

A heart broken Iris is desperate to have a boyfriend. She meets a guy in the most unromantic way possible. This guy leads her to other five guys all good enough for her. She however doesn't shoot her shot because she is weird like that. A lock down brings them all under the same roof again and she was advised to put the boys to test to know whom to date.

Vani_ira26 · Thành thị
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11 Chs


I walk to the kitchen to get something to eat. I see Abhi and Kyle talking and laughing about something Abhi is showing Kyle on his tablet. So that is where he was . Abhi stops for a second and looks at me weirdly.

"Sageee! " Then he face palms.

Giving him an innocent look while pulling out a bottle of water from the fridge I shrug.

"You are unbelievable! " He says shaking his head but smiling.

"She is one of a kind I tell you. " Kyle says chuckling slightly.

"Thank you guys. " I say rolling my eyes.

I then walk up to them and I see they are laughing at memes. Abhi loves those. He even creates some. This one in particular is about some guy wearing a mask on his butt, he is bent down washing his hands. The caption says, ' when you gotta protect everywhere ' haha I laugh internally. No energy to do it practically.

He scrolls to another and another and another until we are deeply engrossed in the laughter, I know. I managed to laugh for two seconds. These things can be really funny you know. Then, 'ding dong ' goes the bell. Huh, didn't hear the gate.

"She's here " Abhi and Kyle say at the same time jumping off their stools almost knocking me down since I was standing behind them, my head between theirs and my arms around their broad shoulders .

They then run out of the kitchen Kyle pulling me along. We see the rest at the door standing there looking impatient as Mitch is struggling to hold his banner up and posing like a America Next Top Model .The thing is he sucks at that

and so he keeps changing poses telling the others to wait. A round of groans pass us by as the door  bell rings again.

"Impatient! " I deadpan.

Everyone looks at me. I roll my eyes. If I had the energy I would have added, ' hate her already ' then what? They would have kicked me out?

Moving on, Jace tsks and turns the door handle then opens to reveal a girl standing out there on the porch steps with her back towards us.

She is wearing a blue jacket which is oversized it reaches a few inches from her knees revealing a blue denim skirt which is slightly longer than the jacket. The jacket is a very shiny leather. Then she has on white sneakers. Her very black hair is straight and falls freely down to her mid back.

"Wow." Izzy says and I know she doesn't approve of the dressing code.

I'd know since I myself have had my fair share of the 'wows' . The girl takes some five seconds before turning around and boy do I want to curse so bad. Dang it! Shit! Hell no!

"No way! " Is what everyone says, well, apart from me of course and all turn to look at Izzy because hers was the hostile kind. She flips everyone off and just then Rita walks in surprising us all.

"Oh, Rita, didn't know you were coming too. " Says Mitch walking up to her and hugs her.

I know I saw it, no one would believe it but it is not like I would tell them anyway but I saw Iris's mouth twitch in disgust. The thing is, it was so fast I almost missed it. I smirked to myself. Pretty girl having mommy issues. The others were too busy hugging and talking to Rita they did not notice the impatience in Iris as she looked as though she wanted to bolt out of there.

Izzy was gushing over Rita's jewelry complementing her. Those two seriously should have been mother and daughter seeing as how they like the same things.

"Rita I didn't know you had a kid from how young and glamorous you always look like you are forever 21." Skai says kissing Rita's hand.

Yeah the St Laurent in him awake. I roll my eyes.

"Oh you know, " Rita starts gently patting her very stylish looking chignon, "I like to stay beautiful. "

"And you are doing a very good job at that. " Kyle says twirling her around.

Yeah, I had forgotten he was around for a second. I roll my eyes.

"You roll your eyes too much. " She says to me looking amused.

I look at the she and about to roll my eyes when I remember it's what she has just called me out for. So I just blink and stare. She chuckles then jogs past me getting into the house. That is when Mitch remembers his banner and follows her inside running and shouting at her to see it.

I want to roll my eyes like, when is he not! But think better of it. I look around and see everyone busy talking to Rita. I slowly back away and go back inside shrugging. I will have my turn when I will have my turn.

"Be nice. " I hear Abhi shout and I know it's directed to me.

"As if. " I mutter to self.

I walk to the living space and plop down on the couch like the lazy ass I am. I am all alone. Not complaining. I exhale a breath I didn't even know I was holding. That drained half my day's energy, if I could close my eyes for just a little while...

"I love it, it's so pink and full of glitter, I love it. " The she says excitedly suddenly amid panting.

I hear hers and Mitch's footsteps coming down the stairs. Why is the universe so unfair. As if Mitch and Izzy were not trouble enough with having lungs and not being afraid to use them. Ugh. Someone please shoot me and take me out of my misery.

"Oh hello Spooks. " The she is looking at me.

Looking around before facing her and giving her a dead look I mutter, "It's Sage "

She shrugs and says, "Same difference ."

"She says you are weird and dark and scary so she will call you Spooky. " Mitch explains with a smirk.

Oh happy Halloween then!