
A Saiyan in the Multiverse

Dead tired. Literally. Our protagonist finds himself talking to God and ready to go into a different world of his choosing with some perks. Into the Naruto-verse as a Saiyan.

Kintaro1210 · Tranh châm biếm
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203 Chs

Chapter 187: Farewell

There was a heated discussion among the U.A. Staff. I really wondered though, All-For-one did a lot of research before he encountered anyone, especially All Might or anyone with the One-For-All quirk predecessors. So, what enabled him to come out himself if there was no certainty of victory? I guess he may have had some lingering feelings for his adopted son. I sat cross legged on my tail watching over All-For-One while the staff was arguing on what to do.

Sage: You know, if you guys need further input, you could ask the ranking heroes that are here.

I didn't care anymore on what they planned to do with All-For-One, so I planned the meal course I will take back home. I also thought out a training regimen for my children. I was tapped on the shoulder as they came into an agreement to ask the other heroes as well. I let them know telepathically and opened an entrance for them.

A few minutes later…

Endeavor: So this is All-For-One. I think we should fry him for good.

Miruko: Where would the fun be in that? Wake him up so I can take a crack at him.

Ryukyu: Don't be crass Miruko, he is not the type of villain that you can normally face alone.

Kamui: Why are we arguing about this? Just let the justice system handle it. That's why we have it in the first place.

Mt. Lady: To make this easier I'll just take him directly to jail.

Mt. Lady attempted to grab All-For-One but I slapped her giant hand away. I used a bit of Haoshoku no Haki on her so she can calm down. I would not put it past her to try and hog credit but to think she would be stupid enough to try and grab All-For-One as if he were a common criminal.

Endeavor: Foolish girl, acting as if you didn't watch the battle that went on earlier.

P. Nezu: Ok, putting Mt. Lady aside, we need to make a decision. Since Sage is here we have the opportunity to put All-For-One behind us, permanently. (To Sage) If we were to choose killing him, how would you do it?

Sage: Well, to make sure that he doesn't regenerate and there is no one for him to posses, I can throw him into the sun.

Endeavor: That is impossible.

Sage: (The Rock eyebrow) I can take you there if you want, you just have to figure out how to breathe.

Endeavor stepped back.

Aizawa: Since we have that covered, if we chose to imprison him, how will we keep him contained? Can we keep him contained? And if what Sage said is right, what's to stop All-For-One from just possessing someone and continuing where he left off?

Endeavor: True, if he possess someone else he can basically live on forever. Not to mention him growing in power for every quirk he takes. All Might, you've fought him the longest, what is your take on this?

All Might: I tried to make myself to be the symbol of peace, if taking away one life to save millions or even billions then I would gladly sacrifice myself, but ending a life…

Sage: You do realize killing All-For-One will be the same right? You are potentially saving millions if not billions of lives by killing him and ending his pursuit of your power for good. Isn't this the hypocritical shit a lot of heroes spout, (In an annoying and mocking tone using quotation hand gestures) "It's for the greater good".

Sirens could be heard approaching the stadium in the distance. Apparently, Mt. Lady and Kamui made the call for them, I guess my barrier can't block radio waves. Not much time was left so I hurried the discussion along.

Sage: Unless you are sure that you can kill him without me being here, then imprison him, if not then let him die. If you want, I can let you throw him, so that you can have some type of closure.

All Might: Okay, let's do it!

Sage: FINALLY! A firm decision.

I told All Might to hold on to my shoulder as I put him in a barrier suit to protect him from space. I teleported us close to the sun. I kept All-For-One on the outside of the barrier to keep him knocked out and handed him to All Might. All Might looked at him almost like a best friend. I was getting original anime images of Naruto and Sasuke fighting from watching him, which made me cringe.

Sage: Just throw the sack of shit already. Since I didn't want to get too close where the gravity of the sun will pull us, you might want to give him one last punch to launch him in.

I did that purposely. I could just thrown him myself but since All Might had connections to All-For-One, I thought he would have preferred to throw him himself, all I did was add the punch farewell.

All Might: For all the lives you have taken, ruined, will take and will ruin, I will end you here and now.

All Might released his full power and gritted his teeth. Just as All Might was powering up, All-For-One woke up. Maybe sensing the danger he was in, jolted his consciousness awake. He began flailing around his entire surroundings, but at this point All Might stopped hesitating.


The new punch landed on All-For-One's chest, the punch blasted him toward the sun and with some crushed pieces of him. All-For-One was trying to regenerate while still heading to the sun but it didn't help his situation. Most likely he heard what was going to happen to him but couldn't muster the strength until now. A few seconds later, All-For-One was eradicated for good. Just to make sure there were no fragments of him left I made a wide scale blast to push towards the sun.

All Might: Seems a little anticlimactic.

Sage: What did you expect, dying out together in a blaze of glory?

All Might: Something like that.

I took All Might back to Earth. The staff and ranked heroes gathered to hear the news. The police couldn't penetrate my barrier so they were stuck outside until I arrived. Mt. Lady and Kamui gave the full run down of what happened so all of us were questioned about the appearance of the most wanted criminal. Since everything was over with it is time for me to leave.

Next morning in the class A classroom and the faculty.

Sage: Thank you everyone. My time here may be short but hopefully you've learned something from me as I have learned something from you.

Kaminari: Is it the power of friendsh…

Sage: (Stopped him before he finished) FUCK NO!

The students started laughing.

All Might: It was quite an experience having you here Sage-sensei. If you get the chance, visit us again.

Sage: No problem.

I fist bumped All Might and said my farewells to the rest of the teachers. I addressed the students one more time.

Sage: Remember, if you are going to be heroes see it through as far as you can. We live, we learn, we love, we win, we fail, we grow and we die. We only live once, unless you have a quirk that can help you with that haha, so try not to live with regrets. There is no shame in asking for help, there is no shame in retreating and there is no shame in admitting defeat. Finally, since the most of you will become heroes and eventually go out into the world, make your decisions count, because an incorrect decision could lead to your or others death. Sometimes even not making a decision is a decision in itself. Train not only your bodies and minds, but also your hearts.

I snapped my fingers, opened a Yomotsu Hirasaka and disappeared.