

Bhavna woke up with the sound of her alarm. She opened her eyes and saw their position. His arm under her head, her arm thrown over his chest and his other hand holding her hand over his chest. She turned around and switched off the alarm. Turning around again she faced him.

'How can someone look so handsome even while sleeping' she thought and traced his features with her finger. She was about to get up when she was pulled down by him. She looked up at him wide eyed.

"You are awake?"

She asked now narrowing her eyes.

"Hmm. What were you doing? Taking advantage of a sleeping man. Bad manners"

"Not when that 'sleeping man' is your husband and is not actually sleeping."

She slapped his chest lightly and tried to get up only for him to tighten his hold.

"Devesh leave me. What are you doing?"

"First kiss."

"No. First brush."