

The people have spoken. Miranda shall stay, well, until I decide otherwise. Which won't be anytime soon… probably… I don't know. Also go back to the previous chapter, I updated his move set.


We walked North by the guidance of Miranda. We were able to keep a good walking speed, despite my low speed stat. Luckily this only really applies to how fast my limbs can move, and not how fast I can move. Being tall has it's perks… and it's downsides.

Vergil - "Bah! These branches are getting annoying!"

Miranda - "Well if you had slowed down on your eatin, maybe you wouldn't be such a big bastard. Kekekekekekeke."

It was good that we were back to the usual banter. It's too bad Beatrice wasn't here with us. Bastard author.

[dear god, not you too]

Speaking of food…

Vergil - "That reminds me, I'm hungry. I'm going to go get me some food."

Miranda - "Awright, just don't be gone for too long, we got plenty more ground to cover."

We agree to reconvene at this spot once our hunting is done. Luckily I don't have to hunt for Miranda. She consumes the fear of living things, so she normally can go for a long time without food. Diana leaves my shoulder and goes to hunt for her own food this time around. I stride across the forest floor as silent as my big, heavy feet can carry me. Diana and I don't say a word, it could scare away any possible meal. Luckily the wind is blowing against us, so nothing would catch our scent in advance. Unfortunately, neither I or Diana was blessed with a keen sense of smell as some Pokémon. I do catch something in my somewhat nonexistent nostrils. The scent of a human.

I was about to go another direction until I heard what sounded like a battle. My curiosity got the better of me today. As I approached the battle, the sound began to get clearer and clearer.

??? - "Geodude! Use rock throw!"

??? - "Okay!"

As walk through, I stop next to a tree. I behold what looks like some scrawny kid with brown, spiked hair. His eyes appeared to be closed and he had sharp facial features for a human. He was wearing a grey and orange shirt with black sleeves. They also had green pants with hiker shoes.

Well who else could it be? It was Brock! He appeared to be training his geodude. Though this was weird, he looked more similar to his game counterpart, so maybe he's from the games? Or maybe the manga. I was beginning to walk away from this whole debacle when my accursed height caused me to hit a low hanging branch. Brock turned towards my directions and attempted to look for me.

Brock - "I know you're there. Why don't you come on out so we can have a chat?"

He was giving a smile but I knew better than to trust the kid. I began to once again walk away. As I turned I beheld an old man that looked similar to Brock. His hair was greying, he had on a yellow tank top, green pants, a belt, and blue shoes. His eyes, like his son, appeared closed shut. Once he saw me though, his eyes went so wide though you could actually see them. It was Brock's father, Flint. Now I'm confused. Flint is an anime character, not a game character. I guess this is based off of the anime?

Flint - "What the hell are you?!"

I tried giving him a light warning by growling. That seemed to achieve the opposite effect, as he began reached for one of his pokeballs.

Flint - "Brock, run!"

Brock - "Dad? What's goin-"

Flint - "I said run, boy!"

He seems to have taken his father's advice as I hear the pokeballs signature return sound and him running off.

Flint - "Alright you big bastard, let's see how tough you are!"

He says as he rips off his shirt and throws his pokeball. He doesn't have a ton of muscle for a human, but what he does have is fairly sculpted. The pokeball opens up and what appears next is a 6' 3" golem. Fairly tall for a golem, but not nearly as big as me. As the golem appears, it opens it's eyes to look at me. It looks back to Flint with a conflicted look.

Golem - "Do I REALLY have to fight this thing?"

As if understanding pokespeech, Flint replied.

Flint - "Oh quit being a baby, besides, we don't have to beat it. We just need to give Brock enough time to bring a Jenny."

Vergil - 'Jenny? As in officer Jenny? Oh hell naw.'

Vergil - "I do not seek combat with you, however, if you force my hand I will retaliate."

Golem - "Listen, I don't want to either, but if the old man says so, I got to."

Vergil - "Then you better hope he makes a wise decision."

