

So, you believe that Alex pretended to the end? This was weird.

"I think the guy isn't himself anymore." 

Bryan who had been restless, stopped pacing, and gazed in Stan's direction.

"What do you mean, Stan?"

"I mean, look at what happened earlier. What do you think the real Alex would have done?"

"He would probably ask for a fight and wouldn't care if we did business or not."

"Yea you are right. So this Jaden guy, you think he just looked like Alex?"

Bryan shook his head in disagreement. 

"I would know my enemy anywhere, and I can assure you that this guy in the guise of Don Riggs's son is no one else but Alex. I'm sure of it."

"But that's strange. You just said if it was Alex he wouldn't just stand still.

"Yes, he wouldn't just stand still. This is where the confusion sets in. I'm more than sure that there's something more than meets the eye."

He could tell that the guy was Alex, but where he was confused was the fact Alex acted as if he didn't know him all through the business transaction. 

It baffled him that when they were done, Alex left the room without taking a glance backwards. He was more than sure that something fishy was going on, and he would find out what that was, sooner than later. 

All of Alex's men and sister, even his wife believed that Alex had gone missing. 

So, if this person who he saw was Alex, then it was obvious that Alex wasn't missing at all. 

He had rather gone through a process of adoption. But if that was the case, why did he have to run away on his wedding day? 

That doesn't make any sense at all.

Bryan wished there was just someone he could tell. Just then, he remembered Rohan, he knew Rohan was the only one he could tell since he can't go over to Alex's wife to tell her that her husband was still alive. 

He contemplated on what to do. Soon after, he decided that he was rather going to investigate more about the case of Alex. He was sure that something was off somewhere and he was going to find out what exactly happened. 

In as much as he wanted to call Alex's behaviour pretence, he could see the realness of everything. Something was wrong with Alex, he was very sure about it. 

Bryan decided to assemble his team and asked them to do a thorough investigation about the new guy who posed as Don Riggs's son. 

It possibly can't be that Don Riggs had been planning to destroy what he had built. 

There are just so many confusing  things about Alex's  case. The Alex he knew wouldn't  let thing's go this way. He was a stubborn  man and never bowed  to anyone. 

Just then, Bryan called those whom he had sent to search for Rohan to give him the present report.

According to them, Rohan was still untraceable. They haven't seen her anywhere they could trace her. 

This was harder than he had thought.  

Rohan's case was what disturbed him more in all of this. How was he supposed to keep working at with a sane mind when she's nowhere to be found?

One thing is for sure, and that is the fact that he wouldn't stop looking for her.