
A Single Miracle

Young Shu is in trouble, he stole this book, it was an important book. But what can he do?! He's been put down by the man more times in his life than he can count, it's time to get back at them! But what happens when a reaper comes down to specifically stop him from taking this book. Why is a REAPER after him?! It's just a book! And he's just a regular dude!

MagE · Kỳ huyễn
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3 Chs

Chapter I

Chapter 1 – A Boy and a Book

The clanging of metal resonates in the air as the boy runs towards the exit of the dimly lit factory.

"... Huff ... Huff..."

Suddenly a large and thin man appears in front of the boy.

The man sighs.

"It's pointless, boy, just put the book down and I'll make your death a painless one."

The boy takes a quick jump backward, while steeling his grip on the book.

"Hahaha, what? You think I'll just lay down and just quietly die?


Are you fucking stupid?"

The thin man became visibly angered, but quickly cooled himself down.

He reached into the front pocket of his white coat, rustling his hand around for a few seconds, before taking out a knife and a marble that looked as if it contained a universe.

He shifted the marble into his right hand and held the knife in his left.

"Now, choose."


"Right or Left"

"Are you stupid? I'm not fucking choosing."

Shu knew it didn't matter what hand he chose, he'd been through a million hopeless situations just like this. This one was a bit different though, because he knew, he was no match for this towering man. He never stopped staring at the man with disdain though.

The thin man let out a defeated sigh, then grinned from ear to ear, showcasing his jagged teeth.

"So, you've chosen the third option..."

Suddenly, a quiet envelops the factory, before the boy notices his legs are straining a bit.

The boy lets out a snicker.

"That it? A knife, a marble and you can increase the atmospheres in here by what? 2-fold?"

He bluffed. Sweat was beginning to drip down his face onto the ground.

The boy notices his legs are straining a bit harder, it seems the weight of the atmosphere is ever increasing.

The thin man lets out a maniacal laugh, before a shroud of darkness envelops him.

The boy is so stunned by this he cannot help but stare.

Just as quickly as it started, the darkness evaporates.

The white coat of the thin man is now vantablack in color, with steel chrome accents, he holds a giant grim reaper like scythe. But most ominously, his jagged smile remains unchanged.

"I gave you a chance for a painless death, Shu, when I become like this, I can't help myself ...


A shiver ran down Shu's spine.

"Before you start your ... uh ... process, I get how you would kill me with the knife but what about the marble?"


The reaper let out a chuckle.

"I'm about to spend the weekend slowly tearing you apart, and you're worried about a marble?"

"It's just gonna poke at my mind, cmon."


The reaper grinned from ear to ear.

The thin reaper took out the marble, except now it was completely blackened.

He tossed the marble to Shu, who quickly caught it and began staring at it.

Shu instantly became entranced by the darkness of the marble, he drops the book and falls to his knees, continuously staring at the marble.

"What do you see in the marble?"

Shu stared deeper into the darkness.

"I don't really ... see..."

The reaper smiled.

Just as he said those words a small dot of light appeared in the middle of the darkest black Shu had ever seen.


The reapers smile went away.

The rusted chains on the reapers scythe clattered on each other, as the small dot of light begins to expand, and unbeknownst to Shu, shielding him from the gravity spell of the reaper.

The reaper let out a forced laughter, before pausing and starting to walk towards the entranced young man.

Shu noticed this, but was not worried about his life, only worried about the light in this marble. For some reason this was now the most important thing to him in the world. He must protect this light at any cost, even at the cost of his own life.

9 seconds before he gets here ... 8 seconds before he gets here ... 7 seconds before he gets here ... 6 seconds before he gets here ... 5 seconds before he gets here ... 4 seconds before he gets here ...

Suddenly Shu, as a last-ditch effort to save this light, pops the marble into his mouth. 3 seconds before he gets here ...


2 seconds before he gets here...

1 second before he gets here...

"Goodbye, unlucky fool."

The reaper says solemnly, before swinging his massive scythe towards Shu's neck. Just as the tip of his scythe is about to connect, Shu is shielded by an unknown force and the Reaper is blasted hundreds of feet away from the force of the clash.

Stunned, Shu remembers the book, he places his hand on it and it begins glowing a space-grey color. Having completely forgotten about the marble, he picks up the book and runs for his life.


Hundreds of feet away, in a battered form, having crashed into a forest, destroying about half of it, the reaper grins from ear to ear, letting out a stifled laughter.

Which soon turns into a harder laugh, before turning into the maniacal laughter of a patient who's been stuck in the mental hospital for 50 years.

He immediately stops.


"Fucking dumb-ass...

It would've been easier for you if you just chose death, now you gotta find out just how badly you fucked up. Mr. Candidate."

Chapter 1 - End