

Dior_crimson · Tranh châm biếm
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4 Chs

chapter 02


M.C POV timeskip 2 years

It's been exactly two years and five months since I've been promoted out of middle school into high school and currently being 9 and getting promoted twice isn't doing my fellow classmates any good, I've been the cause of most of the self-proclaimed prodigies dropout not that it bothers me but I find it alleviating that they now recognize their alpha in intellect and brain power.

I've managed to fool the orphanage into getting me adopted by my clone didn't even take too long but still I now bear the name Henry(family name) Seribro(Cerebro) (actual name) and since then things have been going extremely smoothly for me I managed to procure a house and warehouse just off the coast of star and central city while also establishing CEREBRO CORP as an alternate source of income while also planning on killing my so called 'foster father' in a plane explosion in order to inherit his property after I graduate no mistakes here.


It's been approximately five months since my 'fathers' death and the transfer of his property and assets to me, I decided to speed up my graduation, as they say money answers all things I've been scheduled to take an arranged college exams to get my PhDs and masters certificates by my fourteenth birthday I have no time for other child's play, I'm currently making my way to my recently acquired warehouse where my creations birth would take root.


3rd person pov from here on out

The mechanical beeping of the warehouse security system greets his ears as he swipes his key card across the panel and open the doors to be greeted by a vast amount of glass vats meant for housing clones or people in stasis and massive amounts of metal and steel materials laying across the ground. "Well, time to get started with project Shadow, Sonic, scourge, and Ashura" he says with as much enthusiasm he could muster before duplicating himself into thirty copies ten for each project then heads to his work table to start crafting with the pieces of metal around him "the metal series would take less time than the S.S.S.A projects, as they are made to assist, rescue, train, defeat or destroy the S.S.S.A projects if and when the need arises so they need to be made with the most sturdy and impervious material I know and must be able to take down superman level threats so a thick layer liquid of vibranium, adamantium, nth metal and kryptonite as a coating shouldn't be too much for safety measures" he muses as he creates five more duplicates, four to create said materials and the last one to deal with the programming and circuitry 'but first I need to test how well my creations will fair against the actual threats in this world' he thinks before turning to an unfinished project he once thought was obsolete "I guess you still have your worth war-machine" he says before moving towards the disabled android.


It was another bright beautiful morning in the city of metropolis filled with the sounds of people conversing, moving or just going about their daily routines like every other day, and in the midst of the sea of unknown faces are two men walking side by side, one wearing black horn-rimmed glasses that rest on his straight nose, in front of his blue eyes, a loose fitting suit that hides his natural physique and a dark blue fedora that rests above his lightly gelled back hair while his male red-headed friend is clothed in a sea green turtleneck and blue jeans that lightly hugs his slim body and a pair of magenta sneakers adorning his feet. "I'm telling you Clark your articles about superman are always fun to read it's almost like you're writing it through his eyes I can't wait for your next article relating to the man of steel." the red head said with enthusiasm making the now identified Clark's face turn into a wry smile "I just happen to be in the right place at the right time to get the best out of every story" the now identified Clark says with a wry smile as they continued their way towards a fairly tall skyscraper with a giant globe sitting on top of it with a ring made of letters around it that spelled out 'the daily bugle'.


The ground suddenly shook with a loud explosion a few blocks away followed by smoke rising to the sky due to the flames caused by the explosion "sorry jimmy but I got to head to the safe room, for situations like these, it's every man for themselves" Clark said before sprinting into the office building while jimmy still stared at the flames with wide eyes while also picking up his pace before a shadowy figure walked out of the flames revealing its black armored body that seemed to pull all light towards it, its armored face displaying the most stoic expression mentally imaginable but that wasn't the scary part about this being. The scariest part about this thing was probably the shoulder mounted Gatling gun that seemed to be armed with numerous kryptonite bullets or maybe it was the fact that its joints, it's armored covered face, and the supposed core/reactor in its chest was glowing with an ominous blood red like an unhinged flame ready to burn everything in its path "WHERE IS SUPERMAN!?" the armored titan bellowed with an electronic monotone voice before its core came to life with a hum before blasting a few cars and buildings with high concentration of red sun beams causing them to either blow up or explode. This went on for a few more times before the machine was knocked off its feet by a car that was flung towards it "urgh" it grunted in surprise as it flew a few feet back before rising back up to face the shadow of a man facing him(war machine) while blocking the sun from his optical receptors

"you're a long way from Belle Reve metallo" the shadow said revealing ....