
A Pokémon with Demon Blood [Dropped]

Don’t bother reading this garbage, tried rewriting it but gave up and I just don’t feel like it.

AzureFluteFan2 · Video Games
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19 Chs

They Call me the Wanderer

We arrived at Pewter city and then just went around that shit. Yeah there's no way we're showing ourselves. We trained a little on route 4. At the moment I'm trying to learn minimize. The caves in Mt. Moon are pretty tight, I gotta be able to fit through there. So Miranda was trying her best to teach me. It sucks because she doesn't know the move, so it's a little difficult to learn from scratch. That is, until I got a new idea. I remember that the clefairy line learns minimize.

Vergil - "Hey Aunt Mira, maybe one of the residents of Mt. Moon can teach me."

Miranda - "Eureka! Of course, it all makes sense now!"

Vergil - "What does?"

I say, acting dumb.

Miranda - "You, my boy, have reminded me of a very important fact. Clefairy know minimize. Keeahahahahahahahaha!"

She says, all the while laughing like a witch. She darts towards Mt. Moon as fast as she can fly. Diana and I just wait there for a few minutes. She returns with a floating clefairy en tow. The clefairy falls to the ground and gets back to it's feet. It looks up at me and begins to shake.

Clefairy - "U-u-um… he-hello sir, umm. Please d-don't eat m-me."

Poor thing. I decide to take pity on him, Miranda probably didn't tell them anything before dragging them here. Also, yeah, it's a dude.

Vergil - "Do not worry, little one, I do not intend to harm you."

He goes from a full on shake, to a slight shiver.

Clefairy - "Well, erm, what do you want from me?"

Vergil - "Well, we need to pass through Mt. Moon, and I need to learn the move minimize. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated."

Clefairy - "Well sir, not many Pokémon can learn minimize."

Vergil - "There is no need to refer to me as sir, but you need not worry, if I can learn it, then good, if not, then too bad. Either way, it doesn't hurt to try."

Clefairy - "Oh, okay then. What is your name by the way? My name is Fae."

Vergil - "That is a very nice name, my name is Vergil."

Fae - "Well, it's nice to meet you Vergil."

He says with a big smile on his face.

Vergil - "Ah, I forgot to introduce you to the rest. The one who brought you here is Miranda."

Miranda - "Heyooo!"

Vergil - "And the pidgeotto is Diana."

Diana - "Hey."

Fae - "Well, it's very nice to meet you as well."

Vergil - "Now, about that move."

Fae - "Ah! Yes. Let's begin."

And so Fae and I trained in using minimize, while Diana and Miranda were training together.

——————-3 days later——————-

Okay, wow, that took a lot longer than expected. The principle behind minimize was to basically compact yourself. That's why Pokémon who know this move can't just minimize until they're only hitable by aoe attacks. So minimizing something of my height is… difficult to say the least. I managed to learn it, but I was only able to minimize myself to a height of 7' 9" minimum. Damn my height! I love it, but still! Today's the day we're going through mount moon. Before we entered, I made sure to minimize myself. I ended up having to crouch down quite a bit. We encountered a bunch of zubat, mainly because I kept accidentally hitting them. We were walking until Fae decided to speak up.

Fae - "Listen, it's not that I don't like you guys, but we're going to have to split up from here."

Vergil - "Very well. May I ask as to why?"

Fae - "Oh, it's no problem at all Vergil. Today is a sacred day, in which we activate the moonstone, and evolve into clefable. We do it on the same day every 4 years. It's also the day in which we reproduce and create more offspring. The cycle repeats itself until something stops it. Would you like to see it?"

Vergil - "The evolution? Yes. The reproduction? No."

Fae - "Wonderful day! Although I would have to agree with you on the second part. Now! Let's go. I used to live here, it's pretty easy once you know the way."

We walked on until we got into a big open space with a unique looking rock in the center, currently surrounded by clefairy, cleffa, and 5 clefable. Once we enter, they all turn towards us.

Clefable 1 - "Where were you?! We were worried about you! Are you hurt? Who are these people you brought with you?"

Fae - "Guys, this is my mother, her name is Navi."

[Yes, I named her after that annoying bug, fuck off.]

Navi - "Oh? Are these perhaps some friends of yours?"

Fae - "Yeah! The big one is Vergil, the bird is Diana, and the scary one is Miranda."

Miranda/Diana - "Hello."

Navi - "And to you as well."

I was slightly confused though.

Vergil - "I'm surprised at how okay you are with me being so… unique."

Navi - "Well, we're more relaxed about things like this compared to most."

I look through the crowd agains to spot some shinies among them. They were a bit difficult to spot, mainly because the only real color difference is their horn.

Vergil - "I see, you have my gratitude then."

Navi - "Oh, it's no problem at all. Now! The ritual is about to begin, please stand back and enjoy the show."

After this Miranda, Diana, and I stood back and just watched. Afterwards, they all brought their right hand up, with their index finger pointing to the sky. They started singing and circling, what I assume to be the moon stone, in a pattern formation. After they finish their song and dance, small light sparkles ascended from the moon stone. Once the sparkles reached the ceiling, they began to descend onto the clefairy. Once they were touched by the light specks, they began to glow and evolve. All of this was magnificent, I watched as their bodies rapidly began to shift and morph. When the light began to dim, the clefairy were replaced with clefable.

Vergil - "Truly wonderful. I wonder what form of biological processes must they undergo for this to happen? Is it a rapid metamorphosis? Or is it something more supernatural?"

I began to mumble off. I was interrupted by a tap at my knee. I looked down to see a clefable looking at me with a strange look.

Fae - "Erm, buddy, I don't mean to interrupt, but it's over now."

Ah, I see, this is the first time I've ever done something like this. Dear God, am I becoming deku?

Vergil - "Ah, my apologies, I was just thinking about something. Now, my apologies for being rude, but who are you?"

Fae - "It's me, Fae, silly!"

Vergil - "Ah, you'll have to excuse me. It was a little difficult to recognize you."

Fae - "Oh, it's all fine. I don't blame you all too much."

Vergil - "Yes, yes. Now it is time for us to go."

Fae - "Yeah, I am afraid so. It seems we were not friends for very long."

We once again traversed the cave system, with Fae's guidance, until we made it to the other side. Luckily, all without incident.

Vergil - "Well, it's time for us to depart. Until we meet again, Fae."

Fae - "Goodbye, I do hope we meet again!"

We say as we wave to each other. Now it's time for us to continue on our journey.


Possible spoiler warning: I MIGHT make Fae a character that Vergil will revisit later. Maybe, just maybe.