
A Single Miracle

Young Shu is in trouble, he stole this book, it was an important book. But what can he do?! He's been put down by the man more times in his life than he can count, it's time to get back at them! But what happens when a reaper comes down to specifically stop him from taking this book. Why is a REAPER after him?! It's just a book! And he's just a regular dude!

MagE · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter II

Chapter 2 – The Light Within

The boy kept running, running and running until he could not run anymore. He collapsed onto the ground of a grassy hillside, finally beginning to feel a little bit of safety. Able to catch his breath.

"Huff … Huff … Huff…"

Shu stared up towards the sky, it was a bright, slightly cloudy day with the most pleasant breeze.


How the fuck am I alive right now..."

He spent about 10 minutes lying there, trying his best to regenerate his energy to make the trip back home.

Then, Shu sat up and put his face in his hands, contemplating his life choices up till now.


Shu's body shook in rhythm with the BADUM.


What was that..."

Shu instantly knew something was off. He looked around, thinking maybe the feeling was coming from somewhere else.


This time Shu lost control of his body, as if his body were seizing and he just could not control his muscles anymore.


His body began shaking uncontrollably, from the outside perspective it would have looked as if Shu were seizing. But, Shu, was completely aware of his shaking, was completely aware of his body not listening to him. Brrrrrrr, the shaking continues, brrrrrrrrrrr, the shaking will not stop.

Suddenly, one thought came into Shu's mind.

'The marble'



Black. Shu now finds himself floating through an extremely black void. But how did he get here? Wasn't he just on the most peaceful hill in history? It was such a nice day too.

Shu does not dare attempt to move a muscle, besides, there is no difference between him opening his eyes and closing his eyes anyways, it's all black. He is probably just dreaming, just go back to sleep.

Shu let out a half smile, before saying in a half-asleep stupor:

"If I sleep in my dreams …

That's double sleep!!"

His voice echoed throughout the endless dark void, but Shu paid no attention to it, as he already fell asleep?! What?!

A few minutes passed, when Shu's voice, whose echo was long gone, circled back around and flew right past Shu's asleep body.


Shu immediately opened his eyes, but he still could not see anything, he strained his eyes and ears trying to follow the rough trajectory of his echo. He kept staring into the dark expanse…




"What's that?"

Shu noticed a small speck of light in the darkness. Memories of the marble came flooding back, but he did not dare look away from the speck of light.

"I'll just wait for it to get bigger, maybe then I can see what this place is all about"

But the light did not get bigger. In fact, it just looked like the display of a single weak firefly, but it did not flicker even once.

A few minutes had passed, and Shu, never the patient one, began to get antsy.

"Why isn't it doing anything?!

Honestly, it looks like I could just grab it, it looks close enough"

Shu somehow made himself become upright in this weird space and began reaching out his hand. As his hand got closer and closer to the light, the space and time around it became more and more distorted. But this did not deter Shu at all, he kept going. Closer. Closer. Closer. Shu maneuvered his way to the point where he would be able to grab the dot of light with one more push.


The light immediately enveloped Shu, and next thing he knows he is within a shell made up of light. In the middle of the shell of light floats a single egg.

The egg had a dull white color to it but made up for it with a godly white glow. In the center of the eggs shell was an inscription:


Chapter 2 - End