Flint - "Golem! Defense curl!"

At this I use psyche up. I see the golem curl up and then briefly glow in a blue light. I soon glow as well, afterwards, and I feel my skin tighten and toughen.

Flint - "Rollout and repeat!"

I use hypnosis in an attempt to stop him. It slows him down, but he isn't out for the count. I begin to use agility and when he's on me, I dodge him at the last second. I then begin to use bulk up. I can see my muscles grow and ripple through my skin. Flint seems alarmed at this and orders.

Flint - "Quickly! Stop yourself and use earthquake!"

It takes a bit but golem eventually stops himself and uses earthquake. This, unfortunately, stops me from setting up my stat boosts.

Vergil - "Fine, let's end this, now."

I say in my deep, guttural voice. I immediately use bullet punch and I can see as golem flies into a tree. I already know Flint is gonna pull out another Pokémon, so I use what is essentially a flick with one of my tendrils against his side. He is sent flying against a tree and at that, I haul ass. Luckily my speed boost from agility is still in affect and I quickly find some food. I was lucky enough to find a wild lickitung, even though they're not supposed to be in veridian forest. I kill it and quickly head back to our meeting spot. Diana has what appears to be 2 caterpie, one in each talon. Meanwhile, Miranda is just chilling under a tree. Diana and I begin our feast and I start talking to Miranda.

———————1 hour later———————

I tell her the story of what had happened, and suggested that we are nearing the closest town.

Miranda - "Hmmm. A spike haired man you say? Oh I used to know someone like that a long time ago. Probably ol' Flint. I don't POSSIBLY know why he attacked you though."

She says, while ending off with a sarcastic remark.

Vergil - "How do you know all of this stuff?"

Miranda - "Bah! That's a story from a long time ago, that I don't intend to tell anytime soon."

Vergil - "Well whatever. I know I'm not the most beautiful thing to look at, but the way he conveyed it was so rude."

I said jokingly. At that we all laughed and continued to cover ground.

———————-POV Flint———————

It hurts… so much. I didn't know that Pokémon… no… that thing could be so powerful. I knew I should've been more careful. I look over to my golem to see that he went through three trees before being lodged in a fourth one. Luckily his shell is tough. I made sure of that. A minute later my son, Brock, came back with an officer. Brock, he was a bright kid. He was highly talented with Pokémon. That's why I wanted him to take the reigns. Though, he said he was interested in being a "Pokémon breeder" as he calls it. Whatever the hell that is. He sees me on the ground and runs to me, while the officer Jenny checks up on my golem.

Brock - "Dad, dad! Are you alright?!"

I can see the worry in his eyes. Although I don't agree with his dream, he's a good kid, no, he's my son. Although I would support him, I try to steer him towards taking up my gym.

Flint - "I'll be fine son, I just need some first aid and I'll be fine."

That was a lie. My spine feels like hell, and I know I have some broken ribs too. But I won't let him worry over me like that. Not when he has his sisters to worry about. Maybe I should've been smarter in my decision. But the in the heat of the moment, I just couldn't stop myself. Now Brock must one day carry the weight of taking care of his little sisters.

Brock - "What was it? The thing that did this to you?"

I pause before I speak. Should I tell him? He's not the type to get revenge, but he is the type to hold a grudge.

Flint - "I don't know, I can't quite remember."

Brock - "Oh no! Did you hit your head?"

Flint - "Maybe, I don't know, my head does hurt a little."

The officer Jenny comes back and says.

Jenny - "I'm no medical professional, but your golem looks like it isn't too injured. He'll probably make it, luckily, golem shells are super tough."

Brock - "But of course. And thank you so much, I'm so blessed to be in the care of such a pretty lady such as yourself."

Brock says while kneeling and holding officer Jenny's hand. Officer Jenny just looks at him funny, and awkwardly backing her hand away. My son and I don't have much in common, but it's a good thing he got SOMETHING from my side.

To be continued… maybe…