
A Thief Reborn

Kardo, the former leader of a notorious gang in Quiapo, finds himself in a strange new world after being shot during a botched robbery. As he wakes up in a foreign room with a naked woman lying beside him, Kardo realizes that he has been transmigrated to the magical realm of Faerindor. With his newfound strength and agility, Kardo discovers that he has become a rogue in this new world. He sets out to explore his surroundings, meeting various magical beings and encountering different dangers along the way. As he navigates this new world, Kardo realizes that his skills as a street thief and gang leader translate well into his new profession as a rogue. He uses his wit and cunning to outsmart opponents, and his expertise with weapons like guns and daggers to defeat enemies. However, Kardo soon realizes that the consequences of his actions in Faerindor can be far more serious than in his previous life. With powerful magic and ancient prophecies at play, Kardo must tread carefully and choose his allies wisely if he hopes to survive in this new realm. As he begins to uncover the secrets of this magical world, Kardo finds himself drawn into a greater conflict that could determine the fate of Faerindor itself. With his natural abilities as a rogue and his newfound magical powers, Kardo sets out to become a hero in this new world, even as he struggles to come to terms with the loss of his old life and the mysteries of his transmigration.

Torchlansky · Fantasy
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20 Chs

The Caravan

As the first rays of sunlight filtered through the dense foliage of the forest, Kardo stood at the edge of the vast wilderness, ready to embark on his search for the renowned wizard, Lanister. He took a deep breath, the anticipation of what lay ahead filling his lungs with determination.

With the map given to him by the mage guild in hand, Kardo accessed his interface, activating the integrated mapping system. The holographic projection displayed an intricate network of trails, landmarks, and potential destinations. He studied the map carefully, his eyes tracing the intricate paths that led to the rumored location of Lanister's secluded abode.

The forest seemed alive with whispers and mysteries, its ancient trees beckoning Kardo deeper into its embrace. With each step, he felt a connection with the realm of Faerindor, a realm that held secrets beyond his wildest imagination.

As Kardo ventured into the heart of the forest, he relied on his heightened senses, honed through years of rogue training. He moved with the grace of a shadow, evading tangled undergrowth and stepping lightly over fallen branches. The forest seemed to respond to his presence, parting its verdant curtains as if guiding him towards his destination.

Time seemed to blur as Kardo pressed on, his determination unwavering. The rustling leaves and distant calls of forest creatures provided an ethereal symphony as he journeyed deeper into the unknown. Occasionally, he would consult his interface, cross-referencing the map to ensure he remained on the right path.

Hours turned into days and the days into nights, but Kardo forged ahead, undeterred by fatigue. As the moon cast its pale glow over the forest, he could feel himself drawing closer to his destination.

As Kardo ventured deeper into the forest on his quest to find the great wizard, his senses sharpened, attuned to the subtle signs of danger. Suddenly, a cacophony of screams and clashing steel pierced the air, drawing his attention to a nearby clearing.

Rushing towards the commotion, Kardo emerged to witness a harrowing scene. A group of goblins, their snarling faces twisted with malice, swarmed around a caravan, their crude weapons slashing through the air. Half of the caravan's escorts lay lifeless on the ground, their valiant efforts to defend the travelers thwarted.

Without hesitation, Kardo's instincts kicked in, his rogue training taking over. He assessed the situation, quickly devising a plan to turn the tide. Drawing his gleaming daggers, he darted forward, skillfully maneuvering through the chaos.

With swift and precise strikes, Kardo dispatched goblins one by one, his movements a blur of deadly elegance. His dagger mastery and honed evasion skills allowed him to effortlessly evade their clumsy attacks while retaliating with lethal efficiency. The remaining escorts and travelers, inspired by his courage, rallied behind him, forming a united front against their assailants.

Amidst the chaos, a group of knights, drawn by the sounds of battle, charged into the clearing, their armor glinting in the sunlight. Their swords gleamed as they engaged the goblins, their disciplined formations providing a strong defense.

Kardo seamlessly integrated himself into the fighting, his nimble footwork and precise strikes complementing the knights' stalwart defense. Together, they fought with unwavering determination, their combined efforts pushing back the goblin horde.

The clash of steel echoed through the clearing, punctuated by triumphant cries of victory. The goblins, overwhelmed by the sudden resistance and the tenacity of their opponents, began to retreat; their ranks were shattered.

As the echoes of battle subsided and a sense of calm settled upon the clearing, Kardo took a moment to catch his breath. His body, still charged with adrenaline, tingled with the aftermath of the intense fight. He looked around, observing the remnants of the goblin horde and the weary yet triumphant expressions on the faces of the remaining escorts and travelers.

Approaching him with purposeful strides, a seasoned knight, his armor etched with the symbols of honor and valor, approached Kardo. The knight's visage, weathered by countless battles, bore a stern yet compassionate countenance.

"Brave rogue," the knight spoke, his voice a deep rumble that resonated with authority. "Your skill in combat is exceptional, and your courage is unmatched. You fought with the heart of a true warrior, defending those in need. We owe you a great debt."

Kardo inclined his head respectfully, acknowledging the knight's words. "I merely did what was necessary, honorable knight. The safety of the innocent is a cause worth fighting for."

The knight's eyes gleamed with admiration as he clasped a gauntlet-covered hand on Kardo's shoulder. "Indeed, it is. It is warriors like you who bring hope to the realm, who inspire others to stand against the encroaching darkness."

A moment of silence passed between them, their gazes locked in a shared understanding. The knight's voice grew softer as he continued, "Tell me, rogue, what brings you to these perilous lands? What quest drives you?"

Kardo hesitated for a moment, weighing his words. "I seek the aid of a great wizard, Lanister, who may hold knowledge that could help me in my mission. A threat looms, and I aim to confront it head-on."

The knight nodded thoughtfully, his eyes glinting with a mixture of curiosity and concern. "A noble quest, indeed. The realm is in need of brave souls such as yourself. Take heed, though, for the path ahead is treacherous, and the challenges you face may test even the stoutest of hearts."

Kardo's resolve hardened, his gaze unwavering. "I am prepared for the trials that await me. I will not falter in my purpose. I will see this mission through to the end."

A flicker of admiration crossed the knight's face, followed by a hint of a smile. "I sense the strength of your conviction, rogue. It is a rare trait, one that will serve you well on your journey. If ever you find yourself in need of aid, seek us, the Knights of Valor. We shall be your allies in this battle against darkness."

With a nod of gratitude, Kardo thanked the knight for his offer of assistance. Their brief encounter had sparked a newfound camaraderie.

As the knights rode off to continue their patrol, Kardo turned his attention to the leader of the caravan, Kongwei, who approached him with a grateful smile. The merchant's eyes gleamed with appreciation as he spoke, his voice carrying a tone of heartfelt gratitude.

"Brave rogue, words cannot express the depth of my gratitude for your timely intervention," Kongwei began, his voice laced with sincerity. "You fought valiantly, defending our lives and livelihoods from those vile goblins. You have my deepest thanks."

Kardo nodded humbly, his gaze fixed on Kongwei. "It was my honor to assist, good merchant. Your safety and that of your caravan were my priorities."

Kongwei's eyes twinkled as he reached into a small pouch attached to his belt. He retrieved a handful of shimmering gold coins and extended them toward Kardo. "In recognition of your bravery and selflessness, I insist you accept this token of appreciation. Consider it a small token of my gratitude."

Kardo's brows furrowed slightly as he hesitated, pondering the offer before finally reaching out to accept the coins. "Thank you, Kongwei. Your generosity is greatly appreciated."

The merchant's smile widened, his gratitude evident. "But know that the value of your actions far exceeds these mere coins. You have saved lives, protected livelihoods, and restored hope. The road ahead may be treacherous, but may fortune favor your steps."

"Kongwei, thank you again for your gratitude and the generous reward," Kardo began, his tone sincere. "If I may ask, you mentioned earlier that you are knowledgeable in this area. I'm in search of a powerful wizard named Lanister. Do you happen to know of his whereabouts?"

Kongwei stroked his chin thoughtfully, his gaze fixed on Kardo. "Ah, Lanister, the renowned wizard," he said, a touch of reverence in his voice. "Indeed, I have heard of him. He resides in a tower hidden deep within the Enchanted Forest, not far from here."

Kardo's eyes widened with anticipation. "The Enchanted Forest? It seems my path has led me in the right direction. Can you provide me with more specific directions to find this tower?"

Kongwei nodded, his expression helpful. "Certainly. To reach the tower, you must navigate through the dense forest, following the path that leads deeper into its heart. Keep a keen eye for ancient stone markers along the way. They will guide you to the entrance of Lanister's tower."

Kardo nodded gratefully, absorbing the information. "Thank you, Kongwei. Your knowledge is invaluable to me. I shall proceed to the Enchanted Forest and seek out these markers. With any luck, I shall find my way to Lanister's tower."

With a final nod of understanding and appreciation, Kongwei bid Kardo farewell, returning to the remaining members of his caravan to tend to the wounded and gather their scattered belongings. Kardo watched as the caravan slowly resumed its journey, the echoes of their gratitude lingering in the air.

As the dust settled, Kardo tucked the coins securely into his pouch, the weight of their worth a reminder of the impact he had made. He knew that his journey would be filled with challenges, but the gratitude of those he had helped fueled his determination.

As he turned to resume his journey, the weight of his purpose felt both lighter and more significant. The knowledge of Lanister's location infused him with hope and anticipation.

Setting his gaze on the horizon, Kardo stepped forward, ready to face the challenges that awaited him in the Enchanted Forest.