
Ch.2 A Strange System

[[Status Screen]]

Name: Alexis Dueller

Strength 5

Reaction 6

Spirit 5

Intelligence 115

Luck 60

Attribute Points 0

WARNING!!! You are currently in a state of poisoned, all physical stats are reduced.

You have no Mage Core.


Skill Points 0

Game Character -rank S- – Unlike other people, you do not upgrade your stats and skills like others do, instead you upgrade via the Game Menu by allocating attribute points and skill points to your stats and skills. You also receive more information about status inflictions than others will.

Starting at this screen, there would also be a selection of options off to the side like selectable tabs, but most were a gray off color and had a question marks rather than any identity.


Current inventory slots – 10 – able to hold a max of five in each slot







Language – English, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Russian, Arabic, Native, Language Off

Pain Tolerance – WARNING!! increasing pain tolerance will decrease effects of training and benefits of combat.

Zero – Minimal – Reduced – Normal – Increased – Superior – Complete

Reset to default

"What the hell... Isn't this, strange?" Looking over this display and the menu options that I could select, I'd see that my inventory was small but... Out of curiosity I'd reach for one of the pillows and picked it up. Pressing it at the display with the inventory up the pillow would be pulled and suddenly disappear, then an icon showing the pillow would appear and tapping on it a description window would appear.

Pillow – Goose feather stuffed pillow, provides comfort to the head when sleeping and makes sleep more beneficial. Well Rested bonus +2 hours

Seeing that, I'd look at it with surprise before finally grabbing at the pillow icon and pulling. Immediately the pillow would appear in my hand as if it had always been there. Setting it down I'd sink into further contemplation. "Interesting, I wonder what Well Rested is? Ah well, I'll find out after I sleep but still, that inventory is useful. I wonder if I can upgrade it?" Pushing that aside for now, I'd look at the rest, including my stats.

Seeing how low my physical stats were, on top of that poisoned state, I couldn't help but to sigh. "Wonderful, this kid's body was poisoned, not sick... But who could have poisoned it? I'll have to keep an eye out and be prepared for danger. But this difference is quite large, my luck and intelligence are so much higher, but I don't particularly feel smarter or luckier than before... Hell, I even feel less lucky than before."

While talking to myself, I'd continue to go through, or at least would try, even checking the options only to curse. "What the hell kind of options are these?" Shaking my head, I'd grumble a bit quietly before finally closing the menu. Sitting on the edge of the bed, I'd raise a hand, clenching it into a fist and squeezing tightly. After only a second though I'd release and drop my arm, noticing that I was weak.

"But, why was I able to move so much before? Wait, there wasn't a stamina stat so maybe... As a game character I have infinite stamina?" coming to that line of thinking, I'd soon grin and began to laugh quite happily. "Oh that would be just perfect! I can run for miles without stopping, just that my speed will be slow." It would take me a minute to calm down but once I did, I'd bring the Menu back up again, checking my stats one more time.

"Still, these low stats and the other two... I think this poisoned state must be very serious, but first I'd need to find out what the standard of measurement is. It could be that I'm unnaturally lucky and intelligent, or luck could be near the average... But if intelligence is..." As I reached that line of thought, a shiver would run down my spine, "Even babies could kill me..."

While wallowing in the despair of how low my stats could possibly be, the door to the room slowly creaked open and a plain looking young lady wearing a maid's uniform who's top was too tight for her large chest came in. She carried in her hands a tray that included a kettle of still steaming tea and a single decorative tea cup. Along with that would be a small plate of snack biscuits. Smelling the tea and biscuits, the thoughts of despair would fade away and I'd soon walk forward as she came to set it on the table that was near the wall.

Speaking of the room, it was rather dim, thus requiring the candles that were set up in the room to light it up well. Moving toward that table, I'd climb up onto one of the chairs, looking at the woman a bit lewdly as I stared at her chest for a moment. Though upon seeing her blushing cheeks from my lewd gaze, I'd reluctantly pull my eyes away and sighed.

While reaching out to take a biscuit, my hand would freeze and I'd look at her curiously before finally tapping the air just before I grabbed the biscuit, disguising my action. Unfortunately nothing showed up this time. Blinking a moment, I'd frown and start to think, unfortunately with the girl there, how was I supposed to think?! Quietly grumbling I'd still try and finally would come across a thought, thinking that I'd like to open the Menu.

Voila, like a genie coming out of it's bottle that menu appeared! But nothing on her, not yet at least. Still, I was able to figure something out; this stupid game menu was opened not with action but with thought. Thankfully that made things easier, but now... How do I find out if I can see another person's stats?

While wondering that, I'd munch on the biscuit and stared at her, though after swallowing the biscuit I'd reach for the cup, only to find it empty. Setting down the biscuit I'd grab for the kettle but... But... The hell, is it made out of solid lead? Grumbling now, I'd get up to stand on the chair, pulling on the kettle and groaning in annoyance. All the while, that little maid girl would watch on and even giggle! The nerve of some people, giggling when an individual is trying to do a task!!

Annoyed and humiliated now, I'd let go of the kettle's handle and dropped down onto the seat with a groan before looking at her. "A cup of tea, please." I'd then sit there, arms crossed and doing all my best to look important... I think I did very well, that blasted grin on her face not withstanding. Even after she poured me the cup, she would walk around and hold it out to me, afraid I wouldn't be able to pick it up. Well I showed her! Even if my arms trembled as I took a slow sip of the tea, I still managed to set that heavy ass cup onto the table and even looked proud doing it!

But somehow, her laughter does not make me feel like I did a great and commendable task... Sigh, whatever, let's focus on getting her stats to show up! It's thought controlled, so rather than tapping the air, I focused on her and would think to scan her for information. Which worked! Though it popped it up in a pretty small menu just above her head. Even staring up at it, I couldn't make anything out, until I'd think for it to come closer, which it did! Thus was her stats revealed and I'd actually exclaim, "Son of a bitch!"