

A heart broken Iris is desperate to have a boyfriend. She meets a guy in the most unromantic way possible. This guy leads her to other five guys all good enough for her. She however doesn't shoot her shot because she is weird like that. A lock down brings them all under the same roof again and she was advised to put the boys to test to know whom to date.

Vani_ira26 · Urban
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11 Chs


"Whatever," I say darkly.

The she shudders and Mitch looks amused. Just then I hear the others walking in from behind me, Raj bickering with Izzy something about gravy being chewable or not. How they got there is another mystery to solve and I just don't have the energy you feel me? Yeah I wish I were in bed sleeping like right about now. But life just likes to torture me .

"Hello Sage, sweetie are you okay? "Rita asks concern written all over her face.

"Hello, I am okay." I reply unsure ,like why would she think I'm not okay!

"Oh, poor thing, " She pouts, yes pouts, " You are still wearing your pjs at this time, so I thought you didn't feel well or something. "

"Don't bother, she is wearing that all day. " Izzy pipes in.


"Good thing you are there to help her, my daughter would fall right into this one's web, " Rita says eyeing Iris sternly who crosses her arms over her chest ," No offense Sage but you could really use some little dress up sweetie. " She finishes offering me a small smile.

I just look at her like I didn't understand what she just said. I don't mean to be rude but seriously you don't get into a fashion argument with her or Izzy.

"So, I have these 2020 release movies which I am dying to go watch, do you care to join me, milady " Jace asks Iris taking her hand and kissing it.

I heard Rita scoff, I know I did but she covered it up by clearing her throat .Something is seriously wrong with this pair. But hey it's non of my business, right?

"You are too kind, Jace, of course I will watch the movie with you. " Iris says offering him a small smile.

Grabbing her wrist and pulling her to him, Kyle says, "Well, you look like you would enjoy a little reading, why don't you join my book club. We'll have lots of fun. "

"Or she could first watch the slideshow I made her. " Abhi offers shoving his tablet into Iris's hands.

She watches it with changing facial expressions. At some point I almost see tears in her eyes and she coos. I roll my eyes at how girly girl she is acting. My part she raises her eyes to give me a pointed look. I was very plain!

Then she hugs Abhi and he holds her longer than necessary. Why am I not surprised. And then Skai pulls her to himself, so close. Very St Laurent like no surprise there too. See the St Laurent bloodline have a reputation with female kind and I would tell you another day... If I am in the mood... That is...

Right now there would have been a round of wolf whistles from the guys but let's just say right now they are all glaring at Skai. Including Raj. Yes Raj. Okay I'm not sure. He could be glaring at Iris or Skai or both or just the world who knows. The guy was born to be in a bad mood.

"It is really nice to see you again Iris. I hope you like ice cream. I am good with sundaes. "Skai says sending her his signature charming smile.

"It's been a long day, without you my friend and I'll tell you all about it when I see you again... " Iris sings.

In a beautiful voice might I add. Wow. Don't tell her I am awe struck right now but I so am. And apparently that is everyone in the room. Excluding you know who. Speaking of whom...

"Now children if you don't mind, " She looks around as if asking for attention. Children! "I need you to stay home and stay safe. We don't want to lose anyone. We the parents will be staying at the Khans' so you know what house to call in the event of anything. I will be taking my leave now ." She looks around giving each one of us smiles until her eyes land on her daughter and the smile drops, then, "And you, behave. " With that she cat walks to the door and with one last wave she is gone.

Everyone turns to Iris with questioning looks who is still clung to Skai and his fingers a few inches from her ass. Yap, he'll never change.

" I love ice cream ," The she squeals.

Why is she so loud!

"Then let's go. " Skai says excitedly dragging her to the kitchen.

"No I don't think so. "Raj says rather pissed, jumping in front of them.

"Dude what is your problem? Move. " Skai says annoyed.

"Just keep your little friend. " Glares at the she, " Away from my stuff. "

"Um... Raj if you are talking about the brownies we already kinda ate them. " Mitch says in a scared voice standing up from the couch obviously ready to run.

"You what! " Raj shouts.

Uh oh !

"Oh, come on Raj, he said you made them for me, that was so sweet of you. You know I really... " The she says reaching for Raj to hug him I guess but is cut off.

Moving away so she misses him, "You keep your claws to yourself. I made those brownies for myself not your kind. " Raj says hotly glaring at the she who looks like boiling lava.

She slowly and daringly walk up to Raj and plasters herself all over him.

"I already ate the damn brownies so stop acting like I killed your cat or something, there's only two ways you can get them back and I'm not sure you would want them then .I can always shit them or puke them up for you if that's what will make you happy and stop bitching around. " She finishes her eyes narrowed at him.


"Jesus, I never said I wanted them back... " Raj starts before is cut off.

"That's what I thought! "She says rudely before backing away from Raj and turns sharply to Skai a thin line between her eyebrows, "Don't we have ice cream to eat? " Iris says with a still pissed voice.

"Yes, of course we do. " Skai says unsure eyeing her suspiciously like she could pounce on him any second.

Well I won't be surprised. From how hard she bumps Raj's shoulder as she makes her way to the kitchen, someone please remind me not to cross paths with her. To say Raj is shocked is an understatement.

I want to laugh at him so hard right now it's just I don't have the energy you see. Everyone else bursts out laughing at him. Skai bumps his shoulder lightly as he follows the she into the kitchen.

"Damn, Raj got his match. "Izzy says evilly.

"Not exactly, he just got dethroned. " Mitch adds excitedly but rubs his hands evilly.

"This day keeps getting better and better I say. " Jace says throwing his hands in the air and shakes his hips.


"I can't wait to see her destroy you. "Abhi says pointing at Raj still laughing.

Raj tsks and mutters something to himself which no one heard because of the distance.

"I can't wait to see her destroy Izzy. "Kyle says with a blank stare directed to the said girl.

"Well, fuck you! " Izzy says pissed.

Kyle doesn't look affected by her dirty looks as their stare down continues. It's gonna be a long day.

"So I'll just be in the kitchen checking on my favorite girl. "Mitch says slowly retreating to the said destination.

"Yeah, this is getting awkward I'll be in my room. " Raj says before awkwardly exiting.

Abhi looks at me, "Sage darling do you care to see some more memes. I'm in the mood for a little laugh right now. "

"Thought you would never ask. " I reply too quickly getting up just as fast.

We leave the two. No longer looking at each other but you could tell they had things to say to each other. I'll just mention it is some nasty things. But it is not any of my business so I'll leave it at that.

And just like I predicted the day was long. I too tired. Just sleep. Gone now. See y...