

The next morning were the rituals. Bhavna and Devesh were ready in their bridal attires. The first ritual was Seth Bhaiya which was played in a temple with neem leaves. Bhavna played with her devars and jijus and Devesh played with his bhabhis.

Next was Majgad which was played in the house. Vaibhav played Majgad as one of groom's younger brother can do that. Next was Kangna Khulai. They had to open the threads on each other's hands. Devesh was allowed to use only one hand and Bhavna was allowed to use both the hands.

Bhavna was able to do it in a few minutes but Devesh was struggling as he needed support of another hand to hold the knot. Bhavna helped him and everyone hooted.

Next was the Jua Khelna where they were supposed to find the ring from a pot full of Haldi water. There were fivee rounds. First round was won by Devesh and the rest three by Bhavna. The last round was compulsory to be won by the groom.