a test of both physical and mental fortitude. But Kardo, driven by his purpose and unwavering determination, pressed on. The anticipation of meeting Lanister and acquiring the knowledge and guidance he sought fueled his steps.

In the heart of the Enchanted Forest, where the air crackled with mystical energy, Kardo continued his expedition. The path ahead was uncertain, but his resolve remained unshakable. The realm of Faerindor held many wonders, and within its depths, the answers to his questions and the key to his mission awaited.

As Kardo ventured deeper into the Enchanted Forest, marveling at the vibrant flora and the subtle shimmer of magic in the air, a rustling sound caught his attention. He turned his head, scanning the surrounding trees with a mix of curiosity and caution. Suddenly, a mischievous chorus of hoots and chatters erupted from above, and a horde of monkeys descended upon him.

Startled, Kardo swiftly drew his daggers, adopting a defensive stance. The monkeys, with their agile movements and piercing eyes, seemed to possess an uncanny intelligence. They leaped from branch to branch, encircling him with swift and nimble precision. Their playful antics masked their true intentions, and Kardo could sense an air of mischief in their actions.

The monkeys, with their nimble paws and quick reflexes, darted in and out, launching sporadic attacks. Kardo evaded their lunges and strikes, utilizing his honed agility and dagger mastery. He deflected their swipes and countered with well-timed slashes, their agile forms creating a dance of chaos and evasion amidst the dense foliage.

The battle continued, with Kardo employing a combination of swift strikes and evasive maneuvers. His focus intensified as he sought to protect himself from their onslaught. The forest echoed with the clashing of blades and the raucous calls of the monkeys, their swift movements testing Kardo's combat skills to their limits.

As the skirmish persisted, Kardo realized that these monkeys were not merely attacking out of aggression but rather guarding something within their domain. He observed their strategic maneuvers and surmised that they were protecting a hidden treasure or a sacred place within the Enchanted Forest.

Adapting his tactics, Kardo used his environment to his advantage. He utilized his knowledge of the forest to anticipate their movements, exploiting their overconfidence and their penchant for mischief. With a combination of well-placed strikes and carefully timed evasions, he began to gain the upper hand.

Gradually, the monkeys retreated, their fervor diminishing as they recognized Kardo's formidable skill. They scurried away, their playful expressions replaced with wary caution. Kardo, catching his breath, watched as they disappeared into the dense foliage, leaving behind an air of mystery.

With the threat dispersed, Kardo took a moment to assess his surroundings. He pondered the reason behind the monkeys' attack and speculated on the significance of their presence in this enchanted realm. Could they be guardians of a hidden treasure or a secret path? The answers remained elusive, shrouded in the forest's enigmatic aura.

Resuming his journey, Kardo continued his navigation through the Enchanted Forest, his senses heightened and his resolve unwavering. The encounter with the monkeys served as a reminder of the forest's unpredictable nature.

As Kardo ventured deeper into the heart of the Enchanted Forest, a serene hush enveloped the air. Sunlight filtered through the lush canopy above, casting a warm glow on the forest floor. He marveled at the tranquility, his steps light and cautious, when an unexpected rustling disrupted the serene atmosphere.

Out of the corner of his eye, Kardo caught sight of movement. He turned his gaze and beheld a peculiar sight. A group of graceful deer, their coats glistening in hues of gold and chestnut, bounded towards him with an air of determination. Their usually gentle eyes glinted with an unsettling intensity.

Confusion washed over Kardo as he tried to make sense of the situation. Deer were known for their peaceful nature; their gentle presence was a symbol of harmony within the natural world. Yet here they were, charging towards him with a force that belied their peaceful reputation.

Reacting swiftly, Kardo readied his daggers, his senses sharpening as he prepared to defend himself against this unexpected assault. The deer, their hooves pounding against the forest floor, closed the distance with surprising speed. Their antlers, once symbols of grace, now appeared as formidable weapons.

With a mix of caution and respect, Kardo attempted to communicate with the creatures, hoping to find a peaceful resolution. He spoke in hushed tones, his voice carrying a soothing melody that usually calmed even the wildest of beasts. But the deer seemed undeterred, their gazes fixed upon him with an unwavering determination.

Realizing that peaceful negotiation was futile, Kardo engaged in an intricate dance with the charging deer. He evaded their powerful lunges with fluid agility, sidestepping their antlers and leaping over their agile bodies. The forest echoed with the clash of hooves and the occasional ring of metal meeting bone.

It became evident to Kardo that there was something amiss in the Enchanted Forest, disrupting the natural order of its inhabitants. The deer, once guardians of serenity, became vessels of aggression. He pondered the potential causes of their unusual behavior, contemplating the hidden forces at play within this mystical realm.

With each evasive maneuver and calculated strike, Kardo sought not to harm the deer but to protect himself from their onslaught. He understood that they were acting under the influence of an unknown power, their actions driven by an unnatural force that had corrupted their peaceful nature.

As the battle reached its climax, Kardo's skills as a rogue came to the forefront. He utilized his heightened senses and dagger mastery to swiftly and efficiently dispatch his adversaries. His movements were precise and fluid, his strikes landing with precision, yet he held an underlying respect for the creatures he faced.

Finally, as the last deer retreated, their once-intense gaze replaced with confusion and fear, Kardo stood amidst the aftermath of the encounter. He surveyed the serene yet bewildered forest, realizing that the Enchanted Forest held mysteries far deeper than he had initially imagined.

Determined to uncover the truth behind the disturbance in the forest and the unexpected aggression of its inhabitants, Kardo pressed on. With each step, he sought answers, seeking to restore balance to this mystical realm that had become a battleground of conflicting energies.

Intrigued by the mysteries that the Enchanted Forest held, Kardo's gaze was drawn to a peculiar formation nestled amidst the ancient trees—a cave entrance adorned with vibrant vines and sparkling crystals. Its allure was undeniable, beckoning him to step beyond its threshold and uncover the secrets that lay within.

With cautious steps, Kardo ventured into the mouth of the cave. As he delved deeper, a soft luminescence bathed the surroundings, emanating from the luminous fungi that adorned the walls. The air felt thick with an otherworldly energy, heightening his senses and quickening his heartbeat.

The cave's interior unfolded before him like a realm of dreams. Stalactites dripped with glistening water, forming iridescent pools on the cavern floor. Ethereal mosses clung to the rough surfaces, casting an otherworldly glow that danced with every breath of wind. It was as if the cave itself pulsed with a mystical heartbeat.

The air grew cooler as Kardo ventured deeper into the labyrinthine passages. His eyes were drawn to mesmerizing formations—stalagmites reaching upward like jagged fingers, creating an ethereal canopy overhead. The sound of trickling water echoed in the distance, intermingling with the faint whispers of the forest outside.

In the midst of the cave's enchanting embrace, Kardo stumbled upon a chamber of wonders. Crystals of every hue adorned the walls, casting a kaleidoscope of colors that shimmered and danced in the soft light. They pulsed with an ethereal energy, and their mere presence imbued them with a sense of ancient power.

As Kardo's gaze fell upon the crystal formations, he felt an inexplicable connection, as if they held the answers he sought. He extended a hand, his fingers grazing the smooth surface of a nearby crystal. A surge of energy coursed through him, awakening dormant senses and flooding his mind with images and whispers of forgotten knowledge.

Overwhelmed by the influx of information, Kardo staggered back, his heart pounding with a mix of awe and trepidation. He knew that he had stumbled upon something extraordinary, something that held the potential to alter his understanding of the world around him.

In that moment, he made a silent vow to explore the depths of this mystical cave, uncover its hidden secrets, and harness the ancient power that resonated within. The cave became a sanctuary of possibilities, a place where Kardo's destiny intertwined with the mystical forces of the Enchanted Forest.

As Kardo ventured deeper into the cave, his steps guided by the mystical glow of the crystals, he finally arrived at a grand chamber that seemed to hold the essence of time itself. The chamber was vast and awe-inspiring, its ceiling disappearing into darkness as if reaching for the heavens. At the center of the chamber stood a towering tree, its branches stretching out like gnarled fingers in every direction.

But something was amiss. The once majestic tree, a symbol of life and vitality, appeared to be withering before Kardo's eyes. Its leaves had turned brittle and brown; their vibrant green hues had drained away, as if nature itself mourned their impending demise.

Curiosity mingled with concern as Kardo approached the ailing tree, his eyes fixated on the figure huddled beneath its boughs. As he drew nearer, he realized that the figure was a creature resembling an elderly halfling. Time had etched deep lines upon his weathered face, and his eyes, though weary, still held a glimmer of ancient wisdom.

The halfling, dressed in tattered and moss-covered garments, looked up at Kardo with a mix of surprise and anticipation. A faint smile formed on their wrinkled lips, revealing a hint of gratitude and hope.

"Traveler," the halfling spoke, their voice carrying the weight of ages, "you have ventured deep into the heart of this enchanted realm. I am Daelen, the guardian of this sacred place, and this dying tree is the lifeline of the forest."

Kardo's gaze shifted from the halfling to the decaying tree, a surge of compassion welling within him. He understood that the fate of the Enchanted Forest was entwined with the life force of this majestic tree.

"I am Kardo. I come seeking answers and aid," Kardo spoke, his voice filled with determination

"Traveler," Daelen began, their voice carrying the weight of ancient wisdom, "this tree, once a beacon of life and magic in the Enchanted Forest, has been poisoned. Its life force, once pure and vibrant, has been corrupted, spreading its malevolent energy throughout the realm."

Kardo listened intently, his eyes fixed on Daelen, eager to understand the cause of the forest's affliction.

"The corruption of this tree has disrupted the delicate balance of nature," Daelen continued. "It has seeped into the very essence of the Enchanted Forest, affecting the behavior of its creatures. The animals that are rampaging were mere manifestations of the corrupted energy, their natural instincts twisted and driven by the poison."

"Daelen," Kardo spoke, his voice filled with conviction, "who poisoned the tree? And tell me, how can I cleanse the tree and rid the Enchanted Forest of this poison?"

"Kardo, the identity of the one who poisoned this tree remains a mystery to me," Daelen admitted with a solemn tone. "But I can guide you to the mystical fountain hidden within the depths of the Enchanted Forest. It is said that only those with a pure heart and unwavering resolve can find its hidden location."

Kardo nodded, his determination growing stronger with each passing moment. He understood that he had to embark on this quest not only to save the tree but also to prove himself worthy of the task.

"Daelen, guide me to the mystical fountain," Kardo requested, his voice filled with determination. "I will cleanse my heart of any darkness or doubt and prove that I am worthy of healing this tree. With every step I take, I will let the purity of my intentions guide me."

Daelen's eyes gleamed with a mixture of hope and pride. "You possess the spirit of a true champion, Kardo. Your willingness to face the trials and confront the darkness within yourself is commendable. Come, follow me. We shall embark on this sacred journey together."

With Daelen leading the way, Kardo delved deeper into the enchanted forest. They navigated through the dense foliage, their senses attuned to the mystical energy that pulsed through the realm. The air grew heavier with anticipation as they ventured further, the presence of the hidden fountain drawing nearer.

After what felt like an eternity of searching, they arrived at a tranquil clearing bathed in ethereal light. At its center stood a magnificent fountain, its waters shimmering with an otherworldly glow. Kardo could feel the pure magic emanating from it—a powerful and cleansing energy that resonated with his very being.

"Daelen, this is it," Kardo whispered, his voice filled with awe. "The mystical fountain. Its beauty is beyond words."

Daelen nodded, a soft smile gracing their lips. "Indeed, Kardo. This is the place where your journey truly begins. Approach the fountain with a pure heart and an unwavering resolve. Let its waters guide you and cleanse your spirit. Only then can you gain a few drops of the water with the power to heal the dying tree and restore the enchantment of the forest."