
A swordsman's promise

A soul who escaped the reincarnation process only for him to wander and endure the boundless darkness that many called Void for countless amount of time and meeting an absolute being who can erase his entire existence just buy stating it's name. Given with a chance to be reborn to a world of his liking and wishes that will help his journey . What would the soul wish and how would he live his new life? ------------ *This is my first time writing a fanfic so I'm still a newbie, I'm only writing for fun and had nothing to do. *English is not my first language and I'm not really good at it so there will be a lot of wrong grammar but you can inform me so I can correct my mistakes! *This is alternative universe. *I upload everytime I finish a chapter and may take days so uploading schedule is totally non existent. *Apart from the mc, the rest are all made by the hand of it's rightful owner.

Nekomancer_ · Tranh châm biếm
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7 Chs

Chapter 1 : A chance and wishes.

In the endless darkness a small light orb could be seen floating aimlessly in the void. The orb is a soul that has been wandering like that in an unknown amount of time because the soul escaped the process of cleansing the soul and be reincarnated . He escaped because he did not want his memory to be erased and choose to go in a different path.

He couldn't help but remember how shitty his life has been. In his last life he was quiet gifted but he squandered his talent to pursue his meager interests. A man that wasted his life and put aside his study to play games, watch anime and read manga and novels. A man that knew his biggest fault in life but was too lazy to change anything and died full of regrets .

The soul strongly believes in reincarnation to another world with his memory intact so when it was his time to be purified and be reincarnated in his last world he escaped to wandered and endured around the void.

At this moment a powerful ancient voice resounded in the boundless void.

[Interesting, tell me young soul, How long have you been wandering in the void? ]

The soul was shock and quickly look at where the heavy voice came from and see an unknown being infront of him. It was clouded with different color of lights in a human form but the face of the being cannot be seen though. The unknown being gave off the feeling of omnipotence, wisdom, proud, warm and somewhat loneliness. The soul couldn't recognize it's language but somehow he was able to understand it.

'W-who are you?! how long I have been here? ... I-i don't know how long but I think it's been quite a time now. 'The soul asked loudly in his mind because couldn't speak

[Me? I am the observer of everything, I watch the whole multiverse and spectate it silently . I watch the beginning of everything and observed how the universe were formed... in your world you call it bigbang, I continue observing in the darkness for counless amount of time . Numerous gods were born but they still did not come near my strength and some other gods doesn't even qualified to know me. As for my name you dont have to know my name because I can't say my name lightly or else your soul would be destroyed into nothingness and you can't comprehend it either way.]

The unknown being proudly said. The soul was speechless and amaze of how great and powerful the being before him and thought to himself 'wow I wish I can also do that and watch anime silently for eternity , but that kinda lonely isn't it'.

[Yes its so lonely to be at the peak of everything alone and I can read your thoughts poor soul who wasted his life and died full of regrets ]

'H-how did you know that?!' the soul was shock that the being infront of him know what his thoughts are

[Because I just read everything on your mind including your whole life and I know that you strongly believe in reincarnation to what you people call anime and will do anything for it even if you have to make a deal with a devil right? A soul who escaped or lost in their reincarnation process won't be able to go back in their reincarnation to accumulate their karma to ascend to what your past world called heaven as they were exposed with the void for too long. So I can give you a chance to reincarnate in a world of your liking]. The unknown being said.

'Is that true?! can I go to one piece, naruto, and dragon ball?! ' The soul excitedly exclaimed on his mind.

[Yes. Those world are quite amazing isn't it? A certain bald characters who can destroy their world just by his physical strength alone and a bald kid with blue and purple skin that can erase an entire universe as he wishes. Back to the topic there are others like you who escaped the process of reincarnation of your world but only few managed to survived in the void for a long period of time as they lost their mind in the process . I can give you 3 wish of course with restriction and you can also choose your world but you have to do one thing for me] the unknown being explained to The soul.

'What is it sir? I will do anything for it! I dont want to go back to that suffocating and boring world where money can control or decide your life and die just because of old age or an illness. '

[Just kiddin' kid I don't really need anything as I can have everything so just enjoy yourlife and live to your heart content so you won't regret anything again ] The unknown being kindly said.

'Thank you sir!!' The soul thanks truthfully as he was so happy and grateful at the same time that he can enjoy his life and do anything without caring about a stupid task or mission that will risk his soon to be new life.

[What are your wishes? ] asked the unknown being.

The soul think of what he would need in his new life and after a while of pondering he said.

'For my world I choose the world of One piece and please make it 2 years after Roger's execution and as for my first wish is to have a powerful/ immortal soul so I can remember everything including my past life'

[Hmmm? Are you sure about your wish? Your wish would be wasted if you ask for a powerful soul as your soul is already powerful to be able to survive in the void without losing your mind and you don't have to worry once you reincarnated in one piece as all your memories would still be intact!]

After the Supreme being said that, The soul began to think again. He remember an overpowered character in Demon Slayer and also his favorite character . The most powerful in the series but in one piece there is so many people who can counter his sun breathing like Akainu and Ace who is immune to fire and sun breathing is only effective to demons but there is no demon who is afraid of sun in one piece and he knew that fire user always does not have a good ending like Ace, Kyojiro Rengoku and Escanor. Also he love to stare at the moon in his past life and thankfully there is a breathing for moon and he would like to make his own version of it that would surpass the sun breathing.

'Then I wish to have all Yoriichi Tsugikuni talents including his transparent world and demonslayer mark that specializes in moon breathing but please remove all it's side effect even to the people who was influenced and resonates with my mark. '

[ohhh? I can grant that wish but you will be born as an infant as his demon slayer mark and the transparent world is born with him and was immune from the mark's side effects and you would only get your memories back when you turned 5 as I know you don't want to be breastfeed and act like an idiot right? anything else? ]

'My next wish is a body without limitation and for my last wish is to have the ability to travel different dimensions or worlds! '

[Hmm? You're quite interesting aren't you? Others always want to have a powerful eye that gave them strange abilities or a system that will help them fulfill their dreams but that also Limited their growth as they rely too much from their eyes or system while you choose talents and unlimited potentials instead huh? For your 2nd wish I can remove your body limitations and for your last wish I can grant that ability but where is the fun in that? So instead of giving you the ability, I would give you the permission that will allow you to travel different dimensions and worlds so that the dimension that you would visit will accept you and as for how you will do that, there's a lot of strange things and power in One Piece world, that depends on you of how you will achieve that. ]

The supreme being said and the soul can only nod his head in approval at the supreme being's word.

'May I ask if by removing my body limitations would I be able to eat as many devil fruits as I want as I do not have any limitation right? ' The soul ask curiously as he wanted to know if his body would be able to withstand different kinds of power without exploding.

[Ohh? That? I can answer your question but it's for me to know and for you to find out right? And also that won't be interesting if you know too much and you should be grateful that I choose not to erase your memory so you don't have to waste your limited wishes don't you think? Maybe you can eat a lot of devil fruit or maybe you would immediately explode just by eating two or three? It's all about gambling of opportunity and taking the risks, put your life as the bet to have the power you desire.]

The supreme being replied with playful tone while the soul was somewhat disappointed but still thankful that he would get another chance.

[Okay enough questions. You will now be reincarnated and remember don't tell anyone about this place, your last life and our conversation so I won't need to waste my time and power killing you ]

As soon as the supreme being said that, The soul immediately vanished from his spot.

The supreme being stare at the place where the soul was before he disappears and stated [ I hope you will enjoy yourlife and fulfill your dreams there...